
楼主: havingfun

Nana @ Purple Star (subpar service)

发表于 2014-9-6 08:31:12 | 显示全部楼层
havingfun 发表于 2014-9-6 08:19
I paid $40+$60.  I'm okay with paying $60 to Nana for her extra service because that's the norm, b ...

Never believe in pretty female (normal girl, housewife, mm, etc).  They know how to lie to men.

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发表于 2014-9-6 09:07:47 | 显示全部楼层
total agree with "having fun" , no chemisty, just straight for the money ... will not repeat ...don't know why so many positive review for her ??? couple of my friends have similar experience ...

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发表于 2014-9-6 10:33:06 | 显示全部楼层
fuckme 发表于 2014-9-6 06:49
Nana had been fully nude, had been kissing the lower body of OP, licking his balls, hopped on OP and ...

No. But OP should get his 30 minutes.

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发表于 2014-9-6 10:39:28 | 显示全部楼层
Support OP. 30  minutes is 30  minutes as promised.
Nana was not right in rushing OP out within the time to get another customer.

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发表于 2014-9-6 14:04:12 | 显示全部楼层
the way i see it no one has the rite to tell the author this is joke of the day bla bla bla u guys are all being a Dic.   This forum exist to share real experience and the author did share the real experience  and he has every rite to share the good or bad experience.  
I myself was thinking of visiting NANA but after this i wont be ill wrather go somewhere else.  Not gonna go to a place where is known to rush.
NANA has been getting alot of business because of 747 good reviews.
if she gets a row of bad review and no one goes to see her she will give a sht.  

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发表于 2014-9-6 15:59:21 | 显示全部楼层
Frank  reviews are required as a check and balance for popular massage mms.  But I couldn't help but chuckle at op returning at 5pm for his remaining time?

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发表于 2014-9-6 16:27:27 | 显示全部楼层
1. 先參考5樓 fuckme 師兄簡短地講下樓主所收到服務。
2. 樓主20分鐘內出貨收工。
3. 未夠時間,樓主希望做按摩,Nana 姐話有客到。
4. Nana 姐最後小收$20。
3. 叫樓主遲D番嚟整多15分鐘按摩。
Nana 姐在法定時間內趕客催鐘確有不妥,但我猜想(猜想?)最後小收$20也是同一道理,只是兩人溝通問題,假如 Nana 姐說對不起今天比較趕所以小收$20,下次來送多15分鐘,應該全世界皆大歡喜。
老實講,以樓主收到服務,Nana 姐交足功課有課有餘,拍爛手掌,值唔值?唔係見仁見智,以出火而論,$100 如斯服務,物有所值。
最好笑係下文,Nana 姐叫客遲D番嚟,樓主真係清純到book 5點整多15分鐘按摩,可以歸入今日最好笑笑話,出嚟玩不外乎圖個開心,除死無大事,不妨笑下算。

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发表于 2014-9-6 16:43:01 | 显示全部楼层
I am happy that nana did not do extra 15 mins for Havingfun. Otherwize is not fair for other bros, haveingfun get 20 mins and a whole list of service and he should pay $80 for these service then he only paid 20 for 20 mins which is equal to $1 per min for the room, regular price is $40 for 30 mins which is equal to $1.33 per mins, Havingfun get a discount already, why still upset ? I want to ask other bros here, do u really get that much service from other spa ? Havingfun bro just relax, enjoy your next hunting

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发表于 2014-9-6 20:25:01 | 显示全部楼层
That extra 15min she said it's bullshitting you.... I can't believe you actually you believe it.
All the keepers always say things like "I will give you a discount next time" when you have bad service, but it's just bs... and we all know it.

honestly, I don't think she is fully book for the rest of the day.
She just doesn't want to see you again and can't believe you actually come back for that 15min free massage....

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发表于 2014-9-7 10:01:16 | 显示全部楼层
Masiu 发表于 2014-9-6 16:27
1. 先參考5樓 fuckme 師兄簡短地講下樓主所收到服務 ...

馬笑兄,簡短寫出樓主所收到的服務是我特意二胡拉出笛子調,是看不過眼有人對於Nana的extra,竟然說他會放下$20的弦外之音,不是針對樓主。整件事件,也可以說是店主縱容服務員呃鐘,但Nana已經盡了,又或是超越了本份,主動減收$20,相當於入場費百分之五十。須知大部分Spa,入場費全歸店主,Extra收益才是Nana的收入。更有人說只要有一連串寫Nana的壞報告,令她沒有人客,.... she will give a shit. 我說:Nana還未到受中傷而沒有客的日子,早已盤滿砵滿,收山去矣。
樓主,Nana已補償你百分之五十入場費,你還堅持她欠你十五分鐘按摩嗎,憑你良心說一句,去Purple Sugar Spa 的動機是按摩還是Nana的服務?

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