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Connie @ Eleven Garden

发表于 2023-1-22 12:33:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
好久没写报告 主要是最近荷包不太允许没怎么找过五百以上的 最近看论坛的兄弟们推荐Lena长得像Black Pink的Lisa本来准备去试一试的 但是老板推荐说周六有新人 才18岁 而且一小时可以两次 听起来十分不错就约了 这个店好像都是在Hwy7上同一栋楼里面 每次约地方都不变的 进楼的时候好像有装修队我就直接混进去了 完全没人管
F:7  网上图片嘛 没有参考价值噢 假照~ 进门第一眼感觉妹子的妆比较浓 看起来和我一开始以为的清纯小女生不太一样 妹子脸是尖尖的 鼻子也是尖尖的 感觉是网红脸 目测年龄20左右吧
B:7.5 妹子的身材还是很顶的 该有肉的地方有肉 腰挺细的 胸起码有D 而且是真胸 摸起来软软的 十分可以 屁股肉很多 很翘摸起来很爽 做爱我一直拍 手感满分
S/A:8 没有想到年纪这么小服务居然这么猛 进门先是正常坐下聊会天 然后就进房间脱衣服 结果妹子呆呆的衣服都不知道放哪里 脱完衣服进去浴室洗澡 我就已经忍不住对妹子的身体上下其手了 没办法 前凸后翘的身材太吸引人了 洗澡的时候妹子开始拿手挑逗我的鸡巴 我也用手摸她的穴 把手伸进去也没有意见 洗完澡回到床上 妹子直接爬上来给我开始口 口技特别好 会吸着鸡巴然后舌头从下到上转着舔 舔了一下我就硬的不行 我让她舔我的奶头 她很听话的就过来了 她会拿舌头尖一点一点的触碰奶头挑逗 直接把我搞的欲仙欲死 我就忍不住了让她带套坐上来 她做上来就直接一顿摇 一边摇还一边拿逼夹我 然后抱着我亲 没办法这前凸后翘的身体抱着我从我脖子舔到耳朵我就直接射了 简直就是榨精机器 射完了之后她还不拔出来 笑着看着我然后拿逼继续夹我鸡巴 过了好一会才把套拔出来 服务后面还有第二次 但是过程没有什么好描述的了 因为第二次开始的时候 我发现妹子下面有血 我直接吓软了 妹子说是姨妈走了但是里面还有些血 本人不懂 但是看着血实在是硬不起来 妹子就爬上来跟我口 然后帮我用手弄 可惜最后也没弄出来 妹子好像第一天上班也不知道 就很尴尬 怎么说呢 感觉怪怪的这波 说亏也不亏 第一次的体验很不错 但是给店家建议了 妹子身体状况得确认清楚啊 不然给我吓死了真的 总的说妹子各项指标都符合这个价位 而且一小时两次性价比是可以的 下次还是一眼下lena 眼馋很久了哈哈
Damage:650/1H 2Shot

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发表于 2023-1-24 03:06:29 | 显示全部楼层
I agree with your face score and the body score from another post. Definitely very young but also definitely far from the slim type. Boobs/asses are big but their shapes aren't to my liking. Guess she shines in her service but I'm not able to comment on that (guess why).
If one doesn't emphasize the value of 2-shot, I can pick out a loooooong list of better choices at 650/hr from my hunting history...

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发表于 2023-1-26 01:11:55 | 显示全部楼层
chrchrchr23 发表于 2023-1-24 03:06
I agree with your face score and the body score from another post. Definitely very young but also de ...


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发表于 2023-1-26 11:59:27 | 显示全部楼层
f7 650/h 感觉贵了,不过是真年轻

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发表于 2023-1-26 12:44:17 | 显示全部楼层
chrchrchr23 发表于 2023-1-24 03:06
I agree with your face score and the body score from another post. Definitely very young but also de ...


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发表于 2023-1-26 14:54:00 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-1-26 19:36:33 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2023-1-26 22:04:52 | 显示全部楼层

No, I decided not to proceed.

Kelsey was good. My booking with her got cancelled, but I know that she's very attractive from one of the wolf bros I know. Too bad she's gone now.
Still wanted to try out 11 to expand my hunting portfolio. I hate to say this, but when you know what you can get at 650/hr price point... I'm not saying that there are many good alternatives on the market right now (in fact, very few), and the good ones are not readily available to all. But I'd save up my money for later/better. Quality over quantity is always my cornerstone belief.
That's also why 2-shot in 1hr doesn't mean s*** to me. I don't want to spend 650 to two-shot a 5-level girl. Girls don't want to work their ass off to squeeze the last drop out of every single wolf. So who benefits from this enforced scheme in the end? IIRC, Kelsey was 700/hr 1-shot. She was the one who brought 11 into play on 747, so 11 can't force this on her (which still doesn't prevent some scumbags from ejaculating on her face without permission).
To give credit where credit's due, Connie is very young, speaks very good English, friendly and chill. According to the two reviews on the forum, she apparently gives good service. If you have a thing for young girls, ignore my review. I myself, on the other hand, have paid enough tuition to know where I should spend my money on. Looking forward to 11 proving me wrong in the future.

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发表于 2023-1-27 15:04:45 | 显示全部楼层
chrchrchr23 发表于 2023-1-26 22:04
No, I decided not to proceed.

Kelsey was good. My booking with her got cancelled, but I know that  ...

Damn bro. Wish I read this prior to my session

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发表于 2023-1-28 10:02:46 | 显示全部楼层

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