
楼主: elle

菲菲 @私做/按摩

 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-14 16:34:36 | 显示全部楼层
You guys are sick. As indicated, you don’t have to agree with my report, but you don’t have to attack people to prove your existence. 菲菲 price went up to $180, you could call and check. Good luck if you can get it for $160. Most of the MMs price went up, especially for the good one, and they have choices to pick their clients themselves as well.

There are not a lot of good massage and FS (楼上骨)left out there anymore due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mandy and Lily (North York) are other good choices as well that I would recommend. To be honest, there were also bad one, as I almost tried them all.

It seems that you people prefer to see negative report. I repeat, I’m here just to share my experience, and I’m not doing it for any one. Besides, why blame someone when you did not get certain services from the MM? The reason could be you yourself, as this is a two way street. MMs are human too and they need respect. Please don’t think that because you are the one who pay and you have the right to insult somebody.

Finally, please keep in mind, what I like may not be what you like. Please don’t label someone with bias comments and with your colored glasses on.

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发表于 2020-7-14 19:59:55 | 显示全部楼层
elle 发表于 2020-7-14 16:34
You guys are sick. As indicated, you don’t have to agree with my report, but you don’t have to att ...

No, you are sick. You know what you sound like? The whiney kid who lost a fight or didn't get what he wanted and starts crying about how unfair it is.

You know what the point of the forum is? To debate. Which means challenges are fair game.

What do you expect? That people should shut up and not say anything even when they see a review that they believe is fake?

Any challenge is an unfair attack? What the hell is wrong with you?

Nobody here have "attack people to prove your existence". Have ever seen the flame wars on the internet with people swearing, talking trash, making personal attacks, making threats, talking about other people's moms. That is attacking. None of that has happened here.

And stop trying to divert attention by raising non-issues.
Nobody complained about price being $160 or $180 or whatever.
There has been no challenges to your assessment of their service & attitude either.
In fact nobody even said these 楼上骨 MMs are bad at all.

I for one definitely think 楼上骨 have their place and value. The good ones charge a fair price for the service they provide (which is main the massage with the side benefit of a happy ending).

The problem we all can clearly see is that you are trying to glamorize and describe these MMs to be much younger and attractive than they really are.

These women who are clearly into their 40s (at least), you try to convince us that they are just above 30.

And if the moderator 勉強通過 your other review which gave scores of 7 & 8 to Lala's face & body. That means earlier on you were trying to rate them even more highly.

Seriously, I'm not trying to say mature women don't have any appeal at all, but scores like that are way to generous (if not downright outrageous).

MMs are human too and they need respect.

Stop trying to twist what others have said. I don't see any disrespect here towards the MMs. At least not in this post. Nobody is saying we MMs are trash, or that we should abuse them, or anything like that. We are saying these MMs you reviewed are nowhere nearly as young or as physically attractive as you described.

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发表于 2020-7-14 20:35:50 | 显示全部楼层
elle 发表于 2020-7-14 16:34
You guys are sick. As indicated, you don’t have to agree with my report, but you don’t have to att ...



而她也起码40了。样貌不丑,可能对年长的男人有一定程度吸引力,但最多也值 F/B 6。

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-14 21:37:18 | 显示全部楼层
What’s wrong with you guys? Is that important to keep arguing about the age? Please follow the thread, there are other one who believe they are 30 to 40 and I’m not the only one. Besides, 菲菲is the only one I did say 30+, where did I mentioned age with all other MMs? Please show that to me if I did. How did I lower the ages for all these MMs?

The fact is when younger people look at older people, the perspective is different from older people look at younger people. And I am not here to convince anyone, as everyone have his own preference, you don’t have to agree on what I reported. In terms of services, it is extremely Even more personal. See, now at least most of you agreed all these MMs I mentioned have values and not trash.

Nevertheless, the main issues are you guys are not arguing on the contents of the report but the age is just someThing that you picked but you just use that to keep attacking me personally. You label me as writer for the MM, and even accusing me getting discount by writing the reports. Where does all this all comes from. Will you accept that  I call you guys suckers (excuse my language) just because I think you are?  

Stop this please and be a civilized human being.

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发表于 2020-7-15 01:54:17 | 显示全部楼层
elle 发表于 2020-7-14 21:37
What’s wrong with you guys? Is that important to keep arguing about the age? Please follow the thre ...

The real question is what's wrong with you? 你有口話人 無口話自己。

You complain about us keep arguing?
Well argument takes 2 sides. You aren't stopping, so what right do you have to demand the other side to stop?

Let me tell you, age is extremely important.
There's a popular saying "姑娘十八一朵花 女人三十豆腐渣"。
Don't blame me if you don't agree with it, because I didn't make it up.
But as a popular saying, it represents what many people think.
This why bros get so upset with reviewers who under-report MM's ages.

