
楼主: happypooning

my diary - just for the record......

发表于 2014-8-2 06:22:33 | 显示全部楼层
Hp brother, did you tell Sweetie lets go see my mom, if she say yes we get marry, if no you are history?

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-4 11:26:58 | 显示全部楼层
dashfortrash 发表于 2014-8-1 09:37
finally finished the story. HP, every post you wrote made me feel more involved, its almost like wit ...

dash4$ brother, the difference is tiger mom and most of my family live in asia, i am here by myself, and i am not saying i am super rich, but i am financially independent, fully capable of taking care of myself and sweetie as well as this little hobby of mine.

also tiger mom does not like any of my exes anyway, her ideal daughter in law is like 5"7+ plus, Chinese, speaks mandarin fluently, super skinny( using my standard), at least bachelor degree if not master+, good family background...etc.. i think i just describe the prerequisites for 80% of all the chinese tiger moms..

u should write a diary to record all ur memory ie. the foot massage girl in china... 10 years from now on, it would be memorable to read it again, otherwize these memories will fade away gradually.

it's not the destination of our life that we really should cherish, its the process, it's what we have been through.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-4 11:30:47 | 显示全部楼层
cewek 发表于 2014-8-2 06:22
Hp brother, did you tell Sweetie lets go see my mom, if she say yes we get marry, if no you are hist ...

creek brother,

1. Of course not, it was sweetie's idea, in fact i was against the idea initially, i thought its better to wait till next summer or even 2016, but she has skyped with most of my relatives already, she thinks she is ready.

2. tiger mom will not approve for sure, but i don't need her permission as long as i stay in canada. little she can do to me. i will be with sweetie for as long as she wants, with or without tiger mom's blessings

3. i told sweetie, i would never leave her behind 2 weeks ago, unless she is tried and sick of me, she can leave me, but i won't do that to her, because i owe her too much, she has always been there whenever i need her, but not vice versa.

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发表于 2014-8-4 22:20:40 | 显示全部楼层
happypooning 发表于 2014-8-4 11:26
dash4$ brother, the difference is tiger mom and most of my family live in asia, i am here by mysel ...

I understand, I'm in a very similar situation except my tiger mom is here but the rest of my family is in Asia/Australia. Same with my own independence, except I have a different dilemma/demon than yours on the girl situation right now, probably at a crossroads.

My mom always wants me to find the nice kind and meek asian girl who isn't TOO pretty, has a good job but doesn't make TOO much money and is docile and subservient enough to take care of me in her place, but to be honest I don't give a crap what mom says about my future wife, she doesn't have to live with her day in day out. I do.

I wish you all the best back to Asia with the family, hopefully sweetie will be a homerun/surprise even you/your mom!

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发表于 2014-8-7 19:51:10 | 显示全部楼层
Hp brother, Sweetie wanted you to bring her to see your mom! She is dead serious about you. From what I have known about her through your diary, lucky you. I bet your mom will like her. Best wishes to you both.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-13 18:37:29 | 显示全部楼层
Aug 13th 2014 (Asia time)
Location: Asia
where do i begin, flight was really long, a bit over 15 hours, it was a smooth fly otherwize, i slept though 2/3 of the flight, sweetie was chatting with 2 other flight attendants majortiy of the time, they talked about makeup, skin care, hair care, diet..etc. sweetie was telling them that she wanted to dye her hair black, and those 2 stewdesss strongly encouraged her, because her pale skin would be a nice contrast with black hair..blah blah blah, i opened my eyes when i overheard that coversation, and looked at her, she said but the grumpy guy next seat only like brunettes, and the stewardess was saying perhaps, u should dye ur hair black, and he can dye his hair brown, and i said " what kind of chinese has brown hair" and the stewdess was like hey u finally spoke. hey  u don't look like chinese anyway, no one can realy tell. and then 3 of them laughed out so loud, i didn't find it funny at all, so i was like whatever, i am going back to sleep, good night.. sweetie was like, i told u he is a gumpy guy. anyway fast forward..
everyone was at my grandpa's parents waiting for us, 2 of my cousins still went to pick us up, even though tiger mom wanted us to "cab" home. so i sat with 2 of my guy cousins, and sweetie sat in another car with 2 of my girl cousins, one of them speaks min. english, another speaks zero, but sweetie was like it's ok, i can speak some chinese, lmao, she can probably speak 50 words, mostly cars, food, airplane, clothes..etc i asked her later what did u guys talk about during the ride, she said she did well and it was a good conversation.
Everyone loves sweetie, especially my grandma, she would pinch her face everytime she sees sweetie, and said she would be able to deliver half dozen of grandbabies, ( i caught grandma looking at sweetie's bum twice) then i pay really close attention to sweetie, carefuly observing her dynamics with my family. how she made my family like her almost instantly, she smiles nonstop, and she constantly nods when people talk to her even though she doesn't understand, this is what i called sweetie charm. perhaps this is why i fell for her too, her warm, down to earth, caring personality. ok now on to tiger mom, no surpirse at all, totally what i expected, very cold, indifferent, use a scarcastic and condensending tone. when i first saw her, i said " ma ma" she said" u still remember me" very sarcastic tone, and i said this is my friend and i took sweetie's hand to her hand, tiger mom said " very different from the pics, very good pics (meaning sweetie is not as pretty as the pic)" in chinese.. sweetie didn't understand and looked at me, i said mom said u look better in the pics and skype.  and sweetie said "thank you" to tiger mom, tiger mom looked puzzled because it wasn't meant to be a compliment, anyway, busy schedule coming up, i will record more in 4 or 5 days. going to HK with my cousins and yes sweetie too

