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有狼友尝试过Seeking Arrangement吗?

发表于 2024-1-20 01:37:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
感觉这种模式就是快餐和谈恋爱的结合。妹子可以月付或者pay per meet。不确定额外支出是不是也很多?(妹子是否会索取礼物、etc)会不会被仙人跳?如果过夜是不是要加钱?


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发表于 2024-1-20 10:31:06 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2024-1-20 11:07:28 | 显示全部楼层
I tried seeking arrangement for few months. Personally, I thought it is not worth it for me.

1. It takes lot of time to research, chat and negotiate to find a good girl.

2. It is really expensive. Right now pay per meeting is about $500 and monthy arrangement cost about 4k-5k. Moreover, girls also expect gifts. Some girls initially not comfotable to come to your house and so you have to book hotel which also cost money. Dining out and doing other activities cost money as well.

3. Most annonying part is you have to really accomodate your own schedule to see these girls. The girls are very unreliable and may show up really late in the evening/night.

4. You have to compete with other guys when it comes to looks and giving offers. If you are not good looking, then you will not get replies from popular good looking girls. Girls might also leave you if they receive better offer.

5. These girls may not have a lot experience in sex. So, they might not provide good BBBJ, DFK etc. But, one thing I found these girls do not need to use lube during sex. They have lot of water and expression/moans are better during sex.

6. There are many escorts pretending to be sugar babby. You need to avoid these girls.

7. Usually these girls have more than one sugar daddy. They might lie to you that you are the only one. Still use condom if you want to be safe.

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发表于 2024-1-20 11:20:07 | 显示全部楼层
肯pay per meet (including sex)的多數都是裝良家的雞。

除了雞其他的一般都不肯sex,永遠就說要等到feel comfortable才可以sex,但就一直要你給錢和送禮。

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发表于 2024-1-20 12:08:53 | 显示全部楼层
demon_slayer 发表于 2024-1-20 11:07
I tried seeking arrangement for few months. Personally, I thought it is not worth it for me.

1. It ...

very good analysis, indeed, it takes time and money

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-1-20 14:41:02 | 显示全部楼层
demon_slayer 发表于 2024-1-20 11:07
I tried seeking arrangement for few months. Personally, I thought it is not worth it for me.
gotcha, thanks so much for such an informative post. Just a few followup questions:

1. Did you find it felt more like a GFE experience with SBs? If at a hotel, do they usually stay overnight or end up leaving asap? (do you have to pay more if you want them to stay overnight?)

2. Did girls make ridiculous requests of you after several meets? (designer purses, ask to borrow money, etc)

3. for monthly allowance, do you give that at the beginning of the month? what if they ghost you after getting the money?

4. i've browsed through the vancouver section of SA and there were quite a few attractive white girls, did you find that to be the case in real life or was it very different from your expectations?

Thanks bro!

TheRock 发表于 2024-1-20 11:20
肯pay per meet (including sex)的多數都是裝良家的雞。


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发表于 2024-1-21 00:10:04 | 显示全部楼层
maximusmonger 发表于 2024-1-20 14:41
gotcha, thanks so much for such an informative post. Just a few followup questions:

1. Did you find ...

1. It depends what type of SB you end up getting. Some SB is more open and would share a lot about their life like what they have been doing over the week, social media info, photos etc. Some SB do not like to reveal too much personal info. The ones who share more about their life will make you feel more connected. Most SB does not want to stay overnight. Maybe once in a while like 1-2 times max per month. No extra payment is required for that. When you do monthly arrangement you need to be just clear occasional overnight is a must. Some girls will be ok with it and some of them will reject.

2. Again, it depends on the type of SB you end up getting. Usually the more good looking and hotter she is the more demanding she is. Average or below average looking girls are not that demanding. They might not ask for gifts directly. Like one SB I had used to show me the pictures of gifts her friend got from her SD which indirectly probably means that I should give her gifts too.

3. Giving monthly allowence at the begining of the month is risky with new SB as they might not keep promises of meeting you later every week. Most SB will probably also tell you story about how they got ripped off by other SD who did not pay at the end of the month. I think the best solution is - start with pay per meeting and when you both feel comfortable go for monthly arrangement.  

4. I think when you first start browsing SA, you think there are lot of girls. But in reality, most accounts are registered quite a while back. Only few new girls join every month. So, over time you will realize there are not many girls actually. Many new profiles that get created will vanish automatically in a week when someone reports them as fake account. It's best to ask for video call to verify if she really looks the way her photo is. Lot of girls may ghost you when asking for more selfie photos or wanted to have a video call. I found it's relatively easy to find above average looking girls in SA but hard to find really good looking girls. To attract good looking girls in SA also you have to flash lot of money and require good apparence, personality etc.

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-1-24 04:08:31 | 显示全部楼层
demon_slayer 发表于 2024-1-21 00:10
1. It depends what type of SB you end up getting. Some SB is more open and would share a lot about ...

awesome,thanks again bro!

do you mind if I ask you how much was PPM and monthly for you? What is considered to be the standard in Vancouver?

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发表于 2024-1-24 10:00:53 | 显示全部楼层
maximusmonger 发表于 2024-1-24 04:08
awesome,thanks again bro!

do you mind if I ask you how much was PPM and monthly for you? What is ...

PPM was $500 and monthly was $4000 - $5000 with condition meeting twice per week.

You can consider this as average standard for Vancouver as I know several other friends who pays similar amount. If the girl is really good looking, you probably have to pay little more.

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发表于 2024-1-24 14:35:09 | 显示全部楼层
demon_slayer 发表于 2024-1-21 00:10
1. It depends what type of SB you end up getting. Some SB is more open and would share a lot about ...
To attract good looking girls in SA also you have to flash lot of money and require good apparence, personality etc.

so you need money, looks, AND game. all that to get a girl whos only into you primarily for money. lol why not just get a real gf, i dont understand the appeal of all this

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