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私做: 小雨 & 猫的诱惑

发表于 2017-5-5 19:28:13 | 显示全部楼层
我的认知里概念是,但凡私做的有两种  一种就是年龄大了, 许多店里和车房不收。 没办法只有自己去租一间屋来自己做,  第二就是 服务身材特别好的,不想被老板控制时间追求自由的。

小雨就没见过了,是否和楼主说的是一样,  ada呢 就见过一次,好像去年在 TNT 的那个楼上, 个子矮矮的 158左右,胖乎乎   奶子比较大,但是有下垂。 年龄应该在 35-40岁左右。服务 都已经记不得了,都快一年了。

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发表于 2017-5-5 20:20:42 | 显示全部楼层
curtis3 发表于 2017-5-2 16:46
楼主是个写手,故意帮她写好话,让更多的客人去光顾,服务这么差,一定不会有回头客,还那么爱赌,在多伦 ...


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发表于 2017-5-5 21:58:49 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-5-6 03:24:53 | 显示全部楼层
yeungyy 发表于 2017-5-5 18:17
Hi bro, I'm not gonna to challenge or offend you but just curious. If she is so good as you said,  ...

But my HH is done so fast when she rushed me,  no more time left to take picture or chat.

You might have some spare time to do the selfie.
Now if you also take the quickie route, I guess not.

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发表于 2017-5-6 07:04:10 | 显示全部楼层
knightman2012 发表于 2017-5-5 21:58
万锦这两条居民街沦为“红灯 ...

yonge finch 才是紅燈區. 沒事的. 不用大驚小怪.

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发表于 2017-5-6 19:22:14 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2017-5-6 03:24
But my HH is done so fast when she rushed me,  no more time left to take picture or chat.

You mig ...

If you really like her, you can make a one-hour session so you will have sufficient time to do whatever you want with her, of course if she agrees.

I’m standing on the side of the bro on the 21st floor. One’s body discloses her age. I think Ada is about 40 too because the boobs are a bit saggy but her face is quite pretty probably with good maintenance plus make-up & petite size that she looks like late 20 or early 30 and so she has many admirers and her business is quite red hot.  She is not fat but has a little tummy which hides quite well (you can’t realize it when she stands).  I had mentioned all these in the response under the title “Selina @ private” but I had not disclosed her name because she was not the protagonist of that topic.

之前, 我在“Selina @ private” 帖子內的回應裡所指的私做就是她。回應出了, 就给一隻專門撩事鬥非、叻唔切的癲狗亂咬。我明明大大隻字寫明是「私做」和这版是交流(一般), 那个狗耗子可以歪曲事理、 扣我帽子, 硬說我是為了一个按摩女神爭生意而鋪路。他花了很多時間寫了很一大堆似是而非的論據去證明他的誣陷, 还大義凜然地說不想讓我欺骗看假帖的人。其實無非只是記恨我在2015年底斥責他的不是。世上有此等無聊及心胸狹窄之人實在哀哉!祝他夜夜旦疼而長命百歲!


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发表于 2017-5-6 19:31:12 | 显示全部楼层
yeungyy 发表于 2017-5-6 19:22
If you really like her, you can make a one-hour session so you will have sufficient time to do wha ...

Are you saying Ada is Selina indie.
I had Selina several times at The famous condo.
I guess I forgot already.

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发表于 2017-5-6 22:49:52 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2017-5-6 19:31
Are you saying Ada is Selina indie.
I had Selina several times at The famous condo.
I guess I forg ...

No, I didn't mean that. I haven't visited Selina before but Ada and Selina should be two different indies.

Some bros were debating the age of Selina in the post of "Selina @ private" and I expressed my point of view that it was difficult to judge one's age purely from her face but her boobs would tell you something and quote Ada as an example but I hadn't mentioned her name in the post because that post was mainly discussing Selina.

I agree with bro yorkbbs2015 who says, "我教大家怎么看女生的年龄, 看奶头准没错,因为很少女人会护理自己的奶头, 奶头的乳晕皱皮了的话都是过28以上的,或者生育过的!".


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发表于 2017-5-7 02:58:17 | 显示全部楼层
yeungyy 发表于 2017-5-6 22:49
No, I didn't mean that. I haven't visited Selina before but Ada and Selina should be two different ...

I think we are way off topic.  This does not belong to Ada or Selina, but may be of age of mm.
Before patience of Admin Sir runs out, better quit while we are ahead.  One last thing (sounds like Jobs eh):

Thanks for clarifying the relationship between Ada and Selina, not the same.
My measurement of age uses WAIST line, unless mm refuses to eat.

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发表于 2017-5-8 20:19:28 | 显示全部楼层
我有眼不识泰山,原来洋娃娃是个女性乳头专家,看乳头便知真实年纪。今次他写的又是废话一堆令我笑了出来,怎样也搜不到yorkbbs2015说的 奶头的乳晕皱皮了都是过28以上的,或者生育过的。这个yorkbbs2015两个星期前才写了这个帖说自己是学生党,什么都不懂: ... &extra=page%3D1 ,他之后写的QiQi报告令他无人不识,洋娃娃为了狡辩我对他的怀疑,竟然揑造某人曾经说过什么去引证自己所说,请不要说是yorkbbs2015 私下发的消息,他还未有发消息的权利,找错了人选而露出了马脚他也不知,和他理论,有意思吗?这里不知道他曾经用儿个马甲户口捧他的女神的人,我不出来说两句,又会误会我是无理地针对他。我欢迎他提起那个 按摩唔成一肚气帖,谁是先咬人的癫狗,公道自在人心。
洋娃娃是捧女鬼材,你们还记得他用Greenhead的名字为一个私做写这个帖吗: ,因为两个星期没有人回帖,便用超薄避孕套这个绰头托一托,这个托必定令私做当时忙得团团转,这种頋客真难得。

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