* 版規要求包括此帖的所有回覆。
* Forum Rules includes all replies within this thread.
非常感謝本論壇上所有用戶一路以來的支持和鼓勵. 其實我們一直都不想立什麼版規之類的東西. 我們想讓大家有最大的自由度去分享資訊. 絕大部份的用戶和廣告商亦非常合作和自律, 為此我們非常感激. 不過也有少數會員及廣告商橫行無忌, 對我們的重復警告也完全無視, 迫使我們不得不立下一些規則.
First of all, on behalf on Sex747.com I would like to express our appreciation to you for supporting us. Our vision is to run a forum with as much freedom as possible for members to express their thoughts and opinions. We are thankful that most members are courteous and considerate individuals. However, there have been a few instances where members have posted anti-social / harmful / false information and that is why we are establish a few rules / guidelines to ensure more smooth operation.
(1) 不得粗言穢語及人身攻擊
每人都有自己的立場和意見. 如果雙方持有不同意見, 也不用爭論得面紅耳赤. 把自己的觀點說了就算, 其他讀者會自行分析判斷誰是誰非. 請不要將同一個論點重複又重複.
(1) No foul language and personal insults.
Please concentrate on the issue, not the person. Once you have made your point, please rest your case and let your fellow members judge forthemselves. Others are entitled to their opinions. Don't repeat the same point over and over again.
(2) 如要作出一些較嚴重性的指控, 尤其會傷害到別人的說話, 請考慮清楚, 並拿出證據. 否則被視為無中生有, 做謠生事, 甚至惡意陷害. 雖然我們大多數都不是律師, 但都是成年且有教育的人, 總要為自己的言行負責.
* 不知名的第三者消息來源 (例如 "我朋友跟我說" 或 "我在某網站看到") 並不成立為證據.
(2) Serious accusations must be back-up with proof / credible sources.
Anonymous 3rd party information (i.e. "my friend told me" or "I read somewhere") is not considered proof.
(3) 嚴禁: 寫手 (shills), 馬甲 (fake accounts), 假報告 (fake reviews).
廣告區以外不容許發放廣告性質的帖或回帖, 包括PM.
(3) Shills / fake accounts / fake reviews are not allowed.
Posts of promotional nature are not allowed except in designated advertising sections.
(4) 請勿灌水.
* 包括: 濫發 "謝謝分享", "PM我", 一堆表情符號, 沒意思的廢話, 以及離題的回復.
(4) Please do make meaningless posts or replies.
* This includes: massive amounts of "thank you for sharing", "PM me", emoticons, random/unrelated comments, and also hijacking a thread by replying with other topics.
(5) 標題必須明確地反映話題, 讓讀者點擊進去前已經能清楚裡面大概討論什麼. 清楚的標題對將來翻查大量舊帖搜查資料時很重要.
* 報告帖的標題必須以 "MM名@店名" 格式. 浮誇/刻意吸引眼球/有宣傳意識的報告標題都不容許.
(5) Titles of posts must clearly reflect the topic of the post.
A reader should know by reading only the title what the post is about before clicking into it.
Clear titles are important for future searching & referencing archives of large quantities of posts.
Review titles must use "MM-name@Agency-name" as format. Sensational titles or titles that sound promotional are not allowed.
(6) 如發帖詢問事情, 請在標題加上 "?".
(6) If a new post/thread is created to ask/seek information, please include a "?" at the end of the title.
(7) 任何報告, 信息, 或回復, 發一次就夠了. 沒人回復就代表大家都沒興趣或不想答. 不要重復地發, 或推自己的帖迫別人回應你.
* 同一位狼友, 不可以為同一位MM寫超過一份報告. 就算MM轉了店或換了名子, 還是同一位MM.
(7) Any reviews, comments, questions, or replies should only be posted once. If nobody answers, then nobody is interested. Don't repeatedly post the same thing or push your own post up to force someone to answer.
* Each member may not write more than one review for the same MM. Even if the MM changed names or agencies, she is still the same MM.
(8) 任何報告類的帖子, 如果沒有包括某些關建資料 (如MM名/店名/等等), 之後就不可以透露 (包括公開回帖或PM都不容許), 讀者也請不要問.
