
楼主: rich88

Roxy@ZP 妖!!!

发表于 2014-4-7 22:09:29 | 显示全部楼层
Apoc 发表于 2014-4-7 20:30
You're wasting your breath trying to reason with him, Mr. Brown. There is no reasoning with the li ...

I haven't decided how I'm going to handle his pointless antagonism and petty hostility. It came out of nowhere, but it's not going to just vanish into the same nowhere. He's going to continue to be a pest. That much I feel is certain. I have tried to reason with him in public and private, but it doesn't do any good. He's not interested in discussion. He prefers distortion of the loudest possible variety -- a "short and distort" campaign.

Since this is a forum for adults, one would hope he would exhibit some self-restraint -- particularly since he takes himself to be 747's acting policeman. But I see no self-restraint at all. I see a 10 year old masquerading as an adult. I sincerely hope someone close to him will give him a talking to. He needs it. He makes this forum a less pleasant place to be.

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发表于 2014-4-8 03:55:57 | 显示全部楼层
Apoc 发表于 2014-4-7 20:30
You're wasting your breath trying to reason with him, Mr. Brown. There is no reasoning with the li ...

Just answer the simple question " why has everyone  denounced your Thai master extortionist except you?"    All bark but no bite,

I notice you don't review much.  In fact your post ratio to review is like 1000:1 ?  

Is it because  A) No cash flow cause you blew it all at Fairbanks  with Waba. B)  Fear of  being ID  and blacklisted by  major garages  like Thai master?  C) on a mission  to ban me because  your pimphighness reputation is in tatters?    D)  No commission kick backs  anymore after shilling his Thai masters next stars ?   


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发表于 2014-4-8 04:21:39 | 显示全部楼层
motor 发表于 2014-4-7 22:09
I haven't decided how I'm going to handle his pointless antagonism and petty hostility. It came ou ...

Spoken from the guy who is stalking me on pm?  Should I disclose how many pms sent to me begging  for a apology,.   In fact I would invite mods to view my pm with you.  Delusional or what?  Get real friends bro.  Mr  motor snowflake said I'm a waste of time but he will not cease communicating with me? Until yesterday when he realized the futility of not  be able extracting a sorry from me.  The grovelling was  So  Pathetic.   I don't even know the guy.   

I was waiting for you to go public after incessantly bugging me  and crying for an apology but no receiving one.  But to tag team with mr. Chuhuahua who knowingly supports a  Thai master   extorting from young mm and secretly took naked photos of them is very interesting?  Reeks of desperation.   But it's ok I know its difficult to stand on your own 2 feet .   

My little pen sword scares anonymous people  on the Internet.   

Snowflake and mr chuhuahua team.   Open call for more?   Should be fun.


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发表于 2014-4-8 06:02:06 | 显示全部楼层
Promise: "You're right. I shouldn't react to any of your messages. Very well then." 2014-3-31 17:10

A minute right after Promise :  daily multiple pms over total 24. Snowflake has a REAL big hard on for me.

Credibility: Running very low

Problem:   Snowflake syndrome

Risk: join a notorious shill gang of 4 member to seek security and comfort for protection by big bad 7s

Solution: Enrol Samurai military "man up" boot camp .   

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发表于 2014-4-8 09:21:36 | 显示全部楼层
7samurai 发表于 2014-4-8 04:21
Spoken from the guy who is stalking me on pm?  Should I disclose how many pms sent to me begging   ...

1) As usual, you are misrepresenting and twisting the facts. I was neither begging nor grovelling. I simply expected an adult to take adult responsibility for adult offenses. When it comes to you, clearly I was in error. You will not act like an adult. Even though your outlandish statements about me have no basis in reality, you have too much pride to admit when you are wrong.
2) I have no idea about the claims you have made against others, but I do know that your attacks on me were groundless and without provocation. And because of that they are simply personal, nothing more. And therefore if you think I have a hard on for you, you are the one who is delusional. It is very clearly the other way around.
3) As for your invitation to enroll in your so-called man up boot camp, I would only do that if I wished to regress into a second childhood. When you are ready to act like a man instead of a child and produce actual evidence to try and support your crackpot notions about me, I will respond. Until then, you are simply going to goad and provoke and antagonize and twist. That is your playbook. But ask yourself, what kind of value are you really adding with this nonsense? Please show me. I don't see any value. All I see is empty innuendo and needless drama. Please show us all WHY you are doing this. I cannot see any value here. This is just a personal attack. It's time to act like a man and not just a mindless bully.

