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预览 Under the Dome - China's Smog dragondick 2015-3-10 21469 dragondick 2015-3-16 03:44
预览 228 國民黨(台灣)大屠殺 (1947.02.28)  ...23 tomsiu 2015-2-28 204563 tomsiu 2015-3-10 04:59
预览 Bit of history...USA wasn't that innocent... dadizhu 2015-3-5 62058 dragondick 2015-3-7 09:07
预览 大家點睇佔中呢單野呀? [挨千刀的死鬼]  ...2 goodstuff 2014-12-26 133293 grovegrove 2015-2-17 00:34
预览 CANADA'S GANG HOT SPOTS dragondick 2015-1-20 01919 dragondick 2015-1-20 04:22
预览 International Politics  ...23 dragondick 2014-12-27 214719 peps1crush 2015-1-9 11:50
预览 If World War One Was A Bar Fight Ben2009 2015-1-6 41997 peps1crush 2015-1-6 07:10
预览 OCT 10, 1911 [dragondick] goodstuff 2014-12-26 01689 goodstuff 2014-12-26 04:27
预览 美國和香港普選的比較 [tomsiu] goodstuff 2014-12-26 01369 goodstuff 2014-12-26 04:24
预览 中央[指導]香港的白皮書 [tomsiu] goodstuff 2014-12-26 01289 goodstuff 2014-12-26 04:22
预览 孙中山. Is he 民族英雄? [tomsiu] goodstuff 2014-12-26 11402 goodstuff 2014-12-26 04:21
预览 日本與鄰國島嶼之爭端中,美國政府醜陋的面孔 [dragondick] goodstuff 2014-12-26 51453 goodstuff 2014-12-26 04:17
预览 香港人2014 [tomsiu] goodstuff 2014-12-26 11260 goodstuff 2014-12-26 04:09
预览 The Rape of Nanking [dragondick] goodstuff 2014-12-26 21325 goodstuff 2014-12-26 03:37
预览 民主是良藥亦可是毒藥 [tomsiu] goodstuff 2014-12-26 21376 goodstuff 2014-12-26 03:35
预览 如果香港回到 1911 年? [tomsiu] goodstuff 2014-12-26 11358 goodstuff 2014-12-26 03:34
预览 乌克兰的文明冲突与国家分裂 [万年古佛] goodstuff 2014-12-26 01339 goodstuff 2014-12-26 03:26
预览 China seemly cornered [BayerischeM] goodstuff 2014-12-26 12025 goodstuff 2014-12-26 03:22
预览 Neil Armstrong Is Dead [dragondick] goodstuff 2014-12-26 01259 goodstuff 2014-12-26 02:47
预览 锵锵 马航飞机无端失联 [万年古佛] goodstuff 2014-12-26 31521 goodstuff 2014-12-26 02:45
预览 蔣家的媳婦們 [dragondick] goodstuff 2014-12-26 01255 goodstuff 2014-12-26 02:40
预览 中國新領袖.習近平 [dragondick] goodstuff 2014-12-26 21280 goodstuff 2014-12-26 02:39
预览 Dragondick's Collection - Economics & Politics  ...2345 goodstuff 2014-12-21 415984 goodstuff 2014-12-26 01:24
预览 Welcome in to "live study" of democracy: Ukraine [tomsiu] goodstuff 2014-12-25 21644 goodstuff 2014-12-25 23:51
预览 乾隆. the worst KING in recent Chinese history? [tomsiu] goodstuff 2014-12-25 01693 goodstuff 2014-12-25 22:10
预览 Our beloved mayor's punchlines [happypooning]  ...234 goodstuff 2014-12-25 304489 goodstuff 2014-12-25 21:00
预览 張學良 changed Chinese history? [tomsiu] goodstuff 2014-12-25 51669 goodstuff 2014-12-25 20:50
预览 蒋中正. 军佬. Not anything but 军佬 [tomsiu] goodstuff 2014-12-25 41939 goodstuff 2014-12-25 20:48
预览 海外侨胞能否享受回国探亲免签证的待遇? [万年古佛] goodstuff 2014-12-25 11358 goodstuff 2014-12-25 20:40
预览 Unit 731 [dragondick] goodstuff 2014-12-25 11500 goodstuff 2014-12-25 20:27
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