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Regarding reviews moved to this section 關於被移到此區的報告帖

发表于 2022-10-13 00:12:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  • 請在原帖內以回復補充資料。不要發新帖。
  • 補充資料時,請只發新資料,不要重復已寫過的資料/內容。更不要把整篇報告再發多次。
  • 補充足夠資料後,帖子將會被移回主區。



  • 新用戶發帖。
  • 發帖用戶已為同一家店寫了很多報告。
  • 評分虛高,或過份跨讚。
  • 包括寫手慣用(但不一定是寫手)的口吻;例如,"真人比照片好看","她只留幾天 很快就走 大家萬勿錯過",等等

原因是了平衡兩個對沖的需要。一,防止寫手/騙子;二,讓經驗較深 / 判斷力較高的用戶幫忙參閱,並判報告真假,減低因版主判斷錯誤而錯怪好人的機會。如果大多數讀者認為因疑點而被版主設權限的帖子其實可信,我會取消帖子權限移回原位。

Beginning today (2022 October 13), review threads that have had viewing permission restricted will be moved to this section.
If your review was moved here, please read on.

Reviews that do not meet the minimum standard for required details will be set to a restriction of 20.
  • The restriction will be removed and the review thread will be moved back to regular review section after the missing/required information is provided.
  • Supplementary information should be added by posting it as reply to the original review thread (don't open a new thread).
  • Also, please post ONLY NEW information. Don't re-post information that was previously posted already, and don't re-post the entire review.

Please check the 6th reply comment in the FORUM RULES thread (here) to find out what the Basic Requirements for Reviews are.

The reason we have such requirements is not to make life difficult for legitimate reviewers, but instead to make life difficult for shills who use vague descriptions and empty praise ("pretty/perfect face", "the right proportions", "the type that I like", etc) or focus only on positives while omitting negatives. It is also to ensure a more standardized format of information which is more useful for readers to understand and compare.

Reviews that are slightly suspect will likewise be set to a restriction of 20 and moved to this section.
Slightly suspect means the review seems mostly believable, but there are minor issues; for example:
  • Although the content sounds ok, it was posted by a newly registered account, or an account with no posting history.
  • The review itself sounds ok, but the reviewer has been continuously posting reviews only for the same agency.
  • Scores unbelievably high, or excessive compliments / flattery.
  • Contains phrases that are typically used by shills; such as "actual person is prettier than photos", "she is leaving soon so don't miss out", etc

Reviews that are highly suspect will be moved here and set to a restriction of 30 (accessible only to very senior ranked members of this forum).
The reason for setting viewing restrictions on suspect reviews is to achieve a balance between the need to prevent shills from deceiving readers (which would be the case if they were free to post whatever they want and be viewable by everyone) and allowing a more democratized system whereby experienced members of the forum can participate in reading and determining if those reviews are credible or not. If a majority of readers are of the opinion that a review which I restricted is deemed credible, I will remove the restriction and move the review thread back to the regular review section.


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