
楼主: 天津饭

Omicron南非变种 & EMT电子汇款 :狼友们怎么看这兩个问题 ?

发表于 2021-12-11 17:10:09 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2021-12-12 08:00:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2021-12-12 19:18:27 | 显示全部楼层
omicron现在看来传播性强但是伤害性很弱,弱于delta。 南非的数据是90%的新变种住院病人不需要辅助呼吸,对比之下前两波病毒住院病人是100%的需要辅助呼吸。  

EMT的话我理解可能部分店家为了安全需要deposit,然而提供deposit的方式也只有这一种比较可操作了。但是EMT可追踪而且经过银行系统的特性会对一大部分狼友产生影响 ,毕竟we are doing sketchy shit

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发表于 2021-12-17 19:55:28 | 显示全部楼层
Yuanfen 发表于 2021-12-8 09:53

Your concern for the SP's is honourable however I think that is A.  Not the responsibility ...

Bro, I have been dying to respond to your text but the holiday season has not afforded me the opportunity to sit down and engage your well written response. First, let me thank you for taking the time to discuss this with me, and please allow me to give you my point of view on some of the points you have raised.

1. I am sure that a large number or men care and respect girls working in this industry. I am certain that you and I, belong in that group of men. This does not in any way deny the fact that sex workers are an "at risk" segment of our population.

Do some MMs get robbed? yes
Do some MMs get raped? Yes
Do some MMs get killed? Yes

How many women do you think is ok for us to accept suffering one of the aforementioned situations? In my opinion ZERO.

You cannot reduce this issue to "just a number," or state that statistically speaking the number of women dying from sex work is equals to or lesser than the number of deaths that occurr in a racetrack.  that is extremely dehumanizing. That is the root of the problem, as a society we tend to dehumanize people providing a service because we think that's their job and these "inherent risks" come with the territory. I would agree wholeheartedly if we were discussing waiters and the inherent dangers of waitering…


We are discussing women, and the provision of intimacy through the commercialization of their bodies which puts them in a very vulnerable situation; situations that puts them at risk of bodily harm and even death.

So no, in my opinion it is not ok to have any women sucking dick and fearing for their safety at the same time. Zero.

2. Your logic is flawed because you are operating from an assumption that an agency gives a fuck more than indies, and you continue to assume that because as far as you can see (probably from counting the number of advertisers here or another forum) it appears there is more indies than agencies in this industry. I do not blame you for not being well informed, but the real fact is that statistically indies are more thorough with their screening than agencies. Many an independent on internet has gone on to say that their time at agencies was unsafe and how little protection they felt/had working there.

The usage of EMT deposits to screen clients was started by indie girls who were tired of being canceled on, no call no shows, robbed, and feeling insecure about the person who was coming to fuck them. Some indies took it to the next level and started asking for photo IDs, linkedin profiles, and other much more intrusive methods of screening. Personally I draw the line at any screening method that asks for my picture, but I have never had an issue with EMT.

Do you know what is ironic? I know an indy girl, that did the whole linked in, referral from two indies, and ID with some guy (a white guy), the guy falsified all that info got to see her and robbed her then raped her. By the way, since we are discussing rape I will add that any sex worker who gets fucked but doesn't get paid, is in my eyes a victim of rape. You do not need to beat up a woman to sexually "assault" her. We can discuss that another time more.

Back to the topic at hand, the use of EMT deposits to screen clients is nothing new and has been around for over a decade now. It is not till now that we are seeing this practice crossing over into the agency side of things. You questioned its efficacy by pointing out that EMT would not do anything more than “provide a trail” after something bad has already happened BUT my brother, the purpose of EMT is not to medicate a bad situation but to deter it.

EMT (or screening in general for that matter) is a deterrent, a repellent of bad guys. Why do you think England and China are full of cameras in every corner of the street? Is the purpose of cameras to help catch guys or to deter would be bad guys to commit crime? Feel free to cite me a study on this, but as far as I know and from what I have read, cameras are used to deter would be criminals from breaking the law.

Thus my statement:

Not every guy who wants to remain anonymous is a bad guy, but 100% of the bad guys would like to remain anonymous.

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发表于 2021-12-18 20:29:42 | 显示全部楼层
FrankUnderwood 发表于 2021-12-17 19:55
Bro, I have been dying to respond to your text but the holiday season has not afforded me the oppo ...

I don't mind sending EMT because I am single. I have done it a couple of times sending EMT to indy. What I don't like is to send EMT to an agency who doesn't show up to explain why they do differently, but has mr president to educate us like 100 times with 1000 words.

Omicron, I don't care that much. I don't visit any people who is at risk.

