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气死我了 (帳戶被ban),管理员和狼友们点进来!

发表于 2015-10-15 14:07:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-15 17:31:34 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-15 17:42:35 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-15 18:00:57 | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-15 18:16:51 | 显示全部楼层
抱怨和投诉在这个世道 应该说的”有技巧性“
比如八戒的"看到了网站的20岁 恍然大悟了.......下次找“19”岁的“
或者引用诗词 ”出师未捷身先死 长使英雄泪满襟“  
之前我对ASB的cherry也不满意 但我只能说“我和她不来电” “我不是她喜欢的类型" "她心事重重”
再严重一点的女 我就说“一朵奇葩出墙来” “争奇斗艳” “一开门 她太美我不敢看 于是就逃了“ 之类

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-15 23:15:03 | 显示全部楼层
By now,   发表于 8 小时前 ~~~~ 哈哈, total 4 responses after 8 hours. Add me total 5 now.
贴子被永久下沉,账号被封 ~~~~哈哈, You're not alone. My endorsements had 被封 that I don't even knew/remembered what I had wrote! Super efficient by 管理圆.
对747的管理很失望 ~~~~ 哈哈, What can you DO? 一台独大 ....吹咩!
等小人物来给你写一大推红字吧 ~~~~哈哈, Wait & WILL (would) see......
理由很简单,他们要保护广告商 ~~~~哈哈, classified.
听听版主的看法吧,可能有猛料 ~~~~哈哈, Let's wait for 有猛料!
抱怨和投诉在这个世道 应该说的”有技巧性" ~~~~ 哈哈,老威, you're TRUE "number one"

To 管理圆: upon now, none of wolves stood at your side. Should you .... all right, forget it. This is results of 一台独大!

Good night .....


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-15 23:20:42 | 显示全部楼层
I was looking for dat review that you posted but I couldn't even find it when I got home I WAS LIKE WTF WHY YOU REMOVE IT!!! and now I know......(no comment)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-15 23:42:57 | 显示全部楼层
Then why let us write review when if they don't like  what we write they can remove

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-16 01:30:27 | 显示全部楼层
唔刪帖,只係下沉,個帖仲喺度,要睇有得睇。問題係主題係講babyface,內容加入對ToAsiansGirls不滿,兩個車房主持人睇到有乜感想。同行如敵國,請你地敎敎Admin, 要保障言論自由,除左下沉,有咩更好辦法?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-16 02:37:16 | 显示全部楼层
Your previous account has been barred from access, however everything you've written is still here and can still be read by all members. Our purpose for providing this transparency is so that members can see for themselves the posting history of the account. We do not have 100% proof of Dino (name of original account which has been barred access). However, your reviews have been too heavily skewed towards certain agencies, and moreover the scores you've given is highly inconsistent with what we know about some of the girls you reviewed.
If you have a dispute you can email us. We did not receive any email from you. We do not use QQ on a regular basis, however I just checked out QQ and we did not receive messages regarding this matter either. It appears to us that you are a shill who got caught and is trying to make a venomous counter-attack.

We have been suspicious of you for a while now. Thank for your confirming our suspicions. First of all, in reply to your false accusation, "他们要保护广告商". Actually the truth is that what we have done here is to ban the account of someone who based on what we can see is probably a shill that have been writing positive reviews for one of our paying advertisers. So your accusation is completely invalid. It is also understandable that a shill/smear will have the secondary goal/purpose to attack
whenever convenient the credibility of forum moderator who will eventually catch/showdown with them. Second of all, all members are free to look at your posting history. Basically, you opened this account for the sole purpose of attack a single MM. I'm not saying you can't make negative comments, but you a look at your posting history reveals that you didn't make just 1 or 2 comments, but has pursued an agenda to consistently attack one girl. Furthermore, we are able to link your account to several others that we have previously banned for shilling/smearing. Thus we have reason to be believe that Hunter90 is just one of many accounts you have opened for purpose of shilling/smearing.

I have great respect for you. So I don't want to fight with you. I just hope you can go take a close look at the posting history of Dino and Hunter90 before you make irresponsible comments and unfair remarks towards us.

There is a need to moderate the contents. Every forum does this. Hope you can understand, we cannot allow a "no holds barred free for all" where anybody can say anything even if untrue or malicious. Sometimes we have to make a judgement call on something we are not sure. I'm not asking you for anything but just a little bit of understanding that this is not as easy as you think. Put yourself in our position. If we are too lenient and allow posts which appear likely to be shill or smear but we are not 100% sure, then we get accused of complicity. If we are strict, sometimes we do mistakenly accuse someone who is innocent. Also, the shills/smears/trouble-makers that we nail will all play the victim card and also throw out the "freedom of speech" which they interpret to mean they should be allowed to say absolutely anything they want. Its a no win situation but we have to do our best to keep things real. We just hope that all those members who are blissfully ignorant of all the behind-the-scenes work to ensure honestly will refrain from shooting off their mouths about which they don't know anything about. I'm not saying everything here is 100% real, just the same as its impossible to achieve a crime rate of ZERO, but we do our best. Those who don't appreciate it and make bullshit comments can perhaps just leave AZN747 and try hunting from Backpage or other review boards. You will quickly see how much more fake pics, misleading advertising, shill reviews, etc there exists out there. Here at AZN747 we are already keeping all dishonesty to minimum level possible.

Based on a comprehensive look at EVERYTHING that Dino wrote (posting history), we are skeptical of his integrity. For the record, we are not totally sure if he is a shill. Obviously its useless to ask him since no shill will admit they are one if you just politely ask. On the balance of probability we felt the need to bar his account. Otherwize we also run the risk of being accused of condoning shilling. Members are free to look up the posting history and decide if we are fair & reasonable in reaching this judgement. Furthermore, we are open to discussion, but not temper-tantrums, shitfests, or verbal abuse. If you have a dispute, you can email us, and we will reply as soon as we can and try to work things out with you. Raising a big stink publicly will have opposite effect.

使用道具 举报

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