
楼主: FrankUnderwood

Momo @ Independent (4205)

 楼主| 发表于 2021-5-9 13:04:34 | 显示全部楼层
狗口中的象牙 发表于 2021-5-7 19:55
冷眼旁觀,這個是小頭控制了大頭的故事,何曾見過賣高價貨品的店舖會在租金低亷的地區開設。收$350/hr. 的 ...

Brother, it's easy to criticize someone sitting comfortably in your sofa with an extra large diet coke in one hand and a bag of chips on your lap. When I was younger I used to critique the NBA players for missing shots and messing up plays, similar to the way you are trying to criticize me.

The thing is brother, I am not a bench player or an spectator. I am a very active participant in the whoring community. I see an average of 2-4 NEW escorts per week, and have 2 sugar babies steady on the go. I have been around this game for more than 20 years now, nationally and internationally. My credentials speak for themselves, look at the volume of reviews I have written.

When I write a report, it is partly because I enjoy writing it and partly because I want to help guys like you, to be able to read and save themselves money. You can stay on the sofa, while I am out there on the field spending my money to help save your money. You can critique me all you want, but don't try to insinuate that I am a newbie. I choose to stay because that is part of my experience, I can afford to take those chances so that you don't have to.

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发表于 2021-5-9 20:01:59 | 显示全部楼层
浪里个浪2019 发表于 2021-5-8 15:31
完全同意,如果开门一看95%以上的转头就走,他们就不会这么嚣张了。就算是出门找乐,也不能小头控制大头 ...

我才不會花$350 在一個四、五十歲的女人身上。正如我所說,這樣殘舊的建築物中,是不會有好貨色的私做,我甚至不會上樓及按門鈴,如果收費不是如此高,或許會試試看一眼,不合意的便禮貌地說一聲,「對不起,你不是我想要的」,絕對不會有「自己約的炮,含淚也要打完」這回事。
我在論壇上,一向是用評論員身分發帖,發揮一下自己的意見,如果有回響,我通常不會直接對話,而大部分時間會置諸不理,免得引起連串爭議,吵鬧。如果有人說是用個人的bitter experience 幫助我省錢,我覺得我沒有需要這種幫忙,因為我是不會被小頭控制我,尋歡是為尋開心而不是尋後悔。


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发表于 2021-5-9 20:53:12 | 显示全部楼层
lately, lot of shops switch up girl without notice, bad for business, everyhwhere is landmine

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发表于 2021-5-9 21:06:34 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2021-5-17 21:12:17 | 显示全部楼层
This advertiser seems to be gone. I saw a new place advertising here in the same area so buyers beware.

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