
楼主: tomsiu

亚投行之我(老湯)見 = 政治主导?

 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-28 14:50:13 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2015-3-28 12:13
GDP is great thing but should be GDP per capita .
中国人均收入. 不是中国总产值. 明白吗.
再看一看吧. ...

Google GDP per Capita for China 1978-2014. It shown
1978   $     216
1988   $     405
1998   $  1,025
2008   $  4,560
2014   $10,362
China shown high growth rate from $216 (1978) to $10,362 (2014)

Google GDP per Capita for USA 1978-2014. It shown
1978   $10,900
1988   $21,442
1998   $32,929
2008   $48,302
2014   $54,678
USA shown slower growth rate from $10,900 (1978) to $54,678 (2014)

再看一看 ........ Net worth of disposal income between USA and China. For same products USA has 100~300% more expensive than in China.
再想一想 ........ 你自己的 earned income between 1988 to now. How much it had grown?
再等一等 ........ Thus, 共产党 would catch up USA in next 20~30 years.

在這理論 do you agree  共产党 (中國) is workable for Chinese, per achievement in last 40 years? [Don't argue future as it's not happen yet. Presumption has no 結論的]

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发表于 2015-3-28 21:40:08 | 显示全部楼层
又说什么摸着石头过河,为什么要摸石头呢,为什么不看一看英美德法这些成巧的例子. 为什么不学别人好的而又亚茂整饼,什么社会主义呢,是特权化下的资本主义,比自由市场下的资本主义更万恶.

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发表于 2015-3-28 21:46:43 | 显示全部楼层
特别是环境污染,重工业,乱挖矿. 环境一旦破坏了是補不回来的.

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发表于 2015-3-28 22:03:28 | 显示全部楼层
又问老汤,中国除了古时候的四大发明外,又发明了什改变人类的新科技呢. 是不是人造鸡蛋,头发酱油,三聚青安奶粉,地㘬油........

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-29 04:46:35 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2015-3-28 21:40
共产党将整个中国都推毁了,才从废墟中从 ...

麻烦您看一看,南韩,台湾,新加坡,香港,日本,这些数据才讲吧 ~~~~ 看過了, 除了GDP per capita , 其他都比他們好. Let's wait 20~30 years. It'll pass or catch them even GDP per Capita.
为什么不学别人好的 ~~~~ 學習進行中. 但並非乞討! (such as 英美德法这些成巧的例子)
资本主义 ~~~~ 確切地說, 所有奸商是在政府保护伞下的. 沒有政府保护 none of business would survive including business in Pacific Mall. 例如, Why business in Thailand not as good as other countries (例如新加坡). 原因是政府的政策不同. Google 在中国失敗原因是中国政府沒有保护它. 麥當勞在中国成功原因是中国政府有保护它.
快速增长是建立在出卖廉价劳动力和破坏环境资源上的 ~~~~ 所有快速增长的企業都是建立在出卖廉价劳动力和破坏环境资源上的包括英美德法日 after WII. Thereafter, such activities switches to China since 1980..... that's it.
世界前五十名大学有几多间在美国,又有几多间中国大学呢 ~~~~ 你是重複你的疑問. 美国的大学有 100+ 年歷史. 怎樣比較共产党的大学 which had 50 years 呢.(Time factor?)
中国除了古时候的四大发明外 ~~~~ Very good questions! 難道你不察覺中国有 80% 漢人. 在我以前所有的辯論 that tell 多數漢人不合作, 自大, 不愛国. 他們選擇 to live/work under 美英日 even as dog . 漢人選擇不摸着石头过河. 選擇学别人好的. 走捷徑. 這叫懶惰. 共产党現在要改變它.要有新發明.要摸着石头过河.
为什么中国有80%的富豪及其家人会移民外国 ~~~~ 移民是個人的選擇. No one could give a firm answer. Would you? (愛国的人不會移民的)
为什么没有一个美国富豪会移民到泱泱中华天朝大国呢.~~~~ 移民是個人的選擇. No one could give a firm answer. Would you? (愛国的人不會移民的)
最后一门老汤,为什么您会从香港移民到这里而不是回流贡献共产祖国呢 ~~~~ I came to Canada in 1980. I refused to work for British. (I work for a British Company that years.) 移民是家庭的選擇 (不是老汤一人的). 當年中國還沒有站起來. 事實上,我遺憾 that if I can re-decide again in 1990, 今天我的運氣會不一樣.

結論是中国有太多漢人. 他們不合作, 自大, 不愛国. In last 600 years. 漢人被蒙, 金,日教訓過了.
日英美德都是愛国的民族. 即使他們的領導是侵略者, 霸權者, 納粹者, 繪子手.
最后一门亞一, 你愛国嗎? 你是漢人嗎?

I ask you "你愛国嗎?". Please don't add "共产党" in your answer. Just say "YES" or "NO"
Or you choose 龍九一樣 ...... Dodge the question = Coward.

For 老汤 answer: "YES" (=我愛国)

亞一, I did answer your question "为什么您会从香港移民到这里而不是回流贡献共产祖国呢." . Now, wait for yours!


