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維多利亞@RM 鬼妹

发表于 2013-2-27 17:37:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
roommates escorts網站上看到她的廣告。沒臉,但是胸部蠻大的(36D),烏克蘭人、27歲。名字和公司是新換的所以網上找不到別的review。但是貪圖胸大才定了30min

去后才發現,其實她更接近35歲。 長得below average 有一點點吸毒人的味道。不過身才很好,胸大、肚瘦、屁股肥,butterface I guess 親的時候嘴裡一股煙味,有些不抽煙的人有可能反感。BBBJ 很爛,只用嘴唇不用舌頭。插進去后發現裏面很鬆,估計是年齡的問題。插得不爽,只能用速度彌補。靠,差點累死我。

看來以後不能光貪圖胸大,年輕B緊才重要。雖然這種一般胸部都A – B cup,不過摸得爽不如插得爽。

Face: 4/10 臉有點像瘦一點的 Sara Jay
Body:  8/10 身材很不錯,胸是假的,但是比較軟
Attitude and Personality: 7/10 基本就是讓你干她,你要怎麼樣就怎麼樣
FS: 5/10 最大問題是B鬆,插起來不爽
Hygiene: 10/10 除了煙味,其他都很乾淨,沒體味
Repeat: No. 有點老


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发表于 2013-2-27 18:40:26 | 显示全部楼层
Face: 4/10

Thank you for your sacrifices.

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发表于 2013-2-27 18:42:22 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-2-27 18:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
你應該試 Tristen。我兩星期前曾經報導過。

我是 RM 的老主顧,最近幾年雖然少去了,但是一打電話,老闆一定推薦最佳人選,除了 Tristen,老闆也介紹過 Jordan 年和 Izzy.

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发表于 2013-2-27 19:19:42 | 显示全部楼层
27 is too old..

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-2-27 21:27:59 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2013-2-27 18:52 static/image/common/back.gif
你應該試 Tristen。我兩星期前曾經報導過。

我是 RM 的老主顧,最近幾年雖然少去了,但是一打電話,老闆一 ...

我有点想试一下Mirella, 你有没有试过?would you recommend?

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发表于 2013-2-27 21:36:05 | 显示全部楼层
I tried Trixie a year ago while I was in Montreal. She base in Montreal and travel to Toronto.
She is young around 22yd and could speak good english. Service were good and very talkative.
The only worst thing is fake boobs.
Other then that, above average services.
I have a good one hr outcall for $160 in Montreal.
Worth for a try


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发表于 2013-2-27 22:24:18 | 显示全部楼层
hero4410 发表于 2013-2-27 21:27 static/image/common/back.gif
我有点想试一下Mirella, 你有没有试过?would you recommend?

My advice:  Call RM, tell them exactly what you look for in a girl, then ask whether Mirella will fit the bill, & you will  be given an honest, frank opinion.

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发表于 2013-2-27 23:05:22 | 显示全部楼层
kennychoi 发表于 2013-2-27 19:19 static/image/common/back.gif
27 is too old..

27 means mid 30s

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发表于 2013-2-27 23:09:54 | 显示全部楼层
Don't forget Caucasian girls look a lot older than East Asians of the same age!  

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