You keep on complaining about attacks. Let me tell you, this is already a very civilized debate. I've seen far worse on the internet. At least nobody is talking shit about you or anything related to your personal life. Its quite reasonable to question whether someone who wrote a review you find unbelievable to be a shill or receiving any incentive for writing.

When it comes to writers. Some write just for money, others are actual customers but just writing for a discount, and others don't receive any financial compensations but want to do it to make the MM like them.

We all know everybody has different tastes and judgement, but there's a limit to it.
Just like with food, everybody's different. But if someone tries a piece of genuine Kobe beef freshly flown in from Japan, and a low-grade piece of almost expired beef on the discount pile of No Frills, and tries to say the latter is better, well I doubt anybody can find that believable.

So if you put yourself in the reader's perspective, you may make similar assumptions or even comments when you see a review that differs too much from your experience. You would ask too "is that guy a writer? because what he described is so different from what I saw". This is a fair question to ask.

Look. You wrote a review which represents your opinion. You have a right to that.
Other people wrote replies which represents their opinion of your opinion. They have a right to that too.
That should be the end of it.
We wouldn't even be having this argument if you didn't raise a big stink over how "unfair" you've been treated just because other people raised their opinions which went against yours.

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-15 06:25:04 | 显示全部楼层
hornydogg 发表于 2020-7-15 01:54
The real question is what's wrong with you? 你有口話人 無口話自己。

You complain about us keep ar ...

I never used the word “fair” or “unfair” in all my replies. It was you who brought this up many many times. I welcome. constructive debate and this is what this forum is for. But some of the feedback was about me myself personally and not about my report that I wrote. That was how I classified them as attack. It there was hot argument, I’m not the one who started this. I just simply defended myself and I never lost my tamper in my replies against you young people. As you indicated, I also have the right to reply back instead of keep silent and take the blame.

I’m not sure how old you are, but I am over 50. To me almost all MM are young to me, except one I did try last year. So, it is all relative. I did not intentionally lower their age and try to fool anyone. Why keep saying I lower the ages for all MMs that I mentioned? Again, point this out in my post, if I did.

I saw you had one report which you did back in 2016, the same year that I did my first. Almost all reviews, the scores you gave were very high for all the 4 MMs. There was someone who questioned you as well, but at least not throwing bad words to you. I don’t see anything wrong.  

I did the same, and just want to share my experience and contribute here. There is not enough report in here, we should encourage more reviews. Even fake one will have value as it will bring up more discussion and replies from those who tried these MMs before to verify the contents.

I will stop. As I said, I just want to stop people attacking me. I welcome if you people want to share and discuss these mature MMs.

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发表于 2020-7-15 07:52:23 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2020-7-15 10:24:15 | 显示全部楼层
我认识这个elle,他只不过是一般狼友yeungyy 四个(或更多)马甲户口其中的一个,yeungyy 当日处心积虑,短时间开设了 elle, Greenhead, yanyan, Ipsc 几个户口,为当时他的女神北约克Lily寫了四个假報告,还互相写回帖營造气势,引致経验丰富的mofoking在2016年的母亲节做孝子而踩了蕉皮,一时成为笑话。yeungyy被拆穿后对我发狂的态度,可以看看这个连结: ... id=28491&page=1

另外,yeungyy 和我结下梁子是因为这个连结: ... id=22955&page=1

mofoking 踩蕉皮的连结:

借问一声楼主elle 背后的yeungyy (谐音洋娃娃),你不再对你的女神感兴趣吗?嫌她人老珠黄吗?的确是,我说她今天是50岁已经说少了几年。你的羊皮已经被扯下了,还不快给我夾住尾巴跑得老远老远。

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发表于 2020-7-15 13:06:47 | 显示全部楼层
今亱旦疼 发表于 2020-7-15 10:24
我认识这个elle,他只不过是一般狼友yeungyy 四个(或 ...

你帖子里的Candy我没找过,但Lily我5年前找过3次,当时私做没有现在这么多,而且按摩+全套的没几个,基本都是按摩+半套。 我对她有印象,因为她的按摩是我找过私做里手法最好的, 我最后一次找她都没有做全套,只是让她按摩,我记得只按摩好像是一个钟头收60(这个有点不确定了)。年龄当时应该是40上下,路边大妈款,叫她女神确实扯淡了。

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-7-15 13:16:33 | 显示全部楼层
今亱旦疼 发表于 2020-7-15 10:24
我认识这个elle,他只不过是一般狼友yeungyy 四个(或 ...

I don’t know what you are talking about. I only have one account. The my report back in 2016 on Lily was the first one that I did. Then I was inactive for a long time. I don’t even know who these accounts you mentioned are. Show your proof if I’m related to these accounts. I just quickly looked at the links but no in details. The writing style are completely different than mine. Did I ever used any dirty language through out the whole conversation. That is why I keep saying, why you guys keep judging people based on your own and guess? Be water and be more considerate PD to others, bros! And you may be less 旦疼 everyday.

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