
楼主: jackyto

Lydia@EdenDream - STD菜花

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发表于 2016-12-3 19:06:50 | 显示全部楼层
至于用这个方式抹黑小妹,要具体分析。1). 车房之间和小妹之间,基本不会出现类似情况,因为这么搞是“杀敌一千,自损八百”,对方可以用同样手段反击,这个圈子就搞乱了,最后大家都没饭吃。她们不会这么做。2). 客人抹黑小妹。这是有可能的,虽然这么做也有时间成本。所以只能说楼主这个患病报告是存疑,也不能说他是故意抹黑。我前面发了几个帖子,综合判断下来,还是有一定可信性的。

如果整個market只有兩家店你的逻辑就成立. 當年冷戰時期美俄互相不敢用垓武就是這個原因.

但在很多players的scenario就要用game theory. 一個MM或店用這種手法陷害同行, 受害人未必知道是誰陷害她, 也沒法報復.

所以smear就是low cost x high benefit的做法.

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发表于 2016-12-3 19:33:04 | 显示全部楼层
jackastor 发表于 2016-12-3 18:58
You are obviously too dumb to understand his analogy. The point isn't whether you need training fo ...

If there is a chance that the girl has something, should we not try to take her off the shelf as soon as possible? This isn't a bag of expired chips we're talking about this is something that can effect a lot of people. You want to talk about hurting the innocent, whats more harmful? letting that girl who might have sti's still work or letting people be more aware of that garage and this girl? If this guy is telling the truth then this poor guy is the victim, by letting this girl keep working there we extend the chance of more innocent people catching something.

Getting people to b more cautious is being misleading? Then i am guilty as charged.
We are all rolling the dice when we do this shit, its a risk we all have to highly consider.

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发表于 2016-12-3 21:24:24 | 显示全部楼层
jackastor 发表于 2016-12-3 18:42
那一家大店有公開STD報告? 自稱有做但沒把報告公開的不算. 如果真的有店會把定期員工體檢報告公開, 請發 ...


楼主的情况,看图似乎拖了很久,但如果是2个礼拜前才发生的,得马上约专科了。  很严重。


出了事,交叉传染,那又是谁该负责呢?理都理不清的事  ,不是吗?咱们不可能盐用媒体监管每家店,但大店不定時检查是说不过去的,嫖客去那些完令没管理的小店,也得对风险有认知,传了一圈回到大店,传播的会更快更猛,不是吗?戴套就不会感染吗?事实上不是那么一回事,亲吻/裸吹/皮肤接触都有可能,不一定是性病,皮肤病也有可能,除非你不去嫖。


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发表于 2016-12-3 21:36:53 | 显示全部楼层
密码码 发表于 2016-12-3 21:24
很简单,那些你们信任的大店不就是以下这几家,MW/ASB/D4U/BBF,你打电话去这4家要化验单,如果那一家女 ...

你意思是說如果我打電話去那些店跟老闆要他們女孩的健康報告他們都會給我? 感覺不太可能. 他們有給過你看嗎? 上面有日期和醫務所名字這些資料嗎?

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发表于 2016-12-3 21:41:45 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-12-3 22:06:15 | 显示全部楼层
scumbag416 发表于 2016-12-3 19:33
If there is a chance that the girl has something, should we not try to take her off the shelf as s ...

There is a chance with EVERY girl. So by your logic we should either get rid of them all, or stop hunting altogether.

It is exactly because this is something serious and not a bag of expire potato chips that we need to verify the truth. Otherwise pretty soon we'll have so many unsubstantiated accusations going on that even when one is true we might ignore it. Ever heard of the story of the boy who cried wolf too often?

Imagine this. We are all stuck on an island and there is one or more terrorists lurking amongst us. Because they can kill us all we want to find out who they are and throw them into the sea. Now suddenly someone accuses YOU of being the terrorist. No proof, no nothing, just his word. Plus he is a new guy that we know nothing about. Now because none of the rest of group loses anything (at least not immediately) if they wrongly convict you, they decide to throw YOU into the sea because that is the safe bet. Furthermore, the terrorists see how easy it is to manipulate the crowd and they are the ones who start accusing others of being terrorists and getting them throw into the sea while killing people without detection. What do you think of such a scenario?

Or how about this scenario? There's a child molester out there on the loose. Nobody knows who he is. Someone anonymously (because a brand new account on the internet is anonymous in my opinion) posts a notice that says "the molester is Scumbag416". Once again, no proof, no nothing. Only a passionate story about how his child got beaten and ass fucked by you. Now all the parents want to hang you. "But there's no proof" says a few rational individuals. "Who cares! What if he really is a molester? Lets just hang him because we don't want the risk of our children getting molested." So you innocently get hanged. In the aftermath, more children get molested because there parents didn't watch over them carefully because they had thought the streets are safe because the child molester had already been brought to justice.

I'm not saying we shouldn't out the MMs who are diseased. I'm saying there needs to be a set of checks and balances so that there aren't any abuses of the system. Otherwise even if we don't give a fuck about wrongly crucifying a girl we are still going to lose in the long run when good quality girls with clean health routinely gets smeared and driven out of business by jealous competitors, and many bros will take greater risks than they should because they have the false notion that the diseases ridden girls have already been outed hence others are likely to be clean.

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发表于 2016-12-3 22:31:58 | 显示全部楼层
說到這裡, 大家也有足夠時間充份發表意見. 而帖子也開始變質, 所以是時候鎖上.

此帖的重點應該在於樓主的性病報告是否可信. 在這點, 大家各有己見, 要說的也說了.

  • 狼友們出來玩的風險
  • 店主應否要求MM一定要去做健康檢查
  • 目前有沒有任何一家店會帶女孩做健康檢查
  • 如何分辨真假性病指控
  • 是否必須提供證據才能作出指控
  • 有關同行抹黑的問題

這些議題很值得討論, 更應該開新的獨立帖子討論.

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