
楼主: ggkk

Rika @ Asian Sexy Babe

发表于 2022-3-1 20:24:58 | 显示全部楼层
handjob 发表于 2022-3-1 16:14
不是给不起,是要不要被人继续这样加下去!rika我每次都是1小时以上也就来1次,还给小费。其他家500,600 ...


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发表于 2022-3-2 00:41:51 | 显示全部楼层
I don’t think this price change is going to do much in terms of  opening up more spots for Rika. She’s always going to be busy or full no matter what. But what really sucks is that all kimchi is going to be priced like this whether good or bad. I was always the type to try new meals back when it was $140 - $160 because that was worth the risk. Now, not so much.
Won’t be surprised to see Rika move up to sushi level pricing $250/$350/$450 if she’s still here by the end of the year. All good tho, I opened up 3 spots for u guys this month as I didn’t book her for March lol . Was seeing her 3-4x per month but I need a break from her to try some new meals as I usually hunt at least once a week.

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发表于 2022-3-2 03:03:10 | 显示全部楼层
Logwai 发表于 2022-3-2 00:41
I don’t think this price change is going to do much in terms of  opening up more spots for Rika. Sh ...


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发表于 2022-3-2 03:23:36 | 显示全部楼层
Logwai 发表于 2022-3-2 00:41
I don’t think this price change is going to do much in terms of  opening up more spots for Rika. Sh ...

对于rika她给予我的服务和给于我的性爱的满足感同时又能够给我一些gf的感觉,现在的新价钱是不会让我感到不值的!店家涨不涨价和我们狼友给不给小费那是两件不一样的事,不是说你涨了价我就不给小费了!本来这行就是完全的服务,我们所花的每一分钱也是买的服务,不是说我去餐馆吃了饭再给小费!我给小费的前提和给多少是你有没有让我满足,或者满足多少!你卖的只有服务,没达到我的要求我为什么要给小费?玩过那些高价货700,1000只是年轻和样子好看点但是完全没有服务,我就不会给小费,你卖的就是明码实价的青春和肉体,我给足你了就可以了. 楼上的狼友说对于外面那些什么BH69之类的大妈店涨价他不觉得是个问题,说涨了价不给小费就可以了!本来小费就没有必要给的!关他涨价什么事!对于部分狼友不爽他们的是在半年内连续涨价超过20%+! 同时又连带所有的店家一起跟着涨,你说你有更高质量的女生新加入因为品质年轻化那还无可厚非,但是你是一帮和我们一起越来越老做了5-10年的大妈来这样涨!那就是不爽啊!

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发表于 2022-3-2 09:27:41 | 显示全部楼层
handjob 发表于 2022-3-2 03:23
对于rika她给予我的服务和给于我的性爱的满足感同时又能够给我一些gf的感觉,现在的新价钱是不会让我感到 ...

I agree with you bro. We pay to play and sometimes we’re paying for younger more beautiful MM but service is so so, it doesn’t warrant a tip. But if service and attitude is great then I usually leave a tip.
Agree with the other bro that if Rika went up to $450/H it would be the most expensive kimchi out there. The one thing I like about kimchi is they are all priced the same no matter how young, old, hot or ugly. I’ve found some real gems in the past. I have no problem if Rika’s price keeps going up if it means a lot more open spots on short notice. Would probably weed out most of the non-Asians customers first lol.

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发表于 2022-3-2 11:01:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2022-3-2 11:23:08 | 显示全部楼层
这个妹子好火啊, asb的流量密码呀,整整九页多评论,不管了,得约一下了,依稀还记得上次这么火,预约排一周的是 MW的韩国妹子L开头na结尾的妹子,具体叫啥Lona还是什么na忘了,都是2016年的事儿了,anyway,这波我冲了

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发表于 2022-3-2 12:07:06 | 显示全部楼层
ASB need to offer her a full time contract with bonus and benefits as well as 12 weeks vacation

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发表于 2022-3-2 16:27:08 | 显示全部楼层
yogaska 发表于 2022-3-2 12:07
ASB need to offer her a full time contract with bonus and benefits as well as 12 weeks vacation

bonus and benefits? yeah im pretty sure she can afford her own benefits bro

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发表于 2022-3-3 11:33:20 | 显示全部楼层
Logwai 发表于 2022-3-2 09:27
I agree with you bro. We pay to play and sometimes we’re paying for younger more beautiful MM but ...

With that kind of comment I hope I win the lottery so I can book her everyday for 1 hr first appointment and I'll make sure I'll wear her out so when you go next you'll get a nice dry pussy! 😊 😉

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