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Why do MM enter business and stay there ?

发表于 2015-12-11 08:51:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This is copied from 2012 one website.  I thought that was a good discussion for thoughts.

1.        對未來的顧慮:囡囡的生活完全是〝現在〞進行的。囡囡的工作很現實,囡囡只能抓住每一個〝現在〞,因此,囡囡的工作局限了囡囡永遠只能生活在〝現在〞。她沒有〝將來〞,她跟本無法想像〝將來〞,她甚至害怕〝將來〞!只要她繼續留在囡囡的行業裏,她就可活在〝現在〞而不用去考慮〝將來〞。但一旦從良,她就必須面對〝將來〞!〝將來〞是什麽?她心底裡就是一點頭緒也沒有!對於常人而言,將來尚且是個難題,更不要說是對只會用下半身思考的囡囡了!

2.        對工作的顧慮:囡囡的工作是單純而又簡單的,就是做愛,做愛是無師自通的。囡囡的工作是性趣和激情;囡囡的工作是低成本的,本錢就是自己的身體。囡囡的工作是穩定的,只要身體允許,只要願意付出,隨時隨地都可以交易,而且旱澇保收;囡囡的收入是可觀的,如果把囡囡比作一個蓄水池,她是多孔進水單孔放水的“八寶池”,有著形形色色嫖客的經濟補給,只有自己個人的花費。囡囡的收入也是可以合理避稅。要是從良,那就下崗。除了做愛,還會什麽?下一份工作是什麽?什麽時候才能重新上崗?這一系列的問題,不能不說是一個困擾!

3.        保障上的顧慮:單從物質上來說,囡囡的物質生活絕大多數是豐厚的。囡囡的工作收入與付出是成正比的,真正體現了〝一分耕耘,一分收獲!〞〝多勞多得,少勞少得!〞的公平合理的分配原則。正如前面所說的,她的收入還是多渠道的,任何一個嫖客都是她的經濟泉源。而且有些嫖客出手時非常闊綽。如果自己的服務好,客人滿意,還可能獲得意外的驚喜,甚至是艷遇!搞上一個邦兄那樣的大老闆那可就賺了!要是從良了,這一切也就沒了,下一份工作可否能保證這樣的收益?誰也不知道!在中國大陸,沒文化的,每月就是賺那一千五百元,那及得當囡囡每月數萬乃至十數萬的收入?

4.        對貧病的顧慮:囡囡是性病的高發高危人群,因為囡囡服務的對象是嫖客,而嫖客是多樣性的,三教九流都有,在和形形色色嫖客的做愛中,很容易就會染上性病;即使是專司與固定客戶的囡囡,雖然嫖客本人是比較固定了,但是嫖客嫖過的女人卻是多樣的,嫖客也很容易從其他的女人那裏染上性病,然後再傳給她,因此,很多囡囡都染上了性病。為了治病,囡囡就得拼命工作,就更加不能離開這份工作!同時,也不是每一個囡囡的家庭背景都是富有的,有些囡囡的家一貧如洗,囡囡的收入就是自己的收入,自己的收入就是家裏的收入!要是自己從良了,那一個家庭怎麽辦? 明知囡囡不可為,卻也只有淚眼望蒼天說一聲〝無奈〞!

5.        思想上的顧慮:囡囡就是囡囡,哪怕只當一天,只做一次!不論是在別人的眼裏還是在自己的心中。從良了,別人會重新看她嗎?社會能接納她嗎?自己心中的陰影真能抹去嗎?要是社會和他人都能重新看待自己,可是自己呢?要知道人最難戰勝的就是自己!永遠帶著一顆負疚心生活是一件很痛苦的事。心靈的煎熬可否承受?

6.        對男人的顧慮:這裏的男人有兩種:一種是你當囡囡時,因為你的姿色、你的風情、你的性感、你的豐滿、你的性愛技巧……令他癡迷,心醉,為之神魂顛倒!從性福和衝動的角度上來說,他很喜歡你,甚至是〝愛上〞你!再加上每天都有那麽多找你的嫖客刺激著他的神經,因此他很在乎你,甚至要娶你! 但一旦你從良了,一下只失去眾多嫖客的烘托,在他的眼中,你還是一朵性感的鮮花嗎?要是他時時想起每天都有那麽多的男人進入你的身體,他還會那麽珍惜你嗎?難說,一切都是很懸的事!另一種是你不當囡囡從良時,很想找一個老實的好男人一起過日子。難道老實的好男人就允許自己的女人是囡囡?不想不要緊,一想囡囡就害怕了,最後心涼了!算了,還從良嗎?

7.        對自己的顧慮:過慣了囡囡燈紅酒綠、醉生夢死的日子;習慣了日進萬金、千金喪盡的生活;過慣了性福、受寵和熱鬧的日子;習慣了下半身思維的方式。從良後,真能適應循規蹈矩的生活嗎?真能忍受寂寞?真能適應一個男人?真能說服自己的欲望?真能管住自己的身子?要知道「性」和毒品是沒兩樣的事,「性」甚至是比毒品更令人上癮和中毒!離開風塵,在紅塵中囡囡能否經受得住?

