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发表于 2015-11-24 22:00:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
最早是从李安名导 的电影听说 色戒 的   这部电影有它的大众化卖点 即为大尺度的床戏 满足了大众化的“快餐式“消费 ----性和暴力永远是大片必不可少的因素
绝非文学作品想要表现的”目的“和”核心“  透过床戏我们可以看到肉搏这个具体动作所隐藏和影射出的更为unsettling的内涵 和 symbolic value
米兰 昆德拉的《不能承受的生命之轻》写性的部分也不少 但性反而是促使这部作品成功的因素之一。
记得有个电影学院的导演系的学生毕业作品 中穿插了不少床戏 结果被导师打回---看到这个作品很多人的反应都是性出现在作品中是不被社会所接受的,但在我看来 这并不是他作品被驳回的真正原因。相反 我认为真正原因可能是他作品中的性描写没能揭示出能为主题服务的更深刻的东西,symbolic 的框架没有搭建成功。  

这部电影的基调极为沉重  想要表现的主题不是很明确  在我看来 有多个主题: 爱的产生和毁灭,女人的感情用事 原则性差,对自身命运的反抗以及妥协,动乱时代人命的脆弱和矛盾冲突的尖锐。不惜自我牺牲以追求”理想/愿望” 以及 最后理想的破灭。这部作品归根结底是一个悲剧。
看完这部作品, 首先我感到的是刻骨的沉闷和压抑 和被推到极端的现实残酷性
之后再三思考 我的内心又有新的东西在碰撞 在交织
正如电影中的背影音乐一样 女主角王佳芝的命运是一个巨大的悲剧。
她人生悲剧的最根本原因是她有一颗容易动情的心-----这种特质在动乱时代是不允许的  可是她偏偏生在了乱世 于是时代和她的心性的结合就使得她爱上了她万万不能爱上的,以杀掉他为最终目的 敌人易先生,构成了她人生的悲剧所在。

她原本只是一个普通的女学生,但由于命运的捉弄和曲折,她历经了作为一个女人所能经历的极限 : 先是在公寓里和一位她的男同学发生性关系 积累性经验---为了之后用肉体勾引易先生时不被发现她的真实身份, 被包装 假扮为有姿色的“姨太”     几番辗转终于成功勾引到易先生 ,成为易先生的地下情妇 肉体被易先生从蹂躏到 交欢  最后却在易先生送她戒指时一时动心放走了当时身陷埋伏的他  然后又被他无情的杀害
自从她为接近易先生做准备时她的生命就已经像一束点燃的烟花 即将被发射到夜空 一瞬间释放出自己所有的光和热 然后消失在无垠的黑暗中
如果当时她没有接受任务 那么她一辈子可能就在平平淡淡中度过,短暂但极端的生命和平淡庸常的生命 如果让她重新选择一次 她会怎么选择?

她生在一个动乱的时代,阴差阳错被选中用她的身体当易先生的诱饵 以成功刺杀他 当时她接受这个任务不是全由她自身决定, 仿佛这个任务是道德,民族使命感的体现,


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发表于 2015-11-26 10:02:10 | 显示全部楼层
Bro W,
Cannot believe how talented you are.  Great in both Chinese and English and finance guy.  How about investing your time to track down the ISIS money flow or just find a nice GF to settle down.  Your thoughts?

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发表于 2015-11-26 10:14:39 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-26 19:41:15 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2015-11-26 10:02
Bro W,
Cannot believe how talented you are.  Great in both Chinese and English and finance guy.  How ...

about 'Finance' , it is still on progress, not finished yet. ha..which  means i do not have the ability to track down the ISIS money flow yet..
Regarding GF, I want to have a nice one, but you know it is hard to find a good one.
When i was in China, i had some experience but the result was not optimistic.
Now i am in Toronto, less chance for me to find a good Asian woman, since they are more realistic here than in China?
In a word, I want to have a nice GF, but I just cannot find out one. So i have to lend some 'fake' GFs from garages, which is not something i would like to do if I already have a good GF, but i have no other choices. It is the reality.

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发表于 2015-11-27 09:04:53 | 显示全部楼层
WILLIAMS 发表于 2015-11-26 19:41
about 'Finance' , it is still on progress, not finished yet. ha..which  means i do not have the ab ...

Are you going for CFA or CPA, vs  B. Comm or BA?
When you spent all the time on hunting, you really expect to have time for the other items.  God is fair, everyone gets only 24 hrs / day,  Even Gates and Buffet.

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发表于 2015-11-28 23:49:54 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2015-11-26 10:02
Bro W,
Cannot believe how talented you are.  Great in both Chinese and English and finance guy.  How ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-11 21:28:20 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2015-11-26 10:02
Bro W,
Cannot believe how talented you are.  Great in both Chinese and English and finance guy.  How ...

Sorry i am not good in english, only chinese english  AND did not reply your reply in a timely fashion.
As i said
i almost gave up my finance study, because i all of a sudden felt a sense of void meaningless of doing these. and laziness is also the reason.
A nice GF is luxury for me , so do not mention, no meaning.

Just found a lot of past your comments has been not replied in time.
hope i replying now is OK.

this "drunk" post is not analytic ,but purely emotional,
so the analytical framework is not set  up , actually this essay has not been finished yet.
it is not plagiarism, i wrote this originally when listening to the movie theme music
Music gave me inspiration and motivation to write. without music i cannot write anything.
So you see it is why some writers rely on music to give them writing inspirations
(not including me, because i am not a professional writer, but a loser )

This unfinished essay is of lower quality than most commentary you can find in movie magazines .
Sorry, what is wrote is not professional, but too casual
not met the publication standard.
I need improvement and more study to horn me skill .

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-11 21:29:58 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2015-11-26 10:02
Bro W,
Cannot believe how talented you are.  Great in both Chinese and English and finance guy.  How ...

Thanks to the film study i learned before,
thank my teacher who taught me how to attempt to analyze a movie.
Although i am still unprofessional, my tutor's teaching and effort on me was still appreciated.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-11 21:33:12 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2015-11-26 10:02
Bro W,
Cannot believe how talented you are.  Great in both Chinese and English and finance guy.  How ...

what i wrote is more like feminism writing here,
no good, a man should not write in a womanly way,
actually if i handed in this analysis to prof, i would get a F, failure mark.
So please treat this as entertainment, instead of professional academic work

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-3-11 21:36:58 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2015-11-27 09:04
Are you going for CFA or CPA, vs  B. Comm or BA?
When you spent all the time on hunting, you reall ...

I would be a loser until i finish my film study PHD thesis and oral debate.
Movie is my love. hello movie, goodbye girls

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