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Anonymous @ Anonymous for privacy purpose

发表于 2016-6-14 05:13:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Before I write my story, please if you guys know whom I'm talking about, don't share her name or agency because I feel sorrowful if other guys come for her and I don't want her name to show up on this forum. The most important thing is I don't want her to know. Please thanks.

Had a short break so began my trip to Toronto a few days before. On the last night in Canada a mysterious force drived me to call the booker. And I was lucky enough to book her for the last minute. I was stunned by her pure, celestial beauty. And I know she didn't belong here. I didn't mean to disrupt her from sleeping but selfishly I added 3 more hours ( So sad I only had 1200 cash on my hand and I have to return the car I rented by 8 am) because once I left, I may never see her in my life again. She told me that the other guy canceled because he thought she looked like her cousin. I'm grateful to this dude and more grateful to God. If that guy didn't cancel or the guy after me changed his schedule to replace that guy, I may never meet one of the most important people for me in this life. I have met many prettier girls in my life but didn't have any crush on them. This is the first time I felt the determination that indeed she's the apple in my eyes for 5 years. I asked her if many guys at school chasing after her. She said OK La. That means I have so many competitors but I have the least hope  because I'm the only one among these to know her through this way . She's so pure and young that I regretted making love with her. For me, all I wanted is making out and seeing her lying on my breast, closing her eyes and resting peacefully. God, forgive my sins, I vow here I'll never go out to do things like this anymore. In exchange, please grant her safety, sound and happiness.

Right now I'm back to States, our distance becomes 2600 miles. A few days later, we will be 6500 miles away. I can't help but thinking of her because I wanna remember her face, her voice. Never let it go for a second lest it fading away.

Sometimes for a guy like me has no clear direction in life before. I didn't have the motivation to earn a lot of money. But she gave me the motivation now. She's only 21, one month older than me but gone through so many sad moments.As a man,I hate myself being so useless, if I'm rich enough, she will never have to do this anymore. From this day, I'll work hard and earn money more than I ever did.Let's see what I'll be 2 years later. I vow to be a better man and I'll do it. 2 years later, if she didn't get married, I'll chase after her. No matter how little my odds will be, I'll try, until I see a guy that I could entrust. Could that guy be me? Now I have 0 chance, but 2 years later, I'll increase my chance, perhaps still incompetent but at least not impossible.

Face: 10 with some freckles which I like
Attitude: 10 I only speak English or Mandarin, I really like her Mandarin, English and Cantonese
Service: 0 I don't need or like service at all, she doesn't have to serve me because it's self-evident that women and men are equal.
Recommendation: No. The more guys come, the more incapable of me it will manifest.

I don't want her to know this review. The reason
I wrote this review is to express how I feel and seek out help from bros. Do I have a chance to chase after her on the condition that I met her though this way? I'm no longer naïve, and this is not puppy love. Once I found my girl, I'm more than serious. I'm not stupid to know eventually I'll fail eventually. But even if the odd is 0.1%, I'll grasp the very hope.


To all those who asked or guessed who the MM is, please read the FORUM RULES.

If the name/contact/detail was not given initially, it is not allowed to be given later. Members should not ask.

This is to prevent the shill-technique of gaining viewer curiosity/interest, and also denying responsibility for shilling by claiming that they didn't want to give the info but everybody demanded it. We are not saying this OP in this case is a shill, but we must uphold the rule, or else next time the shill will claim unfair treatment and accuse us of picking on him.


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发表于 2016-6-14 05:59:26 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-14 06:08:51 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2016-6-14 06:25:35 | 显示全部楼层
Brandonzf123 发表于 2016-6-14 06:08
It's not her please delete your reply respectfully thanks.

到底是谁?分享一下嘛..... 小老弟,劝你一句:不要对“鸡”动真感情。人家这是在工作,是在演戏,不排除少数刚入行的有时会比较纯真,但要在这行生存下去,这种纯真是不可能持续的。$1200就是聊天几小时?你要好好反思!:-)

(8) 任何報告類的帖子, 如果沒有包括某些關建資料 (如MM名/店名/等等), 之後就不可以透露 (包括公開回帖或PM都不容許), 讀者也請不要問. 因為寫手會用這種心理戰術來吸引讀者, 觸發他們的好奇心, 同時又能假裝無辜(例如說: "我本來都不想透露, 只是大家都很想知, 所以滿足大家要求而已" )。

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-14 06:27:22 | 显示全部楼层
matecheck 发表于 2016-6-14 06:25
到底是谁?分享一下嘛..... 小老弟,劝你一句:不要对“鸡”动真感情。人家这是在工作,是在演戏,不排除 ...


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发表于 2016-6-14 06:29:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2016-6-14 06:30:40 | 显示全部楼层
matecheck 发表于 2016-6-14 06:29
下午不难约。小姑娘长相清纯(类似徐若瑄,缺点就是门牙稍微有点不齐),一流S形身材(缺点就是缺乏锻炼,没 ...

I saw her already. Some guy booked entire afternoon.

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发表于 2016-6-14 06:31:06 | 显示全部楼层
Brandonzf123 发表于 2016-6-14 06:27


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-14 06:32:44 | 显示全部楼层
脱苦海 发表于 2016-6-14 06:30
I saw her already. Some guy booked entire afternoon.

already said we are not talking about the same girl

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发表于 2016-6-14 08:43:25 | 显示全部楼层
I see you are still a young buck (21).
Still lots more experience in life for you.

To be honest this posting is useless and irrelevant. Only thing it causes is speculation.

Good luck.

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