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发表于 2024-4-12 17:28:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Location: VIP电影院附近老炮楼

F: 都是真照白色针织衫那张最接近真人,小瓜子脸,厚嘴唇,鼻子有微调好看其他无整容痕迹,无风尘感,甜美小网红款,around 25-26.

B: 166-167,皮肤白滑,真胸B-C软粉嫩,纤瘦体态,臀有肉站着翘可抓,小腹平坦,下面剃光阴唇大薄片可爱粉嫩,无纹身.

S/A: 房间里还氤氲着Jamila的香气, 门开的一瞬间仿佛又回到了那个情人节的午后,一米阳光撒下暮然回首,定睛一看烛光下摇曳的那张脸庞已经属于Gingle妹妹了. 一开口轻声慢调标准台湾腔, 女孩说是南方人有福建血统, 进门就要亲亲抱抱举高高, 要我解她吊带说里面痒, 主动型敏感型粘人女友, 公主抱着去洗澡,妹子说我帮你洗了你也要帮我洗哦, 然后教我洗澡流程, 完事按照妹子教学帮她臀推了一番擦干上床, 舔下面出水进入状态了上套mission做任务, 下面紧妹子水越做越多我也水越做越多汗滴到妹子嘴里全舔了lol, 做了一阵说要来了双腿举在我屁股上箍住我抓住我脖子顶我, 换了几个体位还是喜欢传教士能看见那张精致脸孔, 最后丝袜干湿了, 头发干湿了, 我屁股被妹子拍的啪啪响, 妹子说一会还得吹头发, 我没管她抱紧她两人一起沉入湖底欣赏月圆了. 其他正常GFE(LFK后DFK+BBBJ熟练无齿感+BLS+SF2+WF).

总结: 有台湾腔 主动粘人可甜可咸 敏感易高潮体质 小蝴蝶B

R: yes


Ask any questions below!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-13 09:03:59 | 显示全部楼层
Sorry my mandarin is mediocre (I am CBC) so I'll ask parts of this in English.

First, thank you for writing this report.

1. 她更容易叫骂?还是呻吟? [Is she more of a screamer or moaner?]

2. 我没有用过D4U, 我应该多早约?

3. 她的脚怎麽样?

谢谢,要是我能约到, 我也会报告

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-13 11:41:53 | 显示全部楼层
兄弟真的好文採. Jamila的香气也準備好. 我看看D4U真的細節做得很好.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-13 16:56:34 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2024-4-15 15:10:33 | 显示全部楼层
rando555 发表于 2024-4-13 09:03
Sorry my mandarin is mediocre (I am CBC) so I'll ask parts of this in English.

First, thank you for ...

Thanks wolf bro for commenting. Since you mentioned you are CBC so I will write in English

I would say most of the time she is a moaner and a good one, which flirts you and makes you wanna climax, at her happy point she would also scream of course, accompanying with ass spanking and other body gestures lol

I don’t know if they’ve changed the rules or not now, while my first time at D shop was phoning only as that’s the only way they accept new customers I believe, and book in advance not available

Feet are pinky and soft to touch, smaller in size compared to other girls this height, with reddish nail polish

Hope it helps and ask any questions below

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-15 21:24:22 | 显示全部楼层
Norsemann 发表于 2024-4-15 15:10
Thanks wolf bro for commenting. Since you mentioned you are CBC so I will write in English

I woul ...

Really appreciate this brother who spend time to really answer others brothers questions. seems like she has pink nipple, pink kitty and pink feet. I already booked her. thanks for the great report.  

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