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发表于 2017-4-8 11:53:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中国人是世界上最聪明的种族之一,平均智商在白人之上(西人也承认这点, 去读the bell cure这本书),但为何中国却是发展中国家?因为是一群聪明人在一个道德崩溃和没有诚信体制下生活,所以把聪明全部花在了旁门左道的事情上了,这样做实际上会让社会效率(social efficiency)大大降低,因为没有诚信就没有货真价实的生产力和创造力,也就是为什么中国人均GDP是低于西方国家,尽管平均智商是高于西方人。



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发表于 2017-5-1 23:51:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-5-4 09:02:36 | 显示全部楼层
先要有了一定的经济基础才会慢慢改变。国外在发展中也是狗咬狗的世界,没什么道德而言。 等到经济达到一定的水平了人自然而然会追求新的东西。 还有我觉的国外的宗教信仰可能为提高社会的道德带来一些帮助。

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发表于 2017-5-4 09:09:07 | 显示全部楼层
One I think too many mouths to feed, compared to Advanced countries.   If not enough food, how can one be strong and smart to learn.

Two  do not forget that we were in turmoil for around 100 years until 1980 when US let China open up to the world without sanction.  First bad imperil dynasty, then foreign invation, then civil war, then  Japanese invasion, then more civil war, then US sanction, then famine, then cultural revolution.  None of those helped at all.

Funny that we notice Chinese almost on average smarter then every one.
BUT Indians do have extremely smart guys, looks at the major tech companies headed by Indians.  Average Indian is quite BELOW Chinese level.

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发表于 2017-5-4 09:51:56 | 显示全部楼层
I don't think they are necessarily smarter.  They had the advantage of being a British colony and avoiding much of the turmoil suffered by China.  Which translated to a better,  earlier exposure to the English language, and western education.  This gave them a leg up in the business world,  which would explain why they are more frequently seen holding higher positions than oriental Asians, especially in the older generations.   That's slowly changing with this generation though, pretty soon we will catch up then exceed them.

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发表于 2017-5-4 22:27:10 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-5-5 16:33:02 | 显示全部楼层
Totally disagree. Chinese is one of a kind of human being. All human being has the same size of brain.
Being smarter or wiser are determined by training or inspiration from all surroundings and how was the brain function accordingly. For example why a person good in sales but fail as a doctor!

Refer to races you may say, by today in general, the American (not Africa) black & white are stronger/bigger than yellow. These kind of physical differences mainly impacted by nutrition. With better nutrition for the yellow in younger generation, they grew bigger/stronger now. You may noticed that the yellow children are bigger and stronger than their parents.

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发表于 2017-5-5 18:20:23 | 显示全部楼层
因为我们中国人有谦虚就是美德的爱好嘛。  我们低调,其实我们已在就已经不能算是发展中国家了,就拿多伦多比, 估计大都市,还比不过中国的一个二线城市呢,

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发表于 2017-5-6 06:06:57 | 显示全部楼层
花❤️猎手 发表于 2017-5-5 18:20
因为我们中国人有谦虚就是美德的爱好嘛。  我们低调,其实我们已在就已经不能算是发展中国家了,就拿多伦多 ...

When you drive around western cities even include South Americans' that you'll see it has grass, lawn, flowers between houses. In China cities you'll see 垃圾 or 建築垃圾 between houses.

Western cities use machines to build roads and do farming. China uses human hands.

Western countries produce high-end products at big profit margin. China products earned the money which enough to cover their labour cost. By now, Chinese factories just to make goods but yet to do design or research. SONY, PANASONIC, SIEMENS, SAMSUNG etc are big names on earth in 30 years since incorporation. Where are Chinese?


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发表于 2017-5-6 06:22:35 | 显示全部楼层
tchai 发表于 2017-5-6 06:06
When you drive around western cities even include South Americans' that you'll see it has grass, l ...

I beg to differ.

DO NOT AGREE at all.
All I see is progress in Chinese cities.  Amazed at the high rises that has green area around it.

Yes Chinese still do not have civil manner.  I cursed a well educated guy in Beijing airport spitting on the line up for security check lin.  I cursed another well educated guy for cutting in and talked to front desk when she was talking to me.  Even kick the car panel of car for not stopping and horning me in crosswalk in Shenzhen.  Guy was  going to stop and I chased him and he drove away quickly.  My bluff worked.   

The highways, subways (have not been one yet), airport terminals are A1.  High speed train (have not been been in one yet, will try soon) are A1.  Compared to US, US is THIRD world.

See the growth of 6+ % even if you think fudged, still very decent to Advanced countries max 2 or 3 %.

Agree law on pollution, counterfeit,  mountain people living are very bad and poor.

Test scores in the world always Shanghai, Beijing, HK, Singapore being the BEST.

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