8.        對社會的顧慮:囡囡並不是生活在真空裏,而是生活在一個非常復雜的社會邊緣裏。雖然很多女人都不想從妓,但是身陷在一定的社會關系裏卻欲罷不能!因為很多囡囡從業都要尋求一定背景及社會關系的保護,很多囡囡都受到一定社會關系的掌控或控制。不是身陷沉重的債務,就是人身的威脅,或是毒品的折磨!有時生活就是這麽無奈,從良容易嗎?

概括:從良並不是妓女自己的事!要讓妓女從良,必須社會、家庭、自身三者結合,要從思想、身心與道德倫理多角度多管齊下,齊抓共管,方有成效!人隨年齡改變, 從良的機率亦會增加...原因大概如下:

1. 年紀大了,也是說身體本錢沒了, 混不下去
2. 年紀大了,心態亦改變,從花花世界到尋求安穩的環境
3. 年紀大了,從物質追求到精神改變的可能
4. 年紀大了,賺錢難了,遇到有可能從良的機會也只能冒險



你們可能認為,一個有財力實力的男人包養了一個囡囡,收為〝二奶〞(又稱〝小三〞),不用她繼績在歡場工作,那不是已幫助她從良了嗎?   答案是〝不〞!   首先,這個男人對囡囡沒有付出「真愛」,因為他不能為囡囡犧性一切(例如離婚以至能正正式式取囡囡為合法妻子、犧性事業、社會地位及其他一切,去做一個全職丈夫跟囡囡一起生活),囡囡仍是囡囡,這個男人衹是幫助她升級等級 ,當了一個高級一點的妓女而已!

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发表于 2015-12-15 21:30:45 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing this! I agree with most points and some points are mindopening.
Even though not too many ppl were interested to read this thread, but after reading it in entirety, I feel this is a must read for anyone that is 'sinking boat' or contemplating 'wrapping' MM for any extended length of time
This article may wake you up and save you a lot of money and hassle !

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-16 01:22:41 | 显示全部楼层
Like in gone with the wind.
Tomorrow is another day ....Scarlet ohara

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-16 01:26:16 | 显示全部楼层
Intention to post is not to save your money,  but to explain delimma of MM mental state, and kind of SAD.

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发表于 2015-12-17 09:31:16 | 显示全部楼层
short answer


why they enter

too easy

why they stay

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发表于 2015-12-17 09:34:15 | 显示全部楼层
that's the easiest job on earth where u spread ur legs, and make $300 to 2k a day, simple as that, some mms even get pleasure out of it.. some mms used to tell me, i should be paying u.. whether they truly mean it or not, i think its fair to say there is still some truth in it,

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发表于 2015-12-20 16:04:14 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2015-12-16 01:26
Intention to post is not to save your money,  but to explain delimma of MM mental state, and kind of ...

When you see how the MM gamble in the casino, piles of $100 chips bet on 'Banker' or 'Player' in Baccarat VIP room, you will probably get your answer. Over the years, I saw a couple of private MP/SP quit their business and left Toronto, not for good but escaped from loan sharks. Those still stay, because they have not loan shark debt but not earned/saved enough to retire. You may, in one day, be served by a MM who is receiving Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement from Government

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-20 16:38:06 | 显示全部楼层
fuckme 发表于 2015-12-20 16:04
When you see how the MM gamble in the casino, piles of $100 chips bet on 'Banker' or 'Player' in B ...

Sir, I think you may be right.  Gambling, Drug, Expensive clothing,purse,shoes,iphone will need a lot of money to live on.  Gambling has no limit.
Luckily I am the one gambles on stock market, but no interest whatsoever in Casino, except to get some walking exercise.
Do you think MM get more joy out of gambling than sex in bed ???  Do not mean quickie John's.

But if MM do not have those bad habits, they will still stay due to stigma associated with being in business even a short time.  Cannot find a way to make comparable amount of money.

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发表于 2015-12-21 13:37:33 | 显示全部楼层
fuckme 发表于 2015-12-20 16:04
When you see how the MM gamble in the casino, piles of $100 chips bet on 'Banker' or 'Player' in B ...

This is SOOO True.

Every single one of my chinese mm is a degenerate baccarat gambler and known at all the legit and underground toronto casinos (they dont know their job).

One even lost 1MM in casino if you can believe that. They also gamble heavily on stock market too.

But to be honest I have not seen the same gambling issue with korean mm but could be wrong.

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发表于 2015-12-21 14:29:47 | 显示全部楼层
888888 发表于 2015-12-21 13:37
This is SOOO True.

Every single one of my chinese mm is a degenerate baccarat gambler and known a ...

It is pity that most Johns only see the happy faces of mm when the latter are given cash after the service, that misleads the Johns to believe they are happy with their shitty job. On the other hand, I have no sympathy to those mm who are gamble addicted.
Some private mm told me, when business was poor in slow season, they went to casino with the hope to win a little amount to cover the daily expenses of her set up.......... we all know what the outcome would be.

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