
楼主: happypooning

Happy's next Stage of Life (for better or for worse)

发表于 2014-9-16 07:56:41 | 显示全部楼层
Tom Sir, your wife knows your MM hobby? yes or no how you do it?

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发表于 2014-9-16 13:03:26 | 显示全部楼层
7samurai 发表于 2014-9-16 06:00
It would be great to hear from any bros with  successful  and happy in long term marriages or relati ...

No sensible woman can tolerate their husbands/boyfriends hobbying or "touching" other women, and same is
no sensible man will tolerate their wives/girlfriends bobbying or "touching other men
There is no grey area in this topic and" Honesty" can never be found in my marriage dictionary.
Never tell any woman the truth, this will save you lots of trouble!

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发表于 2014-9-16 16:13:31 | 显示全部楼层
ahwong 发表于 2014-9-16 13:03
No sensible woman can tolerate their husbands/boyfriends hobbying or "touching" other women, and s ...

You ever hear of swingers club for couples? : lol

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发表于 2014-9-16 16:20:17 | 显示全部楼层
I put down my small chair and heat up a pot of tea . Cracking some peanuts . Waitting , waitting for Happy to come back . I do not know when , but I am very sure  he will be back . Cat eat fish ,  wolf want meat , that is basic instinct.

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发表于 2014-9-16 18:39:12 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2014-9-16 16:20
I put down my small chair and heat up a pot of tea . Cracking some peanuts . Waitting , waitting for ...

I remember reading something about HP returning SEP17 which is tomorrow.   Give him a few days for jet lag, he should be functioning normally around SEP20!  

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发表于 2014-9-16 23:28:37 | 显示全部楼层
first post here... These may be some harsh words but they are meant in sincerity.

When the temptation comes during your marriage... Remember, if you are ever caught, you are risking everything you have: wife, kids, assets (50/50) for a few hours of sex. Even if divorce does not happen, you destine your wife and kids to a future life of torment and hatred towards you.

Its your life, you control it. No one can stop you from playing with fire but just remember that not everyone comes out unburned.

Good Luck

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-17 05:06:44 | 显示全部楼层
tiger mom is cheap, i laughed out loud when i read that line. i thought she would offer at least 50k, too. if not 100k. i guess her business is not doing too well,
or she thinks sweetie doesn't deserve this much. so i asked sweetie r u sure tiger mom only offered 30k US she nodded, i could tell she was offended, well its a sensitive topic, she looked borderline upset, and head down very i was like don't be so greedy u got 30k, that's a gigantic offer
hey just less than a year ago, someone offered me 5 buck and i accepted!! u wouldn't possibly know how i felt, i don't understand why u r upset, i am the one should be upset. she started smiling again.
"yes 5 dollars for u", she now i am upset, she started to tickle me... um..this should go to my diary, doesn't really belong to this poll..anyway just a quick update for those who r still interested. Sweetie started packing last night already, this wonderful vacation is coming to an end. i told her i would not pack until 3 hours before the departure. she was like u only have one luggage, i have 3, lol.. it's against my will, i am thankful i am still allowed to bring one luggage, sweetie got so many gifts, and she did buy quite a bit of stuff herself too, i told her maybe i should find her a boat and ship her back with all the goodies she has, she was like it's gonna
take months to get back home, u might need to call off the wedding.. hope everyone is doing well, enjoying comfortable fall weather in Canada, here is still 34 degree, but feel like 38 because of the humidity. part of me can not wait to go back to the city full of best yoga bums, only watch, no touching, certainly no pounding for Happy. Beautiful Toronto, see you soon, very soon!

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发表于 2014-9-17 07:57:35 | 显示全部楼层
cewek 发表于 2014-9-16 07:56
Tom Sir, your wife knows your MM hobby? yes or no how you do it?

Tom Sir, your wife knows your MM hobby? ~~~ Of course no. No. No.
how you do it? ~~~~ Just be honest to her since day 1 we met. It was 40+ years ago lor. (She controls all my assets). She financed my hobbies (including Hunting which she didn't notice).

I am an honest person; I honest to:
My parents (father & mother)
My country (HK-China and China. Because I am CHINESE. No lie to anyone that I am not Chinese)
My siblings (Son, daughter)
My Company (An English firm in HK. An USA firm in Canada)
My staffs (I held senior positions both in HK & Canada)
My wife (She collects my income. We sleep on same bed every night)
My 诗小姐 ( Shhhhh......hehehe)

"FOCUS" came with honest.[aka consistent]
Truly. Honest is the only way for life and success/happy. I passed this onto my Children. They're both professionals. Earn decent job in Canada now.


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发表于 2014-9-17 13:31:45 | 显示全部楼层
Reading between the lines.   Wifey controls finance/assets in exchange to look the other way     Every China/Taiwan/HK/Singapore wifey knows the hubby mm game. It's chinese culture.   Implicit agreement - "don't let me catch you or make me lose face by being obvious about it"  

Tom Sir, your wife knows your MM hobby? ~~~ Of course no. No. No.
how you do it? ~~~~ Just be honest to her since day 1 we met. It was 40+ years ago lor. (She controls all my assets). She financed my hobbies (including Hunting which she didn't notice).

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发表于 2014-9-17 15:18:32 | 显示全部楼层
happypooning 发表于 2014-9-17 05:06
tiger mom is cheap, i laughed out loud when i read that line. i thought she would offer at least 50k ...

HP tiger mommy 30K proposition had me in stitches.   Reminds me of those old school chinese emperor war or gung fu movies where money buys off anyone.         Did Tiger mummy really believe that Sweetie would accept the bribe and take the money and run?  It would have been interesting the bribe was upped in increments of $1 million to test Sweeties luv threshold.    That's still cheap vs divorce  if family assets are worth multi- 10s of millions.    Fuckin too funny

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