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Christmas vacation ruined by Kalaudia Kink

发表于 2016-12-28 20:57:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Been wanting to meet this lady for months but was busy working weekends, knowing she lifted the deposit thing and I was really happy, so I kept checking if my schedule would fit hers. Finally got a few days off during Christmas, booking appointment was easy, booked two days in advance with a brief description about wanting "consensual non-consent/rape" with a note about my ethnicity, everything was smooth at that point. I even cancelled my appointment with this really popular Asian SP in order to meet her.

Got up very early on that meeting day, got out 2 hours early to prepare to the worst possible traffic jam, got to her downtown location, paid parking for full day in case I needed additional hours. Phoned her exactly 5 minutes before the appointment as she preferred on the website to get the address while getting showered in freezing snow flakes, thinking all this would be worthwhile.

Then I got to her place, door opened, I would say she's quite beautiful, and she looked fully Asian to me. Then we discussed the scenario and she thought I wanted to be on the receiving end of the "consensual non-consent/rape", which seemed strange, cos I would have requested "pegging" if I wanted that, and after me explaining the scenario, she told me she could not do it. I asked her why and she said although she advertises being submissive, she prefers to be dominant. Then I opted out for regular GFE, she told me she does not see Asian Guys, while I clearly told her I was Asian through email. Finally I opted out for pegging and she said details have to be discussed over the phone. At this point she became cold and distant and I could not talk her into providing any service, so I had to leave.

I do not know what's pissing me off more, the racism, the false and unclear advertising, or the money and time lost, or maybe all of them.

Afterwards I tried to rebook the other Asian SP and found out she's fully booked for the afternoon...thanks for ruining my Christmas vacation Kalaudia!


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发表于 2016-12-28 21:10:26 | 显示全部楼层
Sorry for your ruined Christmas.
Maybe a happier new year!!

She was just not comfortable with your demeanor and the way you were forcing your negotiation. She felt unsafe with you.

You should take note from WhiteMamba. Build that rapport with MM before going into the FREAKY stuff.
I usually just bang Solar from PG we have got really close over the last 6 months, fuck numerous times to the point where we do extra freaky stuff now.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-28 21:38:49 | 显示全部楼层
asuran 发表于 2016-12-28 21:10
Sorry for your ruined Christmas.
Maybe a happier new year!!

Look asuran, I don't dislike you, but you should know mofoking's personality by now, I never forgive and forget.

My thread on the red board was for ranting, and she asked my thread to disappear and tried to smother my voice. If she was sincerely apologetic I would have accepted that, but it's obvious she does not regret her decision whatsoever. At this point, anything might happen, you just wait.

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发表于 2016-12-28 21:46:18 | 显示全部楼层
mofoking 发表于 2016-12-28 21:38
Look asuran, I don't dislike you, but you should know mofoking's personality by now, I never forgi ...

I thought it was you that got the thread deleted because I made a good point that you're a rapist

I am going to see her and write a review because you unfortunately is too handsome and deized so she felt uncomfortable seeing you.. i know you're a handsome stud

asuran 发表于 2016-12-28 21:10
Sorry for your ruined Christmas.
Maybe a happier new year!!

ill prove it to everybody that shes not racist when i fuck her and leave a review on my experience.. maybe i will request the rape option as well just out of spite

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-28 22:03:18 | 显示全部楼层
已经好几个月想见这个妹子了,可是周末一直加班,所以没有时间找她,圣诞节终于到了,我早早的发邮件给妹子要求约一个时间,因为她不是普通的小姐,而是BDSM & GFE provider, 所以我仔细分析了她的菜单,其中一项吸引了我的眼球,那就是"consensual non-consent/rape"(强奸游戏),由于看的日本片太多,所以心说一定要试试这个,女的喊几声“呀买碟”,我装成日本痴汉的样子假装把她硬上,她能赚钱,我又开心,多好啊,在邮件里说明了一切,她热情的回应“love to give you a session”, 我很高兴,晚上还做了个梦,梦到自己约会迟到了,早早的醒了,结果再也睡不着了。。。

起来后,我吃早饭,我洗澡,我刷牙,我剪指甲,我刮胡子,我换了身新衣服,提前两个小时出门,去银行取了600块钱,万一加钟呢。。。等我到她所住的downtown financial district的时候, 竟然离约会还剩一个半钟头,那天根本没人上班,花了12块停车,等啊等,天空飘起了雪花,我在雪花里感觉很快乐,因为马上就能见到她了。

按照她网站上的要求,我准时提前5分钟给她打电话,告诉她我到了,她告诉我地址,我兴高采烈的上楼,一开门,这个妹子样子还是不错的,看不出是亚欧混血,感觉就是黄种人,她开始以为是她凌辱我,我告诉她应该是我凌辱她,跟她解释了她要扮演的角色,她竟然说办不到,我说如果你不信任我,那怎么就玩GFE得了,她给我来了一句“I don’t see Asian guys”,我当时很气愤,一是我邮件里已经告诉她我是中国人了,二难道她能让白人随便操,对亚洲同胞就只能凌辱吗?她又告诉我“you know some ladies don’t see black guys”,原来老子在你心里就是黑人。最后实在没办法,我就说那你凌辱我吧,我也挺喜欢你了,她又再次拒绝了我,说细节要再电话里谈。实在说服不了她,我只好离开。

为了约她,我推掉了跟Lemon Lu的美好约会,吃了闭门羹,在英文网站上发了贴发泄一下,她竟然让管理员把我的帖子删了,所以我决定用中文再写一遍。

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发表于 2016-12-28 22:05:38 | 显示全部楼层
Lol u should post this and let everyone knows she's a racist

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发表于 2016-12-28 22:07:44 | 显示全部楼层
mofoking 发表于 2016-12-28 21:38
Look asuran, I don't dislike you, but you should know mofoking's personality by now, I never forgi ...

True, anything might happen.

I have not met her personally (she is not my cup of tea) but I do know someone who is Asian that has seen her.
Kind of why I was curious why she used the "Asian" card. It was definitely a bad/untrue excuse from her or she has changed.

Hopefully your new year is much better. With better MMs.

Again going into freaky stuff, you need to build that rapport.

Maybe it is not everyone's mindset but for me, first time with any MM I just let her do her routine (except a rare few who I get instant chemistry with).
Subsequent visits is when I start exploring boundaries with the particular MM.
I do sometimes bring toys and some light bondage gear (silk ribbons and lace blindfolds) to MMs I get along with.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-28 22:13:08 | 显示全部楼层
dailo4 发表于 2016-12-28 21:46
I thought it was you that got the thread deleted because I made a good point that you're a rapist  ...

That post actually made my day. Merry christmas and happy new year to you haha.

I haven't raped anyone. Too much bullshit with them biting, scratching, growling like a pig and possibly shit all over you, so I only pay escorts to suck me off.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-28 22:24:57 | 显示全部楼层
asuran 发表于 2016-12-28 22:07
True, anything might happen.

I have not met her personally (she is not my cup of tea) but I do kn ...

She is actually quite alluring. Otherwise no way in the world I would settle for something like pegging.

As per Chinese saying, you walk too much along the river, sooner or later your shoes will get wet. Eventually someone will hurt her badly, and it will be someone she trusts completely. I'm a pretty direct guy and not physical intimidating, I thought she would be very open-minded and experienced, but she seemed prudish and aloof even politically correct. Anyway, gonna play with Lemon Lu later.

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发表于 2016-12-28 22:30:46 | 显示全部楼层
This is what you do. Break the bitch door

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