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发表于 2016-2-5 20:50:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
世界不是仅仅由物质而组成的 而是由物质和精神共同组成的金钱和权利固然重要 但仅仅有金钱和权力 一个人也未必幸福和快乐
美国早就有研究 当一个人的金钱到一定数目时 数目再往上涨 幸福指数只会持平而不会继续增长
现代社会有多少富人 是生活在自己用金钱构建起的黄金牢笼里  而不自觉
这个社会 仿佛在给人不断灌输一种错误的认知: 金钱和权力 是一个人一生应该追求 也是唯一应该追求的东西
为了 钱权 这二字 可以不择手段

人活着不能只是一副驱壳  人类既需要物质 也需要精神  
精神上的富有才是真正的富有  物质上的丰富可以是舒适 更可能是灾难
人的追求 不应该仅仅是钱权这二字 也该包括文学艺术
可惜的是现代把物质和精神强行分开 自然科学和人文科学的划分是一大弊端
物质上的富有 精神上的贫困是现代人类的一场灾难  正如某位台湾作家所说 现代社会的国民宗教不是佛教也不是基督教 而是”名利教“  这个宗教信众最多,欺骗性最强

没有物质 人往往无暇顾及精神 我曾看过多伦多某个从东南亚来的贫穷移民夫妇 住一个小小的房子 做卑贱的工作 唯一的娱乐就是看看小电视 听听收音机 这样的生活有意思吗?  他们的生活是悲惨的 经济上的贫苦让他们早已舍弃对精神的追求 这种例子是人类社会的悲哀 ----贫穷一辈子为生活最低保障奔波一生
有了物质 而没有精神 也是悲哀的  这样的人往往是一具空壳 多少富人染上抑郁症 多少富人酗酒嗑药以麻醉自己


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发表于 2016-2-6 02:44:11 | 显示全部楼层
人活着该不该有信仰?~~~~ 這题目很玄!

精神,悲哀,抑郁都是腦變化的一種,但都是發生在弱腦的一個族群。何解?no answer。



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发表于 2016-2-6 03:01:46 | 显示全部楼层

給一個简单的答案 ~~~不该有信仰。
人类有宗教信仰的历史不到五千年,人类在地球历史超過十萬年 【微不足道】


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发表于 2016-2-6 06:05:12 | 显示全部楼层
Bro W,
I am sorry that I disagree wth you on the poor SE Asia poor couple not being happy.  On the contrary, as long as they can meet their expenses and do not need medical, family support payments, their life could be a lot HAPPIER than you and I.
Sometime you will see a happy couple breaking up when one get promotion or come to some big money and there goes the happy marriage.  All one needs is a caring spouse, enough food to survive and roof over the bed, A/C will be nice.  Reliable car will be great.  In case of medical issue, it will be taken care of (unlike all these stories about MM working to pay some family members medical bill).
I was not into hunting out of respect and now I can freely do what I want.  I think all Males are horny.  To say it otherwize is just a pure lie.
Power and Money is not something I value highly.  Otherwize I will very rich with my rich high school classmates or college ones.
A nice kind MM is what I wish to find and I am trying to associate with them and try to understand them.
Sex and body and phony MM is NOT what exactly I pursue in MM.
That is my 2 cents worth to your thread.
Poor does not equate to UNHAPPINESS.
Power brings corruption and money and that is what President Xie is trying to eradicate, and more power to him and there is hope in China.
Try to look up the news story about registration numbers racket in Beijing hospital from the NorthEast girl rant on CCTV 13 last week.  Her comment did bring some change in the Hospital registration issue.
I can see someone scalping sport tickets, but registration ticket for sick people, is it not TOO MUCH.  Do you have a heart, SIR.

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发表于 2016-2-6 06:08:44 | 显示全部楼层
Summarize my response to your thread.
NO religion is phony and just try to control people BAD behavior.  
I had enough of the phony religion classes in high school, always failed those subject and not stupid enough to believe that shit.

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发表于 2016-2-6 06:14:04 | 显示全部楼层
Further questions on religion.

Why do we have fighting within Muslims between Shiite and Sunni, both Prophet Mohammed.
Why did have Christian infighting in Northern Island, between Catholics and Protestants, both Jesus.
Why do we have a dysfunction US congress, between Democrats and Repuplicans, both IN GOD WE TRUST.  Which God are we talking about.

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发表于 2016-2-6 08:14:36 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-2-6 06:05
Bro W,
I am sorry that I disagree wth you on the poor SE Asia poor couple not being happy.  On the c ...

大泡和 ... you're very conscious if not drunk?
Poor does not equate to UNHAPPINESS. ~~~ (under circumstances of balance of budget and no medical needs)

Only greedy (强脑人)不择手段的追求物质, 金钱和权力. Including those 宗教领袖, 文学艺术作家, 科学家等等.

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发表于 2016-2-6 08:17:57 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2016-2-6 08:14
大泡和 ... you're very conscious if not drunk?
Poor does not equate to UNHAPPINESS. ~~~ :hand ...

So Bro, what exactly are you saying?

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发表于 2016-2-6 08:19:03 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2016-2-6 08:14
大泡和 ... you're very conscious if not drunk?
Poor does not equate to UNHAPPINESS. ~~~ :hand ...

Your comments on my thoughts please.  You are not drunk.  I am not either.  Will be though.

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发表于 2016-2-6 08:27:26 | 显示全部楼层
mmpleaser 发表于 2016-2-6 08:17
So Bro, what exactly are you saying?

I concur your opinion ....
I strongly agree ~~~ Poor does not equate to UNHAPPINESS

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