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-18 20:11:23 | 显示全部楼层
Date August 18th, 2014
Location: A restaurant (one of my favs.) in asia

Sweetie was saying that, she feels like a celebrity here. everyone treats her so well, then i said then u should buy all my close cousins a dinner,

she said sure, i know she has equivalent $500 canadian, i told her to leave credit card n bank card in canada, we can just use cash here, since more locals use cash here
anyway, so i intentially picked a more upscale and pricey restuarant. 12 of us went including me n sweetie. near the end of the dinner, i signaled sweetie to take care
of the bill, my cousins all stood up, but i said sweetie insisted, very interesting chinese culture, people fighting the bill, like literally, i am a big guy, all my cousins
are much smaller than me, but one guy grabbed my arm, another held my waist to hold me back, and girl cousins stopped sweetie, so funny, wish someone was there to film it
finally i persuaded them, because they bought so many gifts for sweetie, and endless expensive meals since we landed, so i hit the table, said this meal is on sweetie,
end of discussion or we won't dine out with u guys again. sweetie made her way to the cashier, the cashier did speak english, so they were chatting, i was watching her
from a distance, i love watching her from a distance, and finally she saw the bill, she stopped laughing completely, haha that's when i started laughing, all my cousins
looked at me, i didn't say a word, hahaha, the bill exceeded $500, its nearly $600 (canadian money) since 12 of us and they had some red wine..haha.. sweetie started panicking
walking back and forth, head down.. finally she came to me and whispered " baby i don't have enough, i just need another $80( canadian currency)."i said i left my wallet
at home, u said dinner is on u, so i don't have any cash on me, i guess u can try to bargain or work something out with the manager, see if u can stay here and wash dishes
for them for a few days. haha. she thought i was serious, she walked back to the cashier and mumbled something to the cashier, and i was behind her, i waved at another waitress and
ask for another ice cream dessert, sweetie has the funniest and bitter face on, and said "please, what r u doing, we don't have enough money" i said, thats ur problem not mine
make sure u know the price range before u treat ppl.. i thought she was about to cry. i finally took out my credit card and paid for it, i was afraid she would really cry
in the middle of the restaurant, in front of my cousins. she hit me mulitple times, i didn't lie to her, i did leave my wallet at home and had no cash on me, just a credit card
all my cousins started questioning us, they saw the whole thing, i was like sweetie has a weird hobby that she likes to practice kung fu after meals. she was so helpless, before i took
out the credit card, i grabbed her hand and told her we should start running..hahaha. she thought i was serious, she said what about cousins..haha

i had so much fun teasing her.. she is the love of my life..

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发表于 2014-8-18 21:48:41 | 显示全部楼层
sounds like she is a keeper

hold her tight

have a great trip

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-22 19:55:42 | 显示全部楼层
Date: Aug 22nd, 2014

I took sweetie to a nearby hair salon to have her hair cut and washed, 3 of my cousins went with us too, but only sweeite and another girl cousin had their hair care, while 3 guys waited. sweetie was so impressed by the decoration, service, and above all, the price. its less than 20 canadians/ person, she had her hair cut, head and shoulder massage for at least 30 mins, and some kind of treatment for healthy looking hair, everything for like 19 bucks each person. the hairdresses were both very professional and friendly. sweetie wanted to tip so badly, but i stopped her, we simply don't do that here, i told her if she really likes the service, we can come back again before she flies home. 19 dollars made my sweetie so happy. she is very chatty and smiley when she is happy. the hair dresser didn't know english at all, sweetie still tried to make a conversation whenever she got a chance to talk and then asked me to translate. the hairdresser is probably in her early 30s.. sweetie even gave her a hug before we left the salon. they even offered us apple juice and ice tea.

