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Lee Kuan Yew - Singapore's Founding Father, RIP

发表于 2015-3-22 15:59:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of the city state of Singapore, died today at the age of 91.

The following is a 3-part documentary series on Lee Kuan Yew:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-23 07:00:30 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-23 08:47:48 | 显示全部楼层
Viewing time :  46’

The above video is a panel discussion program which discusses various subjects.  In this episode, it gives us insight into “Asian Investment Bank”  (My translation) & its importance in the world’s financial circle;  more importantly, the 2nd half of the video, it discusses in depth about LKY, his role in the modernization of China today, and an irreplaceable liaison between USA and Asia.

This video is well worth viewing.

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发表于 2015-3-23 10:43:19 | 显示全部楼层
新加坡有,民主,法冶. 没有自由.
台湾有 , 民主,自由. 没有法治.
香港有, 自由,法治. 没有民主.
大天朝,自由,法冶,民主. 什么都没有. 只有自吹自擂,夜郎自大.

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发表于 2015-3-24 02:08:44 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2015-3-23 10:43
新加坡有,民主,法冶. 没有自由.
台湾有 , 民主,自由. 没有法治.
香港有, 自由,法治. 没有民主.

新加坡有自由, 法冶. 不能談政治. 李光耀,一代(好心的)獨裁家,为新加坡人谋福.甘心做美國的狗.
香港有自由,法治. 不能挑戰大天朝的統治. 最後香港人會系廣州第二 (2047). 香港人只有夜郎自大的政治思想.打死都想做美國的狗.
台湾(2015)有民主,自由,法治. 但台湾人在亞洲成為老二. 願做美國, 日本的狗. 自吹自擂的資格都没有.
大天朝,自由,法冶,民主,禮貌 什么都没有. 但可以送中國人上太空. 拒絕做美國的狗. 自吹自擂的要(想)做偉大的中國人.


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发表于 2015-3-24 07:23:29 | 显示全部楼层
獨裁者 is strong wording
尊制 is more friendly wording.

李光耀 could be noted as 獨裁者 or尊制者. 結果是李光耀 brought glory and 團結 to Singaporean.
作為小國, 李光耀選擇狗的生活(feed by USA after separated from Malaysia. 李光耀 has tears in his eyes  that year). He has no choice for economic & protection realm. Singapore and Japan are the only 2 Asian countries that free to enter USA without visa.
巴勒斯坦人 needs to learn from 李光耀 (I mentioned this in my earlier subject). Thus, should 香港人 too? Imagine what if 李光耀 alive & being CEO of HK today?

My comments came from myself as中國人 . Not from any links/references/attachments.


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发表于 2015-3-24 08:00:04 | 显示全部楼层
小國如以色列.... also choose to live as dog (feed by USA). Thus, no exception for 李光耀 too.


自吹自擂 could be elements of 努力向前的目標.
狗只有繼續的 .... 吠.[西洋"狗" even live more freely than 大天朝的"人"]


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-24 12:19:01 | 显示全部楼层
We are beginning to drift away from the topic, but let it be…

1.         LKY was not a dictator, but he governed with a strong arm & mental will, without which Singapore would be in shambles.  LKY freely admitted this & I tend to agree.

In the mid 60’s when Malaya (not yet called Malaysia, I think) “forced”  Singapore to be separated, everybody thought Singapore was doomed to fail, then Singapore will be on its knees begging to be accepted into the Malaya family.

Ever since its independence from British colonial rule, LKY wanted Singapore to be part of Malaya, but Tungu Abdul Rahman (check spelling) didn’t want LKY/Singapore for fear of a mainly ethnic Chinese population which will upset the social mix/structure.

LKY was heart-broken, devastated & he announced the breakup in an emotionally charged speech.
Geographically, Singapore is smaller than HK, with no natural resources, including fresh water supply, with a population with a high degree of illiteracy + strong labour union activities,  nobody gave LKY much chance of success.

Anyway, LKY and PAP (at that time, quite a # of members had communist inclinations) maneuvered and was democratically elected.  LKY & PAP subsequently won ALL democratic elections.
With this social backdrop, LKY must rule with a strong arm to give Singapore a chance to survive.

So, stop kidding ourselves that Singapore was independent “with a silver spoon in its mouth”.

2.        This brings us to the next question, will democracy work everywhere?  My blunt answer is NFW (No Fucking Way), only the Americans are naïve enough to try to export democracy all over the world, e.g. Afghanistan, Iraq.

In order for democracy to work, the general public, particularly the voters must all reach a certain level of education.  The voters must understand and distinguish issues at hand, must treasure their votes which are “sacred”.  One-person-one-vote which is the basis of democracy will never work when there is such a disparity of education level.

Look at it this way, a homeless person with no education gets one vote, while a university professor also gets one vote, is it a fair system?

Let us look at a hypothetical situation, if we all “gang up” and vote an uneducated, homeless person into office, will he be able to govern better than a university professor??

When there is education disparity in the society, one-person-one-vote democracy is a recipe for disaster.


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发表于 2015-3-24 18:05:06 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2015-3-24 12:19
We are beginning to drift away from the topic, but let it be…

1.         LKY was not a dictator, but he g ...

"Let us look at a hypothetical situation, if we all “gang up” and vote an uneducated, homeless person into office, will he be able to govern better than a university professor??"

May be it is better!  Look at the current screwed up in U of T and York U.  

Honestly, I strongly believe democracy won't work in HK.  The sad part is I also don't think it is working well in Canada nor US.  

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-24 18:30:30 | 显示全部楼层
curious 发表于 2015-3-24 18:05
"Let us look at a hypothetical situation, if we all “gang up” and vote an uneducated, homeless p ...

Democracy hasn't worked well in Canada & USA because there is still disparity in education level.

Democracy theory & practice do not meet because nothing stands still, when the un-educated reach university level, the previous university group has probably moved to another level.

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