
楼主: henrylong

Angelina @Babyface , Kennedi & MirandaBei @Dream4u , Cherrie @AsianSexyBabe

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发表于 2016-11-18 11:21:19 | 显示全部楼层
good job rich guy for ur contribution

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发表于 2016-11-18 11:38:23 | 显示全部楼层
Apoc 发表于 2016-11-18 08:32
The Battle of the 600/hr! It's way out of our league boys!

This is a disturbing trend. "There is a  ...


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发表于 2016-11-18 12:12:35 | 显示全部楼层
ToraToraTora 发表于 2016-11-18 09:17
这要看她的背景,我不了解她们这一行,但你可以想象,她们这种半专业/专业的模特进入社会比较早,周围总 ...


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发表于 2016-11-18 12:26:04 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-11-18 12:39:07 | 显示全部楼层
密码码 发表于 2016-11-18 12:12
分析的很到位。但一个人言行有多成熟,跟年纪没必然关系,如你所描述的,她们身边接触的都是有头有脸,经 ...


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发表于 2016-11-18 12:57:36 | 显示全部楼层
ToraToraTora 发表于 2016-11-18 12:39
本质上就是男性社会中,有钱有权的男性对弱势女性群体的玩弄和性剥削。过了年,我自己先上岸。 ...


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发表于 2016-11-18 13:04:07 | 显示全部楼层
密码码 发表于 2016-11-18 12:57
也不能这么草率总结,他们也是人,非得往负面的方向栽,所有嫖客都一样。但社会资源是这么分配D,你不服 ...


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发表于 2016-11-18 15:12:53 | 显示全部楼层
ToraToraTora 发表于 2016-11-18 13:04
以前不太玩,而且那时候年轻,感情是比较粗糙一些。年纪越大感情反而越细腻,看着这些如花似玉的小姑娘做 ...



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-11-18 16:08:45 | 显示全部楼层
scumbag416 发表于 2016-11-18 00:25
damnnn homie you must b balling 2400 in a week?


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发表于 2016-11-18 16:09:09 | 显示全部楼层
Adamsmith-moon 发表于 2016-11-18 15:12

我生在知识份子家庭,周围邻居都是类似的背景,从小读书又好,上大学出来找个白领工作是很正常的事情,当然青年时期也曾苦闷过,但那种苦闷无非是发愁怎么还没发财,从来没有担心过基本的生活。实际上这么多年没有和圈子以外的人有过深入接触,上层不说了,咱也高攀不上,下面的什么餐馆服务员,街头修鞋的,超市收银的无非是生活中表层的接触而已,他们的生活根本不了解。我第一次听说多伦多有10几万儿童每天吃不饱饭,我是怎么都不相信,国内更不提了。今年开始在嫖界开始结交小妹,才发现娇滴滴得小姑娘为了几万块钱就出来卖,完全觉得不可思议,其实很多后面确实是生活所迫..... 感叹人的不同的命运的同时,也暗暗庆幸自己投胎的运气,同时也在想这么瞎折腾万一后院起火就害了小家伙,所以这个事情我决定明年戒了(当然能不能戒掉是另外一回事)..... 巴菲特也谈过类似的问题..... 我引用一下..... 嫖的同时,看来不但能带来身体的愉悦,确实也能增进自己对人生的理解..... 还是要珍惜现在来自不易的生活啊.....

Warren Buffett on Life, Luck, And Winning The 'Ovarian Lottery'

My political views were formed by this process.  Just imagine that it is 24 hours before you are born. A genie comes and says to you in the womb, “You look like an extraordinarily responsible, intelligent, potential human being. [You're] going to emerge in 24 hours and it is an enormous responsibility I am going to assign to you — determination of the political, economic and social system into which you are going to emerge. You set the rules, any political system, democracy, parliamentary, anything you wish — you can set the economic structure, communistic, capitalistic, set anything in motion and I guarantee you that when you emerge this world will exist for you, your children and grandchildren.

What’s the catch? One catch — just before you emerge you have to go through a huge bucket with 7 billion slips, one for each human. Dip your hand in and that is what you get — you could be born intelligent or not intelligent, born healthy or disabled, born black or white, born in the US or in Bangladesh, etc. You have no idea which slip you will get. Not knowing which slip you are going to get, how would you design the world? Do you want men to push around females? It’s a 50/50 chance you get female. If you think about the political world, you want a system that gets what people want. You want more and more output because you’ll have more wealth to share around.

The US is a great system, turns out $50,000 GDP per capita, 6 times the amount when I was born in just one lifetime. But not knowing what slip you get, you want a system that once it produces output, you don’t want anyone to be left behind. You want to incentivize the top performers, don’t want equality in results, but do want something that those who get the bad tickets still have a decent life. You also don’t want fear in people’s minds — fear of lack of money in old age, fear of cost of health care.  I call this the “Ovarian Lottery.”

My sisters didn’t get the same ticket. Expectations for them were that they would marry well, or if they work, would work as a nurse, teacher, etc. If you are designing the world knowing 50/50 male or female, you don’t want this type of world for women — you could get female. Design your world this way; this should be your philosophy. I look at Forbes 400, look at their figures and see how it’s gone up in the last 30 years. Americans at the bottom are also improving, and that is great, but we don’t want that degree of inequality. Only governments can correct that. Right way to look at it is the standpoint of how you would view the world if you didn’t know who you would be. If you’re not willing to gamble with your slip out of 100 random slips, you are lucky! The top 1% of 7 billion people. Everyone is wired differently. You can’t say you do everything yourself. We all have teachers, and people before us who led us to where we are. We can’t let people fall too far behind. You all definitely got good slips.

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