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发表于 2021-12-18 23:11:39 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2021-12-19 13:51:35 | 显示全部楼层
FrankUnderwood 发表于 2021-12-17 19:55
Bro, I have been dying to respond to your text but the holiday season has not afforded me the oppo ...
Frank, I have to disagree with some points you discussed here. I understand what you are saying but some of your points actually proved the other guy is right. First of all, I don't think Yuanfen thinks any working girl getting into danger is not a bad thing, any girl for any job getting robbed rapped or killed is a bad /sad thing, we should have sympathy. But Yuanfens point is they chose to do a job where they will meet with stranger in a closed doors room. It's the job setting that provides the risk, if you are waitress you serve people in the public, thus less dangerous. In that sense their choice increases the risk of getting harassed, it's not because they are woman, anyone chose to do a job in a closed door room with stranger would have this risk, you could be a drug dealer, selling people stuff from your home rather than outside, all those choices came with a risk. And your example of the guy faking all his idenfication actually proves Yuanfen is right. I believe he said bad Johns will false info so they can false EMT too, you can never really screen those bad Johns. And about the camera, I totally agree with you, that's why camera is the best way to screen customers. I already mentioned I literally saw independent girl has a hiddeb room with camera footage of her hallway to see people come to knock on the door. I would be surprised if agency aren't doing the same. Independent girls has group chat to share footage of bad customers so they can avoid those when they see them outside the door. Those are all methods way better than EMT imo.

Dario233 发表于 2021-12-18 20:29
I don't mind sending EMT because I am single. I have done it a couple of times sending EMT to indy ...

Actually another point I forgot to mention above and the most dangerous thing that Yuanfen mentioned about EMT, is you don't know where you are sending money to, especially with agency , you don't know what sktchy stuff they are doing with the money, it could backfire on you if it involves with other crimes thus more risk with EMT

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发表于 2021-12-19 21:26:54 | 显示全部楼层
djb1991 发表于 2021-12-19 13:51
Frank, I have to disagree with some points you discussed here. I understand what you are saying but  ...

I did not have the time to get to your older post, and the subsequent one (my favorite, but I will get to it) so let me get to you first.

You first paragraph basically says that it's the girl's fault that she is in a dangerous situation because she is choosing to be a hooker. If the girl chose to be a waitress she would have less dangers, but because she made the choice to be a prostitute then it is her fault and entirely her responsability to deal with her safety.

I am paraphrasing, but this is essentially what you said.

This attitude is exactly what I said in my post, people have a tendency to dehumanize the person providing a service. We do this because we have a hard time to distinguish between "buying a product" and "purchasing a service." With services, the recipient of the service (the customer) tends to be an active participant of the service process.

Now, I only agree partially with one thing that you eluded to in your post, that is, it is partly the woman's responsability to make sure that she keeps herself safe. I say partly because as customers it would be inhumane to ignore the importance of our role in the equation. The woman's responsability to keep herself safe then leads her to make choices, such as what kind of clients she wants and how will she find or "screen" these clients.

To that end, she can for example, set her rates higher because it is much less likely that she will have to deal with "low lives" if she is asking for more money than a low life can afford to offer. This is why you see some indies charging astronomical figures.

Asking for an EMT deposit is another way to screen clients. And yes, it is not a foolproof method. Brother, think of it like a condom, it is only 99% effective but there is always a 1% chance that it will fail. Now, follow along here, I am not saying that EMT is 99% effective. I have no clue how to determine that without data or input from the girls or agencies; however, I can assert that IT WORKS because if it didn't then nobody would do it. Since it's been around for more than a decade, it must work to a satisfactory rate of success.

Give me a couple of days, I will write a post addressing the "perceived risks" to wolves when sending an EMT, but let me start things off by asking you, do you think that any of  the agencies asking for an EMT to screen clients are doing so for any other reason than to protect their girls?

Lastly, brother I fear that you may be in a group of your own indicating that you are ok with cameras at whore houses. A picture is irrefutable evidence of your doings, especially if you happen to be walking around that place naked accompanying an equally naked girl.

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发表于 2021-12-20 00:42:20 | 显示全部楼层
FrankUnderwood 发表于 2021-12-19 21:26
I did not have the time to get to your older post, and the subsequent one (my favorite, but I will ...

dude, i dont think you understand what i am saying, I literally mentioned examples like you can choose to sell merchandise indoor rather than outside, so the risk comes with the setting of the work, how does that dehumanize them , as it does not matter what kind of the job they do, it is the work setting determine the risk, they could have a security guy living in the next door for example, which will improve the work setting. I do not discriminate the job, i will say it again, it is the work setting, security guard or camera can improve it a lot. Frank, i am going to be frank here, i feel like you trust the agency and MM too much. I mean I respect that, as you do visit pretty respectable agencies and have good relationship with them, based on reading your report. But most of us dont have that relationship with those agencies or MMs, so it is really hard for us to believe, EMT would lead to other sketchy business. For example if you tell me money laundry is not invovled in this industry, that would be crazy. I understand camera is a iffy topic, as it could break the trust between customer and agency, but we had threads before showing agency do threat customer saying they have camera proof, so it is not something that does not exist. Wheather we like it or not, thats another topic. And like i mentioned in this, you could have like security guard living next door, or other methods i am not able to think right now to provide the girls, im pretty sure. I agree with you EMT is a good method but I do not think most people would take the risks

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发表于 2021-12-20 02:40:03 | 显示全部楼层
FrankUnderwood 发表于 2021-12-19 21:26
I did not have the time to get to your older post, and the subsequent one (my favorite, but I will ...

I don't think you really read any of the other bro's comments with an open mind.

Nobody said its "their fault". Instead, what we are saying is that its not our responsibility to bear the risks that she knowingly undertook.

If you sent EMT to the keeper, they may not be the one that actually deposits it into their own account. They can forward the email (along with the password) to anyone else, and a third party can deposit the funds. That means you can unwittingly be involved with money laundering operations.

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