
楼主: 密码码

The budget will balance itself -Justin Trudeau

发表于 2015-12-3 23:10:41 | 显示全部楼层
密码码 发表于 2015-12-3 21:22
乍口气这么像会计师? 美国税法好像去年改了, 开始向海外利润征税, 14%什么的
你说的反收购, 变更公司国籍 ...

Pharma to Ireland too.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-4 19:23:08 | 显示全部楼层

啧啧~ 专业人士啊

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发表于 2015-12-5 07:18:21 | 显示全部楼层
Justin Trudeau ~~~ Big spender for being align to platforms. Results RED in budget.
Stephen Harper ~~~ Worked out 10 years to balance the budget. Results failed by voters.

RED in budget : Work out good for present. Burden laid on our Children. Welfare to lazy people whom failed to support themselves/home. More welfare collect no tax. Such as incoming refugees.
Balance budget : Tied belly for present. Reserves for future. Implement social policy to encourage more work/job. Result collecting more taxes.

In free society people has choices: Canadian, today, choose RED budget.
In 人治 society (example China here) : Chinese, now, choose Reserves for future. Reward to working people.

Canada: Swapping of leaderships results 原地踏步 or even worse.
China : Extension/consistence of leaderships results "第二大经济体 in 30 years and climbing"

If Canada (Justin Trudeau) not support growth/invest of private business then, Canada would economically fall behind Korea or even Vietnam in near future.


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发表于 2015-12-5 07:34:16 | 显示全部楼层
人治 (dictatorship) usually bad due to many reasons including, 弄权, 贪婪, 无能 etc.
After 邓小平 era China so lucky that so far so good. Noticed 人治 (in China) in good way. At least compared to eras before 邓小平.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-5 10:11:59 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-12-5 07:18
Justin Trudeau ~~~ Big spender for being align to platforms. Results RED in budget.
Stephen Harper ~ ...

给我上任, 我不会去平衡预算, 我会学美国的开支, 滚雪球滚到trillions再说, 大不了贬值
中国要在这买东西, ok, 得买咱们的国债, 得储备咱们的货币, 得开放金融农业什么的

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-5 10:22:57 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-12-5 07:34
人治 (dictatorship) usually bad due to many reasons including, 弄权, 贪婪, 无能 etc.
After 邓小平 er ...

小平少年時代在法国呆过, 见过世面, 老毛当初是个蹲在地上吃饭的土匪, 当然有权有势后, 只能说他是偉人
功过论千秋, 后世史书里自有评价。不过中国的历史从来都是人治为本, 提出法治为继的文明意向, 也只是近30年的事, 西方这方面发展了兩个世纪了吧?

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-5 10:26:33 | 显示全部楼层
独裁是人治那扇门里面, 坛子上坐着一尊尊的鬼神, 下面是吃了摇头丸的小鬼

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发表于 2015-12-5 11:20:56 | 显示全部楼层
If US has Trump as Prez, the dysfunctional Congress with a dysfunctional Prez.  There goes US.

Still cannot believer Big China was "DEFEATED" by Eight country soldiers and tiny 20 to 30K ISIS fighters can hold back all the world in bombing them and still survived.

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发表于 2015-12-5 11:35:25 | 显示全部楼层
密码码 发表于 2015-12-5 10:11
给我上任, 我不会去平衡预算, 我会学美国的开支, 滚雪球滚到trillions再说, 大不了贬值
中国要在这买东西 ...

大不了贬值 ~~~~ 流水帐的贬值没问题. 有升有贬. 但滚雪球的开支会变成老蒋时代的大洋 or 今日的津巴布韦. 一万亿元换一个苹果. 市民失去了工作/赚钱的兴趣. 因为明天的钱已经没有价值了. 美国不同, 美国国库穷, 市民富有. 但当美国国力弱的时候 (for example, took over by RMB) then, 美元完蛋了.

二战前, 阿根廷,巴西是经济强国之一. 但经过滚雪球的开支后. 货币大规模贬值. 市民失去了工作兴趣. 经济停止 .......

Think yourself. If you noticed the money you going to earn today ... which would 明天贬值. 你会工作吗?

Not easy to defeat 美国 by military. But it can be done by CURRENCY. When it happened, therefore, no people interested to work including 军工企业.


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-5 12:07:14 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-12-5 11:35
大不了贬值 ~~~~ 流水帐的贬值没问题. 有升有贬. 但滚雪球的开支会变成老蒋时代的大洋 or 今日的津巴布韦 ...

货币这玩意儿很复杂, 美元是汇通天下, 即使债务滚的雪球大, 把货币贬值间接就能把债务变成一堆白条, 你也拿她没办法。除非那个国家闭门造车, 不跟任何国家贸易

我明白你说的超通胀, 那可不是课本里的概念, 只有亲身经历才知道有多可怕, 那个马上今天把钱换成货。
但加拿大没超发钞票的事, 相对GDP稳定的很, 花的太保守是其一, 花不到点上没产生作用是其二
就像弄陈房子的概念, 利息这么低你不去借, 反而把一堆现金变成不动产不是傻吗, 适当贬值是ok的
在通胀的情况下, 应该尽量花现在的饯, 在这通缩下, 应该尽量借钱來花

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