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发表于 2015-11-18 21:26:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
最近看贴发现Moonwaiting的Mona似乎很火,去看了一下照片,感觉完全是自己的菜(短发控),希望不要相差太大。刚好昨天下午约零时取消,刚好又能book到Mona于是就去了,book了45分钟。老样子,每次进门到MM第一次出现在面前的那一刻就像赌博似的,紧张不已。看到真人总算松了口气,虽然图是有ps但是还在可接受的范围中。进门跟她寒暄了几句英语(又一个让我在口语上找到自信的人),虽然Mona不会像别的模式化的牵手拥抱,但其实也不是态度冰冷,反而感觉她是有点羞涩。先脱鞋然后跟着她进了房间。马上第一眼就见到了右边在地上排了一排的丝袜,第一次见这样的像摆地摊似的让人选(可惜一眼扫过,没有白色)。我脱完衣服后,Mona开始脱衣服,哈哈果然和报告一样,D cup好大,身材有点肉肉的,但也没有明显的赘肉。当时就有冲动想上去摸一把,但是发觉自己的手很冰,心想还是一会热水暖暖手再说吧。Sf2,Mona在帮我洗JJ的时候,在她的手碰到的一瞬间有点触电的感觉马上就勃起了。我忍不住手就顺势朝她的胸部袭去,Mona瞬间身子一抖打了个寒战,马上把喷头对准了我的手,糟糕刚才想用热水暖手的忘了。回到卧室后,Mona问我想要她穿哪一种丝袜。唉,其实没白的,我感觉其它的颜色都差不多,选择困难症发作。于是我让Mona来选。没想到Mona选了跳粉色的中统袜(当时想巧了,她怎么知道相比连裤袜我更喜欢这种,不过要是高筒袜就更好了)。开始她先让我趴下然后漫游,天,弄得我好痒,差点笑出来。背面完后翻过正面,kiss了几下就开始bbj了。不过bbj好像也没有感觉有其它报告中说的那么神,或许是我要求太高?3-5分钟后她问我想不想要(之前我都会顺着MM的意思答是),但是这次我决定让她躺下我来service,等她湿了再进入。过了一会觉得她有点high也湿了,就带上套准备进入。结果她还是在抹了少量ky在门口。唉,小弟还是不懂女人,把握不好分寸。但是没办法了,这次对待Mona我打算用慢节奏传教士体位开始,担心时间会不够所现在应该得开始了。我自己觉得我的尺寸应该是中等吧,但是如其它报告所说,Mona确实会用大腿夹紧来阻止深插,但是我比较有耐心,每当几次浅插后就会试探性的深插,然后她一阻挡我就会退回来不会用力强行突破。几轮后我发现每阻挡几次后她会放我进去一次而且频率越来越高,看来我成功了,好有意思(这种感觉有点像恋爱,一点一点的攻略,很有成就感)。看着她很high的样子,我真不想停止,可是刚才那样“攻略”了好久真心累,于是我让Mona上来。意料之中,Mona的body很适合骑乘位,臀部有弹性不是那种特别肉特别软的,但也丝毫没有被骨头顶到的感觉。最几个月刚出来hunting到现在,发现MM在骑乘位时多都是都是蹲着做活塞运动的,可是Mona不同,没蹲几个就跪坐下来活塞,每下都是深插。渐渐的Mona速度越来越快,动作的幅度也越来越大,为了保持平衡Mona双手死死的撑在我的胸口上。几轮攻势下其实我几乎到边缘了,可是Mona似乎也是累坏了,停下来,喘着粗气。唉,真心想就这样交枪了,可是还差一点,不过看她喘成这样不忍心,于是跟她说还我上来。最后Mona侧躺我跪坐(我也不知道这叫什么体位),然后1分钟左右我就射了。擦擦汗歇了会儿,于是就去洗澡了,后面这次洗澡Mona好像有点敷衍有点赶。回房穿裤子时,Mona就站门口去等我了。我是不是做错什么被讨厌了,急着赶我走?穿好了了看手机超时7分钟。我好像隐约记得我15分钟后马上有下一个客人,于是我赶快周到了门口给了钱。Mona看我头上还有汗,于是递给了我一瓶水。并且嘱咐我外面风大,别那么快出大厦,容易感冒好贴心)。哈,虽然不是完整的句子但是我听懂了。

damage: 180+10+10tip(钱币空了,不然会再多给些tip)
repeat: 她走之前就她了,我觉得我好像沉船了

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发表于 2015-11-18 22:12:27 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-18 22:59:28 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-18 23:00:12 | 显示全部楼层
狼哥 发表于 2015-11-18 22:12


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发表于 2015-11-20 02:22:31 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2015-11-20 08:41:12 | 显示全部楼层
狼哥 发表于 2015-11-18 22:12

I am curious as to why these gesture will have any meaning to the encounter.
When I see MM, Mona as well, never want to let them to worry about my shoes (or sandals), clothes except where to put them.  Will this define the desirability of MM?
I got totally pissed off by one MM who I just visited 4 consecutive days (2 with her and 2 with her partner) when they just acted like they do not know me.  That really turned me off and I still think the MM in question got a good body but not good face.
Problem with Korean MM is the issue of communicating. They do have better bodies and faces (may be engineered) and attitude.  Without mental foreplay, it may not create better encounter.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-20 10:35:26 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2015-11-20 08:41
I am curious as to why these gesture will have any meaning to the encounter.
When I see MM, Mona a ...



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发表于 2015-11-20 14:55:27 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2015-11-20 08:41
I am curious as to why these gesture will have any meaning to the encounter.
When I see MM, Mona a ...

It feels very different. This is why there is a term GFE. Of course, if you just want to release your load, it really does not matter, even MM's pants are still on but lowered to her ankles.

When Miki (I liked her) was at ASB (she became Doris at D4U or another shop), she asked me what she could do to improve her service. I told her holding the customer's hand (maybe arm as well) while walking from the door to the room, and helping the customer undress will make the customer feel you are his GF. When I repeated her, she told me that she had two repeating customers: neither gave her tips at the first visit while both gave her tips in the second visits though she did not think she did anything different between their first and second visit except she took my advice at their second visits. I am not saying the tips were definitely results of hand holding and/or helping with undressing but the possibility exists.

For me, if the MM and I undress ourselves individually without any mutual interactions, I feel we are to have a straightforward fucking business which is purely a physical encounter.

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发表于 2015-11-20 15:25:45 | 显示全部楼层
狼哥 发表于 2015-11-20 14:55
It feels very different. This is why there is a term GFE. Of course, if you just want to release y ...

but those are not determining factor determining a girl's success of business. rather, appearance 姿色 , shower 浴室功夫 and service 床上功夫 are something more important.
A ugly girl is forever a failure in this industry no matter how good her service is.
A beautiful girl is never a success if her service is terrible.

holding hands and helping undressing can improve her service to some extend, but there is something more important,  
and those more important things are harder to learn and less obvious than holding hands and helping undressing

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-20 15:48:13 | 显示全部楼层
Anyone know moonwaiting VIP membership? How to join it and cost?

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