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发表于 2015-3-29 18:09:05 | 显示全部楼层

When you have nowhere to run, you drag me into your #18 & 25.  

I didn't want to participate your discussions, because I noticed that you are such an ignorant, self-centred person, and of course I have no intention to enlighten a person of your low calibre.

I asked you many times B4, where did you get your self-proclaimed "objective" views without reading any "subjective" books, reports, and reviews?  Were your born several hundred years ago to have witnessed everything.  Did you provide an answer?
Oh yes, I answered your questions despite the persistent interrogative tone.  Go check it out.

I also asked you to name any country which would not suppress armed uprisings with force.  You placed your tail between your legs & ran, & didn't answer.  Wasn't that dodging a question?

You are such a small person with no shame!         


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发表于 2015-3-29 19:26:56 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2015-3-29 04:46
麻烦您看一看,南韩,台湾,新加坡,香港,日本,这些数据才讲吧 ~~~~ 看過了, 除了GDP per capita , 其 ...

I don't want to interrupt your discussions.  It is interesting to see various viewpoint.  
When Mr. One and Mr. Tom discussed: "中国除了古时候的四大发明外 ~~~~ Very good questions! ...".  I will give you my point of view from my experience dealing with Chinese scientists in the last 30+ years.  

The students/post doc/scholars/researchers/... that came from mainland China are excellent students/workers.  If you gave them an extremely tough problem to work on with explicit instruction what they need to do, they can give you a very detailed solution.  However, if you give them a general direction, they will just sit there waiting for further instructions.  What I am saying is they are all very intelligent, and brilliant workers.  However, they are not trained to explore and think in their own way.  Therefore, for example, when the "west" come up with a new product, they can immediately "decode" it and modify it but it is very difficult for them to come up with a new concept/products.

This may answer Mr. One's question.  The main problem is that they are trained to "study text book well" and "don't waste time in developing new concepts as the new concepts may not work".  So not too many major achievements from Chinese scientists in recent years.

On the other hand, Mr Tom's argument is a bit extreme.  Lots of scientists came over to learn the "new technology".  Once they got here, they like the freedom and the "material satisfaction".  The one off-spring policy is also a driving force for them to stay.  I won't say this is because they 不愛国.

To me, the old 共产党 is a disaster.  The current 共产党 is an improvement but still a long way to go.  The current democracy system in the west is not working too well either.  All this rights, that rights, ... are all pulling us back from bigger achievements.  There's no one perfect system.  However, we have not found the best combination yet!


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发表于 2015-3-29 22:12:14 | 显示全部楼层
第一无知 :清华,北大,同济,武汉大学,哪一间不是超过一百年的历史,麻烦您自己Google 一下吧.
第二无知;麦当劳在全世界成功是因为人们(顾客喜爱他)关政府屁关系也没有. Google 在中国失败是因为共产党讨厌他,因为Google 可以提倡自由搜索,言论自由,这是在中共不能容忍的.  您试一试用百度搜索六四天安门事件. 什么也没有搜索出来的 . 现在Youtube , Facebook , 星岛日报,明报,苹果曰报,包括sex747 都上不了的. 因为中共要禺民,控制言论,打压自由. 这样的政府好吗?
第三无知;移民是希望过更好的生活,为什么全世界都响往移民美加呢,而沒有人会选择大天朝呢就是全世界都知道美加好过中华大国不知几多倍. 也是这个原因习近平,李克强,薄熙来,曽庆红,朱容基的孩子们都在美国呢. 您又不见,布殊,奥巴马,克林顿的孩子们在中国.  难道他们都是错的,难道以上这些人沒有你老汤懂政治,懂共产党?

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发表于 2015-3-29 22:27:20 | 显示全部楼层
老汤移民加拿大而不回流中国是因为老汤的家人比老汤聪明,他们知道共产党的丑陋和美加的好处才來这里的. 对吗.
“ 我爱国但绝不爱党” 共产党并不代表整个中国. 在我眼里中国就好像是一间港岛的一幢美丽的Cobdo , 而共产党只是这condo 的management 公司. . 我非常喜欢这间condo 但又十分讨厌他的管理公司. 所以我离开了.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-30 04:20:09 | 显示全部楼层
curious 发表于 2015-3-29 19:26
I don't want to interrupt your discussions.  It is interesting to see various viewpoint.  
When Mr ...

Mr Curious ... "herefore, for example, when the "west" come up with a new product, they can immediately "decode" it and modify it but it is very difficult for them to come up with a new concept/products."

This statement answers that 聾狗了? Always refer 某些人的理論為己用. "And very difficult for them to come up with a new concept/products". This is Chinese....

亞一 .... Thus, 747 會員添加一個聾狗 (懦夫)? Dodge to answer "yes" or "no"?
愛家是不設立場的. Even father is thief. Mother is whore. You can't modify your blood.
愛国是不設立場的. Even they are 霸權, 征服, 侵略者 and 繪子手. you can't modify your blood.


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