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Year of Sexual Harassment 2017

发表于 2017-12-8 02:45:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This post may belong to News for 2017, but as I include comments on mm, so cannot go there.

Time magazine PERSON of the year 2017 is a sample of women outing sexual harassment persons,
including political, entertainment, sports, news anchors etc, EXCEPT TRUMP yet.

Please note that SEX is not the issue at all,  POWER is.

Fine one may argue that mm on 747 may be harassed too , except not by POWER, but by MONEY.
As no one believes that any mm will enjoy sex with strange man.  But that is not hundred percent the truth, witness the pretty high school teacher seducing young students into sex.  If not sex, then what.

As long as mm not forced into it, of course family need for money is NOT forced in that sense.  She is pressured of her own good will.   They got a very pretty good return for the service, much higher than other jobs.  Granted, from time to time, you got these bad Johns abusing mm or ripping off  them.
Walking across the street may have some problems too, check the TO accident stats.

Anyway, it is about time that women rises up and be respected.  Sex is not bad, but using power to get it is NOT RIGHT.  There should be consequences, and NOW there is.  Everyone is better with that.
Praise the LORD.

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发表于 2017-12-8 04:16:42 | 显示全部楼层
It would be better to separate it as 2 topics so we can discuss each other separately.

TOPIC 1: Sexual harassment allegations in the news.
While its good that this issue is getting public awareness it could also lead to negative consequences. Sure there are assholes out there who abuse their positions of power to exploit women but then again there are women who exploit society's tendency to side with women in any gender disputes. A woman can destroy your life by a simple accusation of sexual harassment with no proof whatsoever, and most people will automatically assume the position that the man is guilty until he is able to prove himself innocent (which is often impossible).

TOPIC 2: MMs abused by bad johns.
There isn't anything to discuss here. There's no controversy. We should definitely treat MMs with respect. On the other hand, MMs will get abused by bad johns from time to time. There is no way to get rid of them. Its just an accepted risk that they must take if they want do this job. In fact, the risk premium is already built into the high prices they charge.

The 2 topics above are not related.

Lastly, there are statements you made which are false.

not by POWER, but by MONEY

Money and power is not exactly the same but there is much overlap because one always leads to the other. Money will buy you power, if not someone with power will very quickly take it away. Power enables you to get money. With very few exceptions, those who are rich and those who are powerful are the same people.

no one believes that any mm will enjoy sex with strange man ..... pretty high school teacher seducing young students ......

This is beyond illogical. Its completely incoherent. MMs having sex with complete strangers, many of whom are unattractive or worse, is a completely different scenario from the female teacher who seduces male students who are not strangers to her, and whom she has the choice of selecting (I would guess the most physically attractive guy in class).

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-12-8 06:04:14 | 显示全部楼层
FuckLikeABoss 发表于 2017-12-8 04:16
It would be better to separate it as 2 topics so we can discuss each other separately.

TOPIC 1: Se ...

You are entitled to your opinion.
Thanks for your point of view.
It is not annoying like some person that attacks a person, but not facing the issue being discussed.

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发表于 2017-12-11 07:29:07 | 显示全部楼层
FuckLikeABoss 发表于 2017-12-8 04:16
It would be better to separate it as 2 topics so we can discuss each other separately.

TOPIC 1: Se ...

Need not argue with this guy, he is the one who always said in this forum every mm enjoyed sex with him. In his old posts, he said 3 meals (intercourses) a day and also said “thank to ‘C’ pills”. Could you fuck 3 times a day? Could you make mm to orgasm every time. He is a hundred percent liar and shits in peoples’ posts every day.
I hate this guy ever since I learnt he is a 偽君子, he has the habit to invite incall to go out for meal or whatever, there was one incall turned him down and blocked his calls, he then broadcasted in someone’s post saying the incall taking vacation and return day unknown. Totally no gentlemen gesture.

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