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发表于 2024-2-13 19:08:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
location:离Eaton center很近,就在Ryerson(orTMU)大学旁边的studio 里  一个人住 好玩的是lobby没法用buzz进去 agent在附近藏了fob 找了一下才能用着进去 btw英语水平还行 能够正常交流
face:照片是本人 年纪看上去目测23岁左右吧 照片是本人但是有修过  真人看起来脸更圆一点 鼻子很高鼻头肉肉的嘴巴笑起来的时候很好看.属于可爱的邻家日系妹妹风
body:身高目测165-7cm左右 是我见过的高日本女生的高个了 体重不到100斤吧 真胸有C 苗条型但是该有肉地方有肉,胳膊很细四肢也没有赘肉感,屁股有肉加上瘦所以臀线比例很明显的那种.加分点是下面很紧刮毛了也,肤色属于中等偏白的类型没有看到纹身. 脚低很软但是有点轻微足外翻
service:态度很是热情的开门后给了一个hug,帮我脱下衣服后还帮忙叠好,SF2的时候打完泡泡在身上后用屁股摩擦鸡巴,途中有lfk,蹲下水萧的时候会盯着我的眼睛,轻轻的很温柔的吞吐.但是到了床上之后bbbj就不一样了,吸力很足,先是吸住蛋蛋然后从下根舔上来然后舌尖会顶着马眼刺激一会再包住,我没有要deep throat, 但她有主动给了几下,戴上套后各个姿势都试了一遍,值得一提的是最后女上的时候动力很足小马达臀 她下面真的很紧 rear cg 姿势很舒服最后也是保持这个姿势一直动了有3-4分钟出的货,总的来说态度热情技术在线且交流顺畅BTW我个人欣赏能够这些能够用英语正常交流的日本妹just making my time more valuable.
Damage: $220/30mins


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发表于 2024-2-13 21:21:57 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for another great report for the dt wolves bro!

Just wondering how you would compare 颜值 for Mayu Ayana and Aiko

使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-2-14 10:07:43 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-15 08:23:19 | 显示全部楼层
harrispotter 发表于 2024-2-13 21:21
Thanks for another great report for the dt wolves bro!

Just wondering how you would compare 颜值 f ...

just in my opinion 1. Ayana  2. Aiko 3. mayu if just based on face颜值

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发表于 2024-2-15 15:39:54 | 显示全部楼层
l, I think face is a bit older, maybe late 20s thoug. But yeah first J girl to give me DT, and I did not have to ask for it, she kept DTing to the point of gagging a bit.

I did not get any WF in shower but I did get the same soapy body rub.

She is indeed tight, she start with ACG, I do prefer if she start with slower grind, but can probably be instructed.

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