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发表于 2024-2-20 23:23:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




1. 你喜欢我哪一点? 为什么回冲我?
2. 你们中国人为什么爱买房,豪车

我比较喜欢给妹子科普一下咱们五千年璀璨的文明顺便时间多的时候可以聊一些更深入而且私密的话题。大家都是人,你了解妹子后咱们日常生活遇到的问题她们也会遇到。妹子也会跟我讲讲她家里的事,遇到过比较奇葩的客人比如一个中东客人要求每次洗完后妹子必须跪在门口迎接而且口+正戏的时候绝对不能有eye contact。有的妹子还会讲一些店里其它MM之间的矛盾或者谁跟谁关系好、差之类的。


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发表于 2024-2-21 12:42:55 | 显示全部楼层
哈 這也是個很美滿的經歷 小弟我是個新狼 還沒試過Repeat. 也想享受一下樓主說的經歷 哈哈 謝謝分享了

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发表于 2024-2-21 14:08:31 | 显示全部楼层
I've went out for fun a number of times with different girls. Two Chinese girls, and 3 korean girls.
Generally I'd like to go out and do fun stuff like took them go Karting, or bowling, or watch a movie and go eat somewhere.
One of the korean girls I dated for about 3 months. It was a very interesting relationship, but albeit it didn't last cause of covid and lockdown leading to a long distance relationship which was doomed for failure.
Generally though I don't ask the girls to go out until I know them well enough or seen them enough. And in majority of the cases, out of respect to the relationship we have (which started with sex and money) I Generally let the girls ask me.
Japanese girls I've yet to go out with one, but there is a few that got somewhat close in me getting to know them about their personal lives and details. And in turn I have their personal social media.
These days though, I'll rather prefer to not go out with a girl for fun because it's easy to get attached.
And knowing this girl your seeing is going to work her job. It can bring up a lot of issues down the road. Tough issues which majority of people cannot deal with.
Regardless, they were all exciting experiences especially with the one I dated for a while. And worth the memories.

Also one korean girl. I became good friends with. She quit and does not work anymore. But she was extremely popular girl when she did work. She is back in Korea right now. But we talk from time to time and just recently She sent me a gift box because she's an awesome friend with a big heart!

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-21 15:23:31 | 显示全部楼层
kingkong123 发表于 2024-2-21 14:10
Also one korean girl. I became good friends with. She quit and does not work anymore. But she was ex ...

Nice bro did she send you a gift box of snacks? I’ll chalk it up to your looks and you have great chemistry with the lady.. agree seeing them too often off the clock can easily build up attachment

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发表于 2024-2-21 15:31:35 | 显示全部楼层

Som ediya coffee and gym stuff because we use to work out together from time to time. I trained her whenever she wanted to gym. And she taught me some yoga moves.
We've become friends though, she updates me a bit about her personal life and she does have a SO in her life. Which I'm happy for her.
Despite us meeting as customer and working girl. We always respected each others feelings, time and each other. She got a place in my heart for sure. And out of all my experiences I'll say for sure I actually fell in love with her.
But real love doesn't mean we gotta be together. Just means we care about each other. And I'm happy for her like she is with me.
Infact my relationship with her is what taught me more about how to not be attached but still truly appreciate someone.

I've known her for over 4 years and we would gym and hang out from time to time. She loved hot pot, so we'd do hotpot especially at dolar shop. She cooks and I cook so we used to cook for each other all the time. People like that are people you want in your life. Because no matter what, they'll be there for ya to cheer you on.
A true friend indeed.

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-21 16:00:12 | 显示全部楼层
Absolutely. And if you went to the bby location we may have legit ran into each other lol. Girls like that are a gem and such a connection to treasure for life. It’s like I’d miss her and want her back in Vancouver but same time happy she has a SO and the money she earned in Canada is enough to support her in whatever it is she wants to pursue

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发表于 2024-2-21 16:12:26 | 显示全部楼层
wakksta186 发表于 2024-2-21 16:00
Absolutely. And if you went to the bby location we may have legit ran into each other lol. Girls l ...

Indeed, she is a total gem. And a great person with a big heart. I'm just waiting for her to come back here as she's making her way to move here and get her PR. however that is a big process which she's been dealing with for a while now.
and bro for sure uve probably ran into you before haha I've been to like all those burnaby locations.
Off topic here but hella funny story. Down by Silver Ave. I was seeing a kgirl that time and it was busy outside. for some reason so many people waiting to get in plus new people moving in. It was hectic.
Me and another dude were both waiting, I didn't talk to him but we both knew what we were here for. Cause it was busy, the handler said reception will come pick me up. I'm guessing same for the other guy.
Anyways the receptionist came and picked me up and confirmed the floor but wasn't the one I was going to. Then he said the girls name and I'm like no not her. Then the receptionist was like shit I got the wrong guy. I laughed and I'm like I think you were suppose to get the other guy standing next to me.
The receptionist I was waiting for ended up picking the other guy up. Pretty funny exchange lmao

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-21 16:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
kingkong123 发表于 2024-2-21 16:12
Indeed, she is a total gem. And a great person with a big heart. I'm just waiting for her to come  ...

That’s legit I hope she can come back even if she will end up with her SO if she wants to remain friends and have dinner once in a while that’s cool too. I’ve been inactive for the past few years only came out of. Retirement to try out the Japanese girls. My first visit was hectic too on a weekend the agency booked me an hour later than what I asked for and I got a $20 discount lol

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发表于 2024-2-21 16:31:16 | 显示全部楼层
wakksta186 发表于 2024-2-21 16:23
That’s legit I hope she can come back even if she will end up with her SO if she wants to remain  ...

yeah me and her have a long awaited catch up over coffee, as she was supposed to come back in 2021 but bunch of unfortunate shit happened to her which pushed it back further. It also fueled her desire to move on from working as she really wanted a life in Canada.
Ngl after my stint with YaYa, I'm gonna take a break for a bit. Unless I see some sort of absolute babe l like or some of the super hot ones from last year visit again.
And nice to get a discount. I have a feeling most of the popular agencies now really do care about customer service. When first started seeing girls, that wasn't the case as much. But now a days it's much better.
Like YL reached to me over the YaYa issue and offered a decent discount for the next girl I want to see. And they immediately went to see what they can do for her. Which I hope is an examination and remedy if needed before working again.

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 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-21 16:45:32 | 显示全部楼层
kingkong123 发表于 2024-2-21 16:31
yeah me and her have a long awaited catch up over coffee, as she was supposed to come back in 2021 ...

Absolutely. Always the cherry on top when you see the human side of the ladies and get to know who they really are and while both of you genuinely enjoy each other’s. Company. Even if you don’t end up dating,  the connection you both have is invaluable. I stayed out of the game for a few years as my favorite girls at the time retired one by one. I think since I’m
Back, I’ll stick around for a bit and see where things go. If I get attached, might be time to move on or ask the girl out again

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