
楼主: tomsiu

亚投行之我(老湯)見 = 政治主导?

 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-30 05:38:44 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2015-3-29 22:12
第一无知 :清华,北大,同济,武汉大学,哪一间不是超过一百年的 ...

又是少读书惹的祸了,对吗 ~~~ 不对! 读书多的人不一定聰明. 只有多用腦人的人是聰明的 (even lesser materials).
清华,北大,同济,武汉大学,哪一间不是超过一百年的历史 ~~~ 中共 run 了多年呢?
您试一试用百度搜索六四天安门事件 ....控制言论,打压自由. 这样的政府好吗?~~~~  我們重複這個話題很多次, 這是因為中共有這麼多的禺民, 叛国者.控制言论是必須的.
习近平,李克强,薄熙来,曽庆红,朱容基的孩子们都在美国呢. ~~~ 這是美國的(好)教育制度. Not refer to 叛国者. Smart people choose to learn best.清华,北大,同济,武汉大学 not yet to this level. Also 美國的(好)教育制度 provide people to "think" and 爱国就要爱党. Not to 读死书 (use more brain).

老汤移民加拿大而不回流中国是因为老汤的家人比老汤聪明,  对吗. 我十分响往美加的言论,人身,思想上的自由~~~ 絕對对. [Yes]. I would not dodge your question. And give no further "excuses". A simple answer "yes".

共产党并不代表整个中国 ~~~ 要爱国就要爱党. 要爱家就要爱領導者 (Even he's 霸權, 征服, 侵略者 and 繪子手). 是不設立場的.

中国衰弱數百年, 其中的一個原因是不團結(不爱党). 多懦夫(聾狗), 读死书(不用腦). 腦只停留在負面. 找藉口壓制正面.

我重複很多次英美德日的人民是爱国爱党的. (Even he's 霸權, 征服, 侵略者 and 繪子手). 是不設立場的. 希望你明白 .... would you?

中国今天有許多不爱国不爱党的人 (包括亞一,聾狗). 控制言论,打压自由是必須的.

亞一, 請使用新的材料 in this debate .... Please not to repeat the same "theory". [Your old theory forced me to give same answers. repeat and repeat]
Also .希望你明白 .. 是爱国爱党是不設立場的. 一體的. [爱家爱父親是不設立場的. 一體的]. If you lack of this then this debate become no conclusion (never ending)

You asked me "是因为老汤的家人比老汤聪明". A simply answer from me [YES].
I ask you "你爱国嗎?". You answer “ 我爱国但绝不爱党”. Your answer added 立場 or 條件. Could you make it simple [yes] or [no].

My final message to you that I won't continue this with 2nd "聾狗" (懦夫). If you wanted to continue please answer simple [YES] or [NO]
亞一, 我對你很失望, noticed a 2nd "聾狗" (懦夫). Truly. Honestly. Then I stop playing "捉迷藏" with you.


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发表于 2015-3-30 05:55:01 | 显示全部楼层
Ok . Ok . Ok .
I love C .
I love C .
I love C .
C= China .
C=Cathy ( haha , I am kidding . C is your love . Not mine . Old Tom .)

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-30 05:56:54 | 显示全部楼层
curious 发表于 2015-3-29 19:26
I don't want to interrupt your discussions.  It is interesting to see various viewpoint.  
When Mr ...

Mr Curious .... Welcome to join this discussions. I'm glad that you use the word "discussions"! (不是爭論).

The main problem is that they are trained to "study text book well" and "don't waste time in developing new concepts as the new concepts may not work" ~~~~ Glad you noticed this.

The current 共产党 is an improvement but still a long way to go ~~~~ As Chinese we have to support this & let it go on. Not to suppress it by now. [Our Child still in high school. Let them go further to U. Support them]

There's no one perfect system.  However, we have not found the best combination yet! ~~~~ . That's the reason we have to explore. 使用別人的為己用=沒有用自己的腦

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发表于 2015-3-30 05:57:21 | 显示全部楼层
我是中国人,我当然爱中国啦. 这还用问的吗.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-30 05:59:31 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2015-3-30 05:57
我是中国人,我当然爱中国啦. 这还用问的吗.

我当然爱中国啦 ~~~~ Ah. good. thank you. . I call you 一哥 again.
Talk to you again later..... my wife just woke up. Going to park now.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-1 01:25:41 | 显示全部楼层
老習這個(2013年醉後)夢話 .... 做夢也沒想到有今天的結果! 在截止日期前, 一共有了46个创始成员国。
兩星期前, 相信也沒多人聽過"亚投行"這個名字. 美国亲密盟友英国首先“跳反” ....接著. 不少美国盟友都是冲破了美国的各种阻碍,加入其中.

亲美的朋友們 .... 是時候要想一想美国這個霸權国了.
老習也不要太開心. 革命還未成功, 繼續發夢 la.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-1 01:35:50 | 显示全部楼层
我認為美國會從這個上了一課. 會改進同盟友的關係. No matter/business to 中國/亚投行 (now and then).


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发表于 2015-4-2 13:02:09 | 显示全部楼层
This is the latest re AIIB (Asian Infrstructure Investment Bank 亚投行):

1.  All US' western allies have applied for membership.
2.  In the Pacific, Australia deserted US as well.
3.  In the North, Russia & South Korea said yes.
4.  Taiwan's application was rejected.  (Putting the squueze one more notch on Taiwan)

The "odd country out" is USA & its running dog - Japan.  

The balance of the world's financial power is shifting.

What remains is to make RMB one of the universally accepted monetary unit - US' last stronghold.  It all depends on China's economic health.  If it stays healthy which is very important, I would say 10 - 15 years.

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发表于 2015-4-6 03:52:33 | 显示全部楼层

The above video of a panel discussion came out end-March, nevertheless, it is a good way of understanding how the various international financial theatres function.

The presenter's use of professional baseball to explain the role play by the world institutions, was unique.

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发表于 2015-4-6 18:50:06 | 显示全部楼层
Another panel discussion (MAR24 2015) on AIIB:


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