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发表于 2014-4-8 11:02:03 | 显示全部楼层
motor 发表于 2014-4-8 09:21
1) As usual, you are misrepresenting and twisting the facts. I was neither begging nor grovelling. ...

Did you not make the promise ?  Simple yes or no.    Or is the little voice in your head denying this with a long winded whining to cloud the issue at hand  

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发表于 2014-4-8 13:46:48 | 显示全部楼层
7samurai 发表于 2014-4-8 11:02
Did you not make the promise ?  Simple yes or no.    Or is the little voice in your head denying t ...

Me clouding the issue? That's funny. That's your whole game. What's more, I find it amusing that you insist on examining a trifle instead of looking at the bigger picture here.

Yes, I did make the small error of responding to your repeated taunts in private. Yes, I allowed you to get under my skin. But I did not make the BIG ERROR of accusing another person of wrongdoing without evidence in hand. You did that, but you will not act like an adult about it.

1) Please show me what was adult about implying that a person you've never met would knowingly infect a person with a STD. Where is the wisdom in that? And where is the point? I thought we were trying to have a serious conversation about a serious issue. Somehow it became an attack against me. If we are trying to discuss the more problematic aspects of this hobby, doesn't it make more sense not to attack people for no reason? We want to open up dialogue there, not shut it down. We want people to feel more comfortable talking about things that naturally already make them uncomfortable. But how are they going to feel comfortable if they have to contend with you and your nonsense?
2) Please show me that you are adult enough to make arguments with actual evidence for once.
3) Please show me that you are adult enough to respond to the points I have laid out without resorting to further distractions. If you expect me to respond to your sideshow antics, which I have, I expect you to face up to the REAL ISSUES here and stop evading them.
4) Please show me that you are adult enough to respond without more pot shots and childish taunts.
5) Please show me that you can add real value, because I am not seeing it.
6) I don't know why you came after me, why you have this hard on for me, but you do. If you won't respond like an adult, don't you think it's time for this absurd business to end once and for all? Find something else to do with your time. I'm here primarily to discuss pretty girls. I can't figure out what you are doing here.

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发表于 2014-4-8 17:37:58 | 显示全部楼层
motor 发表于 2014-4-8 13:46
Me clouding the issue? That's funny. That's your whole game. What's more, I find it amusing that y ...

I'm more than happy to address your points but grant me the courtesy of answering  "did you make the promise statement in pm?" Yes or no ?    And did I not ask you to put your argument publicly and you refrained because this is private issue and gloated that the mod agreed but you again contradicted your very own statement. Yes or no?   

Very simple questions ?

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发表于 2014-4-8 18:52:12 | 显示全部楼层
motor 发表于 2014-4-7 22:09
I haven't decided how I'm going to handle his pointless antagonism and petty hostility. It came ou ...

You're wasting your time with PM and try to reason with him. He's just a low-life loser with too much time on his hand. He trolls all the boards 24/7 looking for some action.

Either put him on ignore like the insignificant GNAT that he is, or do what I do .... and

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发表于 2014-4-8 18:54:28 | 显示全部楼层
motor 发表于 2014-4-7 22:09
I haven't decided how I'm going to handle his pointless antagonism and petty hostility. It came ou ...

You're wasting your time with PM and try to reason with him. He's just a low-life loser with too much time on his hand. He trolls all the boards 24/7 looking for some action.

Either put him on ignore like the insignificant GNAT that he is, or do what I do .... and WHUP HIS ASS! I've whupped his ass more often than I can count.

And the funny thing is, I think he likes it. He likes it UP HIS ASS! LMAO!!!

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