因為寫手會用這種心理戰術來吸引讀者, 觸發他們的好奇心, 同時又能假裝無辜(例如說: "我本來都不想透露, 只是大家都很想知, 所以滿足大家要求而已" )。
(8) If someone writes a review or post but doesn't give out the name and relevent info immediately, they are forbidden from giving it out later (whether in public or by PM), readers should not ask either.
The reason is that shills have been known to use this tactic for plausible deniability (as in "I wasn't shilling, I didn't want to give out the name, but they all requested it"), as well to bait/lure the reader by triggering their curiosity.
(9) 紅色字體和特大字體都給管理員專用.
(9) Red fonts and extra large size fonts are reserved for admin's exclusive use.
(10) 如果對本論壇的決定有什麼不滿, 可以跟版主反映. 聯絡方式在本網頁左上角. 公開發帖指罵本網卻不是解決問題的途徑.
(10) If you are unsatisfied with decisions made by the admin/moderator, you may privately reflect your concern to us. Our contact info is on the top-left corner of this website. Publicly raising a stink by opening a post and challenging the admin/moderator is not the proper method.
(11) 所有在 <生活资讯区> 以下的分區, 包括 <吹水閒聊> 及其他區, 都被定為正規話題區. 請不要在這些分區內討論或發問任何有關尋春/色情行業的事情.
(11) All sub-sections under <生活资讯区>, including <Casual Chat> and others, are designated as CLEAN sections. Please do not ask/discuss hunting/hobbying (or anything related to sex trade) within these sections.
(12) 在 "私做/媛交" 區內發帖或回帖前, 請清楚閱讀以下關於此區的特別版規.
http://sex747.com/bbs/forum.php? ... 1554&extra=page%3D1
(12) Before posting or reply post in the "私做/媛交" section, please read the following post for special rules pertaining to that section.
http://sex747.com/bbs/forum.php? ... 1554&extra=page%3D1
(13) 請勿給其他用戶發私信問資料或分享資料。有什麼要問或分享請在帖子裡問或分享。在帖子裡不該說的,也禁止偷偷在私信說。
(13) Do not send PM to other members to ask or give info. Anything that needs to be asked or said should be posted in threads publicly. If something cannot or should not be posted publicly, it is also forbidden to secretly send by PM.
(14) 請勿發任何自己的聯絡資料, 或要求別人的聯絡資料. 私信發或問聯絡資料也是違規。
(14) Do not post your contact info, nor request contact info of other's. Doing so via PM (private message) is likewise prohibited.
(15) 請勿離題。報告帖應專注討論原報告的小姐,不要發離題內容或問題(例如求推薦別的小姐)。對於一些關普偏市場狀況的題材(例如,市場價格上漲,或者對比韓妹和國妹,等)應發新帖討論。
- 如果某小姐的帖因其他題材而不斷被回復推到頁頂,這樣對其他報告帖不公平,也可能令有心人故意引入其他題材以便讓某些報告帖長期獲關注。
- 如果新主題很有討論價值,那麼它就應該有獨立帖子。否則,埋藏在報告帖內會令很多對原報告的小姐不感興趣的人錯過了。
(15) Do not post off-topic replies or questions. Review thread replies should focus on discussing the specific lady that is being reviewed (don't ask for recommendations of other ladies). Discussion into general market topics (for example, talking about J or K girls in general, or about price increase across the market) should be posted in a separate thread.Off topic conversation within review threads are discouraged due to 2 main reasons:
- It is unfair if certain review keeps getting bumped up due to interest in a different topic instead of the service provider that was originally reviewed. We also want to prevent people from deliberately using this tactic (introducing a separate topic of interest) to keep certain reviews active and at the top of the list.
- If the new topic is genuinely informative, it deserves its own thread. Otherwise, those who may be interested in the new topic and have something useful to share may miss out on the discussion if they weren't interested in the original review (and thus didn't open the review thread).
We understand that sometimes when discussing the review, some other topics may be touched on and mentioned. But if you want continue to discuss the new topic, then instead of continuing in the review thread, please open a new thread for that new topic instead.
歡迎你們加入747的狼群社區. 由於本人收到太多PM, 如果忘了回復你, 真的對不起.
