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再遇 私做紫琦

发表于 2017-7-27 16:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
由她在Downtown见过她, 之後搬上大统华和之後的Sheppard那边, 间中都有找她.

她淫声和态度令我挺享受. 不知道是不是找了她好几次, 她有时过锺都没有黑面. 所以一般我都给小费.

今次一约她, 原来搬到Fairview对面的新condo, 地方升级, 我个人觉得更好.

她化妆所以我也猜不到几大. 29左右? 但肯定不是20岁妹妹.

多次跟她见面都没有偷懒, 所以会跟她聊聊天像朋友一样.

这样我觉得比较起只是去找小姐有不同(不过, 应该是我去多了才大家认识多了)


聊了一会, 她主动对我出手了, 我也不会示弱, 用手用口来玩弄她.

之後, 去洗澡清洁一下, 大家都玩得安心.

回床时, 我立即把她弄到水流成河. 她的淫声果然越听越好听.

弄得我越战越勇. 最後把她弄得死去活来.

换了新地方, 服务仍然有水準, 我照旧会不定期回头。

Please note that repeat reviews of the same MM by the same reviewer is NOT ALLOWED.

Possible exception to this rule is if the appearance or service has changed enormously from your previous visit, or for MMs that has left for a long time and recently returned.
This review will be allowed this time since your previous review from the same MM was a little over a year ago. However since this MM did not leave and your review is not significantly different from the previous, it really should not be allowed. Please don't make this violation again.
Thank you.


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