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发表于 2016-3-6 16:06:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
对于普通大众而言 电影创作多是一个遥不可及的概念。因为电影创作的起点和成本高  不像写字 以我手写我心 成本几乎等于零 每个有想法的人都可以写

如果你家穷 你或许可以通过自学了解莎士比亚 但你无论如何也不会懂得高端茶会沙龙和私人游泳池 游艇 私人直升机的情调  以及古董 名画的鉴赏
没有在上流社会熏陶过 你就不会懂得上流社会的ideology 他们的一件衣服都是上万 脖子上的项链你卖掉房子都买不起 烧钱像烧纸 赌博一下就输掉几百万
这不是一般人能够承受得起的   他们的气场你无论如何也学不来
没有钱  古董和名画长什么样你都不知道 如何谈鉴赏
当你还在“刻苦学习,胸怀大志“时  别人已经躺在私人豪宅后面的大花园的长椅上看着小天使喷着水 喝着午后红茶   
当你还在为一个平凡的岗位而匆忙笔试面试和千千万万的求职者竞争时 别人已经在华尔街当了高管多年 在商场上运筹帷幄  紧紧抓住了一次又一次的商机 收取了巨大的利润 正在考虑开下一家分公司 ,或者正在和别的企业的老板商业谈判
当你还在为占到地铁座位而沾沾自喜时 别人已经开上了兰博基尼
当你还在为商场降价而欣喜若狂 发疯的抢购时  别人就已经开始考虑如何收购另一家市值过亿的公司
当你还在吃着番茄炒蛋时 别人请来的法国名厨已经为他端上了9道高大上的courses
当你还在看着k pop 和 去车房“租车”时 而喜笑颜开时 别人已经不知道玩过了多少高级嫩模 已经有了自己的私人影院  看着你“知足常乐”
别人只会感到好笑 甚至为你感到悲哀

人与人之间经济上的差距往往是巨大的  而这表现差距最尖锐的地方往往在变化 和shifting
以前在美国 座机电话都是有钱人专有的 而随着电话的普及 成本降低 变成越来越普及
internet 最早是军方专用的 谁知道后面变成了草根大众们的聚集地
铝以前只有贵族才买得起 后来随着造价的降低 变成了廉价品
故宫紫禁城最早是皇帝的居住地 谁知现在成了廉价旅游胜地
电脑在尚未普及时 还是笨重的巨无霸 对草根而言还是一个传说 谁知现在成了家家户户的必需品
这些是在变化着的 而尚未变化着的 是钻石 黄金 地产  等等

曾经看过有的学生买一个廉价的摄影机 写一些自作忧伤 自作高深的剧本 自己以为自己是斯皮尔博客第二 然后拍成一个不伦不类 贻笑大方的小电影
我就忍不住发笑  仿佛他们对现在的商业化好莱坞电影不满 变成了拯救广大在商业化的苦海中沉浮的观众们的救世主似的
他们拍的东西 没有商业化的影子 但是太烂 没有足够的艺术张力和感染力
现在这个时代 还尚未普及电影创作  普通大众还尚未有能力跨过电影创作的经济上和意识形态上的双重高门槛  还仍然是门外汉
或许过个几十年  随着成本的降低 电影创作也会和写作一样 变成草根们的另一个玩物


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发表于 2016-3-7 06:14:29 | 显示全部楼层
Please You tube, internet, smart phone are doing the making, distribution of mostly real life episodes.

Big buget movie are mostly action (no art), sexy (may be art), drama (daily life incidents).  All no ART.

Someday movie will go the way of CD, cassette etc to museum.

Even poilitics is a new kind of movie or real life drama (Mr. Trump etc).  Sound bites.  

You tube clip can go VIRAL in no time.  Riots can be incited easily and therefore some are banned via Wechat, Twitter etc.
One can make friends (no mention of anything) easily via Wechat based in ANOTHER country.

Hollywood is bought up by China companies piece by piece.  Cinemas are owned by richest person in China.

PS.  Just saw the youngest pretty Captain on BTV,  she was breathing into an analyser before boarding the plane.   WONDER IF THEY DO IT HERE TO CHECK ALCOHOL FOR FILGHT PERSONNEL ??????

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-7 12:17:38 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-3-7 06:14
Please You tube, internet, smart phone are doing the making, distribution of mostly real life episod ...

Movies made by people who have not received formal movie training can never be successful
At least find a teacher to teach you. otherwize your movie work is nothing but a garbage

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-7 12:26:25 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-3-7 06:14
Please You tube, internet, smart phone are doing the making, distribution of mostly real life episod ...

You need fund, sponsor to create a successful movie(if not in the commercial sense, then in the artistic sense)
I have seen some students' work, bad, nothing more than garbage,
How can you create a good movie using a terrible video recorder.
let alone 灯光 特效 editing,剧本 etc。
even though you have a wonderful 剧本, you need to make efforts , spend money to live the story out by modern technology.
otherwize it is a novel instead of a movie.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-7 12:28:02 | 显示全部楼层
WILLIAMS 发表于 2016-3-7 12:17
Movies made by people who have not received formal movie training can never be successful
At le ...

even though you are a wonderful 编剧, can u
also be a good 导演?
No money, how can you 配音, 配乐  动作指导 技术指导 etc?

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-7 12:28:33 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-3-7 06:14
Please You tube, internet, smart phone are doing the making, distribution of mostly real life episod ...

those popular videos in youtube is NOt art
but hype,
hype is not art

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-8 03:57:06 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-3-7 06:14
Please You tube, internet, smart phone are doing the making, distribution of mostly real life episod ...

Btv do not know

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发表于 2016-3-8 04:11:48 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-13 20:10:11 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-3-7 06:14
Please You tube, internet, smart phone are doing the making, distribution of mostly real life episod ...

movie is important
since it digs out the inner meaning of our life, the touching experience of life, it makes you feel something higher beyond  your daily life.

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发表于 2016-3-13 21:26:09 | 显示全部楼层
See my movie list.

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