對於新的哥們, 可能對尋歡抱著緊張的心情, 和很多不明之處想發問. 我們亦很歡迎這種 "學術性交流". 不恥下問是好的心態. 不過也請大家先花一點時間, 先看看其他人的帖. 不要什麼都不看就開口問別人. 一些稍有名氣但沒打廣告的場, 為方便大家, 我也把聯絡資料放在廣告區頂部.
Welcome to Sex747.com, due to the sheer amount of PMs I get, please excuse me if I neglected to reply your message.
We realize some of you maybe new to this hobby and have lots of questions. This is understandable, and we encourage you to seek opinions and ask questions. However, we have also made a tremendous effort to provide as much useful information as possible to assist members. We would appreciate if new memberswill make the effort to search the forum first before asking any questions (the answer may be there for you already). Most importantly:
(I) 不要發任何帖問 "有沒有人試過某某女孩". 我們不需要這種帖堵塞論壇的垃圾帖. 若沒有報告帖, 你可以選擇等報告, 或試另一個, 或為狼友們出分力, 自己去試完回來分享報告.
(I) Don't post "has anyone tried such&such MM" type questions. These are considered junk posts that clutter the forum. If you are interested in a certain MM, then please do a search for her reviews (they may not be in the first page, so please scroll through subsequent pages and look thru the titles of older posts). If there really are no reviews, then you can either, wait for her review to appear, or try another MM, or go try her out (TOFFT) and share a review with us afterwards.
(II) 女孩都轉得很快. 舊廣告上的MM極可能已經走了/沒做了, 所以無需問.
(II) There is no point in asking about old ads as they are likely expired, and the MM gone already.
(III) 凡 "求推薦" 或 "有沒有試過xxx" 類的問題,都不許發新帖。請自己先做資料搜集。如果認真搜尋了都沒有你想找的,那就在問題區內的專題帖(橙色標題那個)裡面以回覆發問。
(III) Do not open new threads to ask "any recommendations for" or "anyone tried xxx" type questions. Please search existing reviews instead. If you have done thorough research and still cannot find what you seek, then the only place where its allowed to ask for recommendations is the dedicated thread for such questions (orange-highlighted title) in the sub-section for questions.
(IV) 請勿發一些近期已經被問過的問題 (發帖前請先看一下近期的帖), 也請勿發一些太广泛或太模糊的問題. 起碼把范围收窄一點, 或先說一下你的見解.
那些什麼內容都沒有, 就只得一句 "有什麼好推荐" 的帖, 不單止懶, 也對其他人不尊重, 更浪費論壇空間.
(IV) Don't open a post to discuss or ask about a topic which has recently been discussed/asked (before posting please look at recent posts). Also please don't ask general / vague / open-ended questions, ask least narrow down the scope of the question, and give your own insight first to start the conversation. Posts which only contain a few words or a single sentence asking "what do you guys think of such and such" or "any recommedations for such and such" are not only lazy, but disrespectful, and a waste of space on the forum.
(V) 發帖前看清楚分區名. 不要隨便亂發在不適當的分區. 有關尋春的問題帖必須發在問題區(小區),不可發在任何地區的主區。
(V) Look at the section names before posting. Don't post in section where the topic doesn't belong. Inquiry/question threads related to hobbying should be posted in the sub-section designated for questions; don't post it in any region's main section.
(VI) 怎么增加积分(或升級)?
寫報告及回帖參與討論就能加分. 但嚴禁灌水和無聊沒意思的回復. 升級沒有捷徑, 我們是故意設定一些特權和優先給有貢獻的會員.
(VI) How to gain points (or level up)?
Share reviews and reply others' post and actively participate in dicussions. However, spamming and posting meaningless junk is forbidden. There is no short-cut to achieving senior status, we want to reward members who contribute often, and such privileges must be earned.
(VII) 在問其他東西前, 先看 "新手指南+行內術語" 帖, 裡面可能以經有你找的答案.
(VII) Before asking anything else. Please read the "Newbie Guide + Glossary" post. The answer to your questions may likely be in there already.
免責聲明: 本論壇跟所有廣告客戶的立場並無關連. Azn747的立場中立, 不能為廣告商的行為負上責任.