sweetie asked me how come chinese in asia r so much nicer than chinese in Toronto. i was like what r u saying, so i am not nice to u??! she was like not nice enough..i laughed out loud sweetie is so spoiled by me but she is still not satisfied. then i explained to her $20 canadian means a lot in most parts of asia, where in canada u cant even buy a decent steak with it. if u go to a $100+ hair salon, i bet the service and attitude r competiable. when we get to my grandparents' place, grandma gave sweetie a hug immediately and touch her hair gave her a lot of compliments, while tiger mom said she can't really tell the difference, sweetie tried so hard to please tiger mom, but she still remains her sarcastic attitude with condensending tone sweetie is a bit discouraged, i told sweetie even if u r the best girl in the world, she will still find very minor flaw in u, if u don't have one, she will simply create one

we had a very important dinner gathering earlier tonight, my great uncles and aunties, pretty much everyone from tiger mom's side. it's invitation only meaning strictly family only. all my cousins are not allowed to bring their girlfriends/boyfriends, only the married the couples. i told my grandma about it, because i can not leave sweetie alone at home.  if she is not allowed to dine with us, i am going to miss the dinner too, grandma ensures me that she can go and sit beside me. but some idiotic server/greeter stopped us at the entrance.
he was saying that there is no extra seat, i was like its a huge resort and u r telling me u can't find a single chair for her. i asked him to step away from us, he said sweetie is not on the list i was like she is my family. the guy called for backup. the manager was like please don't make our job harder blah blah blah, this is a private gathering..i was like tiger mom is my mom. go check with her he was like i understand, but this is a family gather, i lost my patience, grabbed sweetie's hand and threatened to leave, my cousin went inside to find my grandma, grandma came out and grabbed sweetie's hand, said this is my grand daughter..and took her in, hahaha. my grandma is cute, ppl just looked puzzled, since how can grandma has a white grand daughter, not even a mix
i just stared that manager down, i know, everyone knows, tiger mom made that stupid rule to isolate and remind sweetie she is an outsider.. this is so childish and so 80's
so sweetie sat between me and grandma, tiger mom stared at me from the other table, but nothing she can do, and grandma introduced sweetie to everyone as her grand daughter
hahaha.. i wish i could take a pic of tiger mom's "black" face. she made a fool out of herself, now everyone knows me n sweetie r dating seriously if not engaged not just friends as tiger mom proclaimed earlier.

my 5th auntie on my dad's side bought sweetie a dress, it's less than $200 CAN, but so pretty, like the dress was designed and made for sweetie. tiger mom was not happy about it that sweetie got so close
with the rest of my family so fast. they got along so well. sweetie charm, no one can resist.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-22 19:58:38 | 显示全部楼层
we went to sing karaoke earlier this week, i forgot to record it here on my diary. i almost always don't sing @ karaoke in public, i just sat there and tried to soak into the atmosphere, there were 9 of us, girl cousins sang 80% of the time we were just eating snacks, and some of them were drinking beer, i just had a non-alcoholic drink. sweetie sang shape of my heart by backstreet boys and the theme song from titanic, and then she asked me to sing a song too
everyone was like he doesn't sing karaoke, so don't bother, sweetie started begging me, i said no repeatedly, then out of nowhere, she bit me, she said sing now!! she said i tried to ask nicely..hahaha ok ok
first time my cousins heard me singing live. i sang a chinese song called  死心眼 by彭佳慧
they were all impressed, i guess my cousins assume i dont sing because i cant sing. although the room was dark, sweetie looked at me in the eyes intensely.
and said i wanna know the lyrics. and girl cousin pulled out the phone and found the lyrics in english.
sweetie doesn't understand why i chose such a sad song. sad lyrics, utterly sad melody. this song triggered a lot of memories
the very first time i heard this song..i remember clearly, i had to fight hard not to let a tear come down from my eyes.
it was a very high/happy atmosphere, i instantly changed it to blue/emotional... sweetie hugged me so tight, she said its ok, i am here now, u have me now
it was dead silent, and we all left.. haha i am #1 party crasher!!!

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