
楼主: 7samurai

Do you have white knight syndrome ? Or know of anyone?

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发表于 2016-8-17 22:34:02 | 显示全部楼层
Okay so hi guys Im new to this place but have been lurking for almost half a year now.

On the topic of white knights:

Every guy is looking for sex and being a white knight is just one of the ways of getting it. The female equivalent of this is when she plays hard to get. Basically males are supposed to be chivalrous and females virtuous. The more females turn down guys, the more virtuous she is. The better a male treats a female, the more chivalrous he is. Its when these 2 behaviours are taken to extremes due to lack of dating experience do we get pissed witnessing such things.

Yes, most white knights are just inexperienced virgins and some are just mentally ill/very insecure. But I don't get pissed though when I see one doing his thing. Rather I find it funny since 1. He's stupid enough to be a white knight 2. She's stupid enough to be around him. Eventually life happens, the guy gets his heart broken or the girl is fed up with being lonely and they change into something more normal because they are not getting rly I don't give a sh*t...

On the topic of gangsters:

Seriously what kind of gangster chooses to spend his time on a f*ckboard. The gangsters I know, though I keep a great big distance from them, do not want anything to do with computers or the internet no matter how young they are. If you are young, in a gang and love computers/internet that is a sure sign of weakness and the weak get culled.

Being a gangster is nothing to brag about. Its extremely stressful and the power/money that comes with it can be taken away any second. Its power that isn't elected or backed by the people. Yea it can be quite a bit of money but it cant see the light of day. Real gangsters don't even call themselves gangsters. They call themselves politicians, lawyers, middlemen...anything but the word gangster. Its like the devil tricking the world into thinking he doesnt exist...

Whatever dude its the internet, you be what you want but if you want to be this then this is just what i have to say to you...

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-18 03:35:56 | 显示全部楼层
ronkini1234 发表于 2016-8-17 22:34
Okay so hi guys Im new to this place but have been lurking for almost half a year now.

On the topi ...

Curious.  After 6 months of lurking have you booked a mm?  

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发表于 2016-8-18 17:35:57 | 显示全部楼层
7samurai 发表于 2016-8-17 20:20
Ok Ben or Potatoe  lets lock this thread up.     All this because Lakeside White Knight who brags ab ...

You got, excuse the term, "bitch slapped" in the other thread, lol.  I can pull articles and quotes from anywhere but what you really showed is how when you fail at something, you cry to have something shut down, lol.  You asked for numbers, you got them and you ran away with your ponytail between your legs.

Your lies against women not working for your keeper is what is most dangerous on this board.  You lie and twist things and the sad thing, you actually think you are some type of folk hero, . Exactly what purpose do you have here besides trying to prop the business up for an agency sadly declining. Call me a white knight.  You are much worse, a paid troll.

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-18 19:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
Lakesideguy 发表于 2016-8-18 17:35
You got, excuse the term, "bitch slapped" in the other thread, lol.  I can pull articles and quote ...

Rapidly Unhinging ?   Chill is she your "off the clock" girlfriend  ?   I booked her this week and made moan like banshee   

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发表于 2016-8-18 22:46:27 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-19 05:14:01 | 显示全部楼层
Nice ...we almost have quorum of = 3 white knights  .   The B white knight needs to find a wifi hot spot.  He is on a strict travel and hobby budget in Banf. Grass skying with wife

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-8-20 06:55:46 | 显示全部楼层
Lakesideguy 发表于 2016-8-18 17:35
You got, excuse the term, "bitch slapped" in the other thread, lol.  I can pull articles and quote ...

I can't take credit for this but one of our fine statistician members  pm me on your false conclusion based on mean, mode and median scores.

I'm just interested in statistics.  Based on statistics, assuming the scores provided in previous emails are from a Gaussian distribution.  A t-test for testing the mean is less than 8 yields a p-value of 0.0025 which is small.  The "conclusion" is that based on the given scores, there is no evidence that she is considered to be "pretty" (greater than or equal to 8).

Sorry to dampen your enthusiasm.   Look at the bright side .  Ive generated so much lush PR and bookings she doesn't need your white knighting n Pumping .        

Now that's a true Saint  


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发表于 2016-8-20 10:52:08 | 显示全部楼层
ronkini1234 发表于 2016-8-17 22:34
Okay so hi guys Im new to this place but have been lurking for almost half a year now.

On the topi ...

gangsters fuck bitches
bitches are reviewed on 747
gangsters love 747

lol what do you know about the ways of being a G
the only 2 things i got in this world is my word.. and my balls. I don't break them for nobody
im a gangster and im proud of it

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发表于 2016-8-20 17:07:22 | 显示全部楼层
中文说两句: 我觉得最主要还是要有self-awareness. 你搞得太理性,1,2,3,然后搞一堆规则,这和花钱泡妞的目的南辕北辙了,花钱卖笑,本质上是让大脑多分泌dopamine(抽烟/喝酒/吸毒/性爱);但也不能不有一个止损的位置: 到了某个阶段,no matter how you feel you have to cut the loss and move on. Just enjoy the ride when it lasts.

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发表于 2016-8-21 11:12:09 | 显示全部楼层
7samurai 发表于 2016-8-20 06:55
I can't take credit for this but one of our fine statistician members  pm me on your false conclus ...

You really are not that bright.  The ratings do not equate to average looking, pretty, beautiful or DDG. They have to do with how members of this board feel when it comes to looks, and I would assume this is based upon the many other women they have seen.  You "boldly" stated that she was a 6 based upon ratings and as it turns out, she was a lot higher at 7.40.   An average of 7.40 is pretty much the norm for many of the women rated here based upon looks.  Service wise, she has no peer, IMHO.  For so many guys to provide an average rating of 7.40 just shows she is considered attractive.  Oh, for someone with limited intelligence, an attractive person can be considered average looking, pretty, beautiful and DDG.  Don't forget that 5 guys rated her looks an "8".  Everyone has different tastes and thoughts on what they feel is attractive.  Why can't you just leave it at that, especially when the statistics are in your face.

Keep beating a dead horse with your ridiculous posts.  Your foot has been wedged too deep down your throat to get it back out.  But like I said, intelligence and apparently, common sense, are things that have eluded you.  


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