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Exquisite Courtesan- Kaylee

发表于 2014-7-24 12:52:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dear brothers and friends on 747, hold ur horses, i know i said no hunting before the trip, i really tried, no hunting for me for past 7 days already!!! i had to hunt today, i can not suppress the wolf spirit in me anymore, please understand i am only human, i am very reliable and man of my word in general, but when it comes to hunting, huge delimma, i can not keep my promise when it comes to this hobby, that's why i would never quit, or attempt to quit.. a wolf side of me has already conquered the best of me..

ok, now let's talk about Kaylee, she looks like 19 in person, very young, with a bit of freckles, but it's good, very natural, very healthy looking face, no blemish no pimples, perfect skin

people who know me, know i like my brunettes, cute round face, with a bit of baby fat.. Kaylee is totally the opposite, she is really really slim, not round face at all.. but i wanted to see her anyway because of the below pics really caught my attention. when she opened the door to greet me, i noticed her hazel eyes right away, very pretty, very big. ligthen up her whole face. she put my shoes away in the closet.. and showed me to the inner room...i like her demeanors so far. pretty polite and pleasant. the room was too bright for my liking, but what can we do, she already closed the blinds for me already, i did tell her i prefer doing in dark, she said i did too when i was 15.. i didn't know what to say, later i noticed Kaylee has very interesting sense of humor, i didn't like it at first, but slowly she warmed up to me.. great girl for sure. she is very very different than the girls i see on regular basis, she is very tiny, but very confident, when i can back from the solo shower, i took a good look at her, i told her i really like her blue dress, because blue is my fav. colour besides black and white, she giggled, she said she can tell, because i was in all blue, blue suit, blue shirt, even my grid boxer was blue, too.. u know the face she made when she said that was adorable, she is not afraid of strangers at all, she made me smile a lot, quite an interesting girl.. like a gift box full of surprises for me to reveal one by one

when i removed her dress, perfect bubble bum, very very small, i like bigger bum, (aspen is perfect for me in every single way) but Kaylee's shape was perfect if u like smaller bum, and flawless no weird mark, no nothing.. just perfect. the roundest bubble butt i have seen in 2014. she doesn't even work out, she said never, i said God must like u very very much, its a blessing.. i blushed a bit when i gently touched her bum.. i asked her permission before i did everything, like removing her pantie, touching her bum, touching her hair, she said of course, but don't pull because its extension...etc she said i don't have to, no one asked questions like that, but i explained, i only ask on first visit, because u don't know me, i don't know u, we don't know each other's boundaries yet. then she started asking my permissions too, like if i do DFK, because we only did LFK at that forward

her BBBJ was really really good, she has so many techniques, she is really good with her tongue too, i was making quite a bit of noise, she did it side way, and lots of pressure from her tongue to my junior's head.. she is just really good, i sure enjoyed it a lot,

during missionary, she said no one looked so deep like u in my eyes, i was admiring her eyes, she said u look like u r examine an alien, again interesting sense of humor, there is no alien that pretty. i was like fine, i closed my eyes tight, then she laughed, told me to open them, then i stared at her, then she tried to stare back, but i guess i was making her uncomfortable, so i closed my eyes again, within 10 seconds, she said its weird, so i opened my eyes again.. i don't know what to do anymore, i can't read her mind. if it's aspen i know exactly what to do, anyway, Kaylee made me smile, her nipples r very pink, very pretty.

after i cummed she said why r u silent, so quiet, but i just cummed 5 seconds ago, my mind was blank, i was like fine, ask me anything, i will answer all ur questions, then we found out we r both big fan of steaks, have steaks at least twice a week.. she asked all sorts of questions, i answered them one by one, i was just admiring her eyes, wonder what's going on in her little head. she asked about sweetie, my work, my trip coming up...

anyway, i went for another solo shower, came back, she was fully dressed already, i was like r u kicking me out already, still 10 mins left. i wouldn't be surprised if she said yes, she kind of teased me a lot during the session.. so i sat beside her, just kissing, and looking at each other until times up and ready to go...she is a nonsmoker, doesn't drink too, other than some wine, again very good girl.

bonus* impeccable hygiene, she smelled great from head to toe, not too much chemical smell (i like her mild perfume, very subtle fruity bodywash)

Face: 7/10 ( she is a pretty blonde with beautiful hazel eyes, but u guys know me i like round face and i like brunettes more)
Body: 7/10 (i am sure Ben or Professor avlanche would rate her at least 8+ here, Kaylee is a flawless spinner, but i like curvy girls..)
Attitude: 9/10 ( very good, but i need more time to warm up and catch up with her)
Service: 9/10 (-1 for no S42)
Chemistry:7.5/10 (i am sure next session would be 9, she is just different than most mms i see, she is great in a different way though)
Location: 9/10 (very good incall location, might be even better than Sassy's or TDL's)
Donation: $250
Keeper: 9/10...Ashley and Chanel r both very professional
Recommend: Of course especially if u like spinners, Kaylee is gonna rock ur world

Repeat: Definitely, but after my trip which i told her already, won't be a regular, but semi-regular maybe. she is not my COT, but i will repeat her for sure because

1. i like her beautiful eyes
2. i like her perfect bubble bum
3. i like her BBBJ
4. I am just curious about her
5. I can't just see brunettes excluslively, variety is the spice of life and she is a young and pretty blonde


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发表于 2014-7-24 14:41:26 | 显示全部楼层
Vegetarian for 7 days? Thus, why not invite 5 sisters?
Since my JJ's head clawed out from coat/skin I either using 5 sisters or went on for a real bang, within 7 days. Saving 5 lunches for 1 魚蛋. Even now, to me, 7 days is too long la ......

