
楼主: kingkong123

YaYa @ YumikoLove

 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-20 16:22:37 | 显示全部楼层
wakksta186 发表于 2024-2-20 16:09
Gents, I think we’re steering off topic here and honestly, brother Kong paid for what supposedly  ...

thanks brother appreciate it! I never had ill intentions with this post. It was just an issue I felt I should share. I'm one to mostly always have positive experiences and you'll see that from my reviews of other girls I've seen.
I almost never post negative reviews. This I debated before posting but ultimately decided it was better to share it then keep it to myself. Those basically giving me shit for sharing this, would have done the exact same thing given the circumstances I went though if they were in my shoes.
And I keep stressing hygiene, not disease, not health. Just hygiene due to bad smell.
Also some brothers here need to read first before commenting and making long winded lists of off topic attacks.

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发表于 2024-2-20 17:10:19 | 显示全部楼层
ong the smells really turns ppl down and people had to avoid this kinda problem, if you realize you have smell down there might have to stop working until it is fixed.

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发表于 2024-2-20 17:15:23 | 显示全部楼层
kingkong123 发表于 2024-2-20 16:22
thanks brother appreciate it! I never had ill intentions with this post. It was just an issue I fe ...

All good bro I get it in your post you didn’t have the intention to ruin this lady but rather from a bro code perspective, you’re here helping out fellow wolf friends and give the heads up. Maybe it just started for this lady and even she doesn’t know until it started. Let’s just hope the best for her and she can get this sorted out.

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发表于 2024-2-20 18:09:54 | 显示全部楼层
i can understand brother kingkong at that moment is really hard to make decisions. reminds me one time during sex with other girl beginning it was okay later the smells keep pop up when I go inside out on the girl . But at that moment I just want to finish it.

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发表于 2024-2-20 18:52:20 | 显示全部楼层
kingkong123 发表于 2024-2-20 16:22
thanks brother appreciate it! I never had ill intentions with this post. It was just an issue I fe ...
I recommend you get tested for STD12/STI. You could also be a vector for the infection. The other girl's genitals are already starting to smell because of you.

Ninjajj 发表于 2024-2-20 02:31
我相信KingKong发这个帖子的出发点是好的,但是从客观角度来看,这个帖子缺乏基本的常识和逻辑,而且我也不 ...

I agree with you. He had to go check his std first before saw the other girl.

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-20 19:11:58 | 显示全部楼层
stop putting words that I did not say once. I don't know if she has health issue. I don't know if she has STD. All I know is she had bad smell and bad smell typically comes from bad hygiene. The ones attacking me and trying to be experts. You don't know shit.
I'm going for a check up in 2 weeks because if there is anything it takes around 2 weeks to incubate. Now these asshole brothers leave me the fuck alone.
I shared a report and thank God YL got back to me and they are gonna help the girl and see what they can do for her. Which I truly appreciate of that.

And if anything you monkeys are the ones causing more slandering to her than any of my post by constantly insinuating you are an expert.

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发表于 2024-2-20 20:15:27 | 显示全部楼层
it's a timebomb

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发表于 2024-2-20 20:30:10 | 显示全部楼层
kingkong123 发表于 2024-2-20 19:11
stop putting words that I did not say once. I don't know if she has health issue. I don't know if sh ...

That’s great the agency got back to you bro and honestly I feel for you that you do get chirped on here for going NC and sharing your adventures with the group. Honestly, with the Japanese ladies it’s quite common just most people won’t admit or say it. I had a great session with a Japanese lady earlier and we were chatting in bed after the deed was done and she showed me her schedule and sure enough, even the day I saw her, there were two bros who booked for NC service. So it is quite common…

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-20 20:35:13 | 显示全部楼层
wakksta186 发表于 2024-2-20 20:30
That’s great the agency got back to you bro and honestly I feel for you that you do get chirped o ...

there's a lot of pretentious assholes in this forum. The ones here already revealed themselves. They just wanna shit on someone because they don't have much going on in their lives.
Yes I do a lot of NC and openly state it here, and these specific assholes just cannot deal with it. They cannot wrap their heads on the idea of minding their own business. And they always sit on some high brow chair like they are God's of paying for sex. Like wtf???
This post is a clear example of reveal how these pretentious assholes are like.
Brothers like you I appreciate in this forum and is which why I share. For brothers like you, and not for these pretentious assholes.

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发表于 2024-2-20 20:47:20 | 显示全部楼层
kingkong123 发表于 2024-2-20 20:35
there's a lot of pretentious assholes in this forum. The ones here already revealed themselves. Th ...

Everyone’s entitled to their  opinions man don’t let it get to you. Don’t overthink it dude, you’ll be fine I don’t think it’s a STD or anything.

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