
楼主: goodstuff

Dragondick's Collection - Economics & Politics

 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-26 01:17:42 | 显示全部楼层
No longer a factory, China is the new mobile leader:

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-26 01:24:20 | 显示全部楼层

韩国将437具志愿军遗骸交还中国.  Duration:  29' 38”

This is a very interesting development.
USA's strategy in East Asia is containment of China, & S. Korea & Japan are the corner stones of this strategy.  
However, both Korea & China were victims of Japanese aggression; Abe - Japanese Prime Minister's visist to Yasukuni Shrine (靖國神社), denial of atrocities committed in Korea & China, denial/rejection the use of “comfort women” & compensation for these women, pushed South Korea over the edge of “tolerance”.  (From the first video, you will notice Korean's president's emotion-less expression after Abe's Korean language “nice to meet you”.)
Anyway, returning the bodies of “Chinese volunteer soldiers” killed during the Korean War was an overture which could signify closer ties in the future.
Let us watch its future progress.

走進台灣2014-03-30 打破美日韓鐵三角,朴槿惠向中國示好.  Duration:  54' 30”

The above video is a panel discussion of Korea's latest move.  It also discussed China's initial reluctance to get involved in Korean conflict, & what changed its mind, etc.

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