I would like to know how could you go by your holiday with sweetie? Enjoy & tell us story when you come back.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-24 21:55:17 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2014-7-24 14:41
Vegetarian for 7 days? Thus, why not invite 5 sisters?
Since my JJ's head clawed out from coat/skin  ...

uncle tom

my 5 sisters retired long time ago when i was still a student. no longer in service..

7 days no hunting was a challenge for me, my current record is probably 11 days...but i still have some sexy with sweetie during this week. so doesn't really count

i almost saw INDY Caroline again, but our schedules don't align, so saw Kaylee instead, she doesn't have an ounce of fat. very similar to shannon @ rm, except kaylee is shorter, but much younger, and slightly prettier.

DD is not back yet huh.

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发表于 2014-7-24 22:05:28 | 显示全部楼层
very nice review, makes me wanna go fuck this spinner now, but can't, gf b-day this weekend, i have to behave.....diu la sing...

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-24 23:38:48 | 显示全部楼层
dashfortrash 发表于 2014-7-24 22:05
very nice review, makes me wanna go fuck this spinner now, but can't, gf b-day this weekend, i have  ...

hey, dash4$

cliche but when there is a will, there is a way, i am sure u can squeeze one hour out from ur busy life.

does ur gf know u r using escort? her birthday is more important, mms will still be here when u free up,

"dia la sing"???

is it cantonese or mandarin, i don't get it

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发表于 2014-7-25 09:40:02 | 显示全部楼层
happypooning 发表于 2014-7-24 23:38
hey, dash4$

cliche but when there is a will, there is a way, i am sure u can squeeze one hour ou ...

for sure, gf>>mm in the grand scheme of things. hobbying is just a hobby.

oops i had a typo, 'diu la sing'

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发表于 2014-7-25 19:43:07 | 显示全部楼层
"then we found out we r both big fan of steaks, have steaks at least twice a week"

Twice a week? Haha. Sometimes 4 times a week for you, buddy.

Did you tell her you prefer steak meals over kimchi meals?

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-25 20:18:19 | 显示全部楼层
motor 发表于 2014-7-25 19:43
"then we found out we r both big fan of steaks, have steaks at least twice a week"

Twice a week? Ha ...

Mr. Egg, don't make fun of me la

u know we were talking about real food, real steak, meat steak, for the record, i do like kimchi, me n sweetie have korean food at least once a week, i like the bbq chicken and seafood, she likes kimchi and tofu soup, in fact she likes all the side-dishes, i have never met a caucasian girl like korean and chinese food this much. now she rarely eats burgers, steaks, pizzas (western food)..etc me on the other hand, obsessed with chicken Mcnuggets..

tiger mom wants me to postpone the flight, because 3 planes went down this month already. mass casualty so she is paranoid. i said nope.. if anything, now is the safest time to fly, because every effort will be made to ensure the safety of the flight, they will triple check, besides i just wanna get over with it, so i can come back asap

who r u repeating secretly, no recent TOFTT review from u anymore, sinking boat now Egg sir

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-25 20:32:08 | 显示全部楼层
dashfortrash 发表于 2014-7-25 09:40
for sure, gf>>mm in the grand scheme of things. hobbying is just a hobby.

oops i had a typo, 'diu ...


wait until ur fav. mm becomes ur gf

then u can't tell right from wrong, u lose a lot just to have that one brief moment of peace with her

when gf = (ex) mm, u will look into the mirror in the morning and don't recognize yourself, and constantly fighting your inner voice. all the morals, all the knowledge acquired from school, all the life lessons/exp. directly contradict to gf = (ex)mm

u gamble ur life with her. success rate is like less than 1%. but its too late, its either everything u ever wished for, or nothing at all  

i was reflecting on ur incident with that busty foot massage girl in china .....

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发表于 2014-7-25 23:32:55 | 显示全部楼层
happypooning 发表于 2014-7-25 20:32

wait until ur fav. mm becomes ur gf

yo, the busty foot massage girl was not a mm though, she was very independent/wholesome. I actually talked to her manager cause my dad is a minority investor in the hotel and the manager said this one is very very strong and don't do anything shady.

but yah, if I was only crazy enough I could totally have brought her over and started a diff life. I wonder how she's doing, I'll find out this fall though. I still feel bad for taking her virginity, in a proud way.

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