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Leanna @AsianSexyBabe

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发表于 2016-11-10 22:50:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Leanna's pics look so hot and familiar. Hence I went. Boy, to my delight I had a compassionate reunion with a former favorite LemonLu@d4u. The feeling is like seeing my girl-friend after 3 months of imprisonment But don't you think I have been in jail. I only tell from the movies. She uses a different name to stay low profile.

Today's Leanna is better, unlike USA presidency. Boobs are still hot as hell. If you saw her pics in white lingerine on her first day, you know what I mean. What you saw is what you'll get. Those pics and the current ones are accurate, no PS at all. Her waist is slimmer and legs are thinner, maybe a result of more exercises? Face too again looks great. Depending on your tastes, any marks between 8 to 9 are totally warranted. Of course some will disagree and picking on this or that, but let me reiterate the following. Large pretty natural boobs are not easy to come by. Be realistic and don't expect to get everything.  If you are a natural boob lover ( >C/D ), she is like the best one in the market now. To me, she is only second to the queen Wynn. Since Barbie has faked boobs, I rank them at the same level. I like her more than Macy@d4u, Barbara@hb, Candice@bbf etc.

If you could take her out to a ball with lots of gwai los, she won't let you down. Her English is better than many wolves here I am sure! Canto and mando are also fluent too so she is good for you if you are into chemistry. She is a nice girl with boat sinking capability. Be warned here.

Are S girls more educated? Like August, Leanna is tightlipped about other wolves. They both understand the underlying protocol in this hunting world as well as abide basic social ethnics of respecting others' privacy. Ha, contrasting this with Tora's behavior of relentless broadcasting mm's background in public is absolutely ironic. Remember Tora was able to convert a few short-lived deciples here with his Chinese writing. He is not one deprived of school life. This makes me think if there is a real problem in the education system in Mainland China?

Every now and then there are new kids on the block standing up to make a statement. While you stay complacent with small or faked boobs, you can have more leaway to demand on prettier face, more curvy body and/or more superb services. For those who treat natural busts as a must, there are much less options. There are also more sophisticated hunters who are looking for natural beauties, class, styles, wisdom and personalities etc. Physical interactions alone simply won't satisfy them. So before you throw any darts on other wolves shouting for shill alerts, ask yourself a question first - is there merely a difference in tastes or there are really discrepancies of facts. Otherwise your lack of perspectives will hurt mms and wolves in a unfair fashion.


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发表于 2016-11-10 23:08:44 | 显示全部楼层
Singaporeans speak "Singlish" la.

Their version of Mandarin and Cantonese is absolutely minor league level.

The above is my $0.02.

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发表于 2016-11-10 23:36:56 | 显示全部楼层
They're service providers and they don't have the same right of privacy as clients do.  Basically, they're no different from an actress who sells their personalities, charms and performing skills etc. SP are selling the same thing plus their bodies. No actress would expect others not to talk about their backgrounds. Why would SP be treated differently here? It's their own responsibilities to choose what to say or not to say about themselves. Blaming the clients is barking up the wrong tree......

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发表于 2016-11-10 23:44:22 | 显示全部楼层
dragondick 发表于 2016-11-10 23:08
Singaporeans speak "Singlish" la.

Their version of Mandarin and Cantonese is absolutely minor leagu ...


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发表于 2016-11-11 00:01:49 | 显示全部楼层

从我的角度看,我其实没说什么小妹的隐私,怎么就搞出这么多风浪呢?这个价值观是差异太大了。我总觉得寻花问柳是件风雅有趣的事情,虽然现在不是明清民国,但网上大家都是匿名用不着偷偷摸摸的嘛..... 聊聊小妹,并没有伤害她们什么...... 我一再说了,她们出来卖,不单是卖身这么简单,否则一言不发躺在那不就行了?卖的包括她们的性格,爱好,背景..... 你自己选择说的,埋怨客人没有道理。实际上我很多东西没说,说的有些我也加工了一下;有些我写的,说白了,就是拿你们寻开心而已,根本就是编的,呵呵..... 至于她们说一句话,我能分析出很多东西,这个怨不得我,而且很多我就是瞎猜而已。


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发表于 2016-11-11 00:17:34 | 显示全部楼层
Discretion is always key.

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发表于 2016-11-11 00:25:36 | 显示全部楼层
asuran 发表于 2016-11-11 00:17
Discretion is always key.

No, Your discretion is your key, not mine.  Unless there're some mutual agreements in advance, you can't take your ideas of discretion for granted. That's why I brought up a post to talk about this but no one seems to care.  

Having fun is the key for clients as we pay big bucks.

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发表于 2016-11-11 01:08:51 | 显示全部楼层
Stay classy and respect privacy.

Gossip and stirring up stuff is classless.

But then again Trump is the new president, so yeah.
What a time to be alive!

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发表于 2016-11-11 05:35:07 | 显示全部楼层
ToraToraTora 发表于 2016-11-10 23:44

他們是 "馬不知臉長"。

英文是流利, 但是發音是巫語,印度語的混合體,但是還自以為說的是 "King's English"  。每一句子後面結束前都加上 "la"


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发表于 2016-11-11 06:06:51 | 显示全部楼层
ToraToraTora 发表于 2016-11-11 00:01

从我的角度看,我其实没说什么小妹的隐私,怎么就搞出这么多风浪呢?这个价值观是差异太大了。 ...

Agree with you 120%.

Wisdom shows.

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