
楼主: happypooning

my diary - just for the record......

 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-30 17:23:32 | 显示全部楼层
some wolf just sent me this message, very touchy, i feel better
thank you sex747 and thank you this wolf for ur brotherly support. although it's nothing fancy, definitely not sugar-coated, but powerful because its genuine

i will post it here, so i don't lose this msg, and more organized

i really dont think you should 为难你自己,i mean like, you are always 充满矛盾. first between ur gf and sweetie, now between sweet and escort service.

you should go if you feel like you have to since you and sweetie had an agreement already, long as you dont break it.

im really not a love expert nor a pro hunter, so i will just send you this song:  Jane Zhang - 为难
2 小时前

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-31 17:43:26 | 显示全部楼层
Ben the majesty told me this is more suitable in this column, "sex,love, and relationship" right on!

so this is the new home for my diary then, i took the afternoon off so i could go with sweetie to her dentist. i will share the whole day later after dinner. starving..

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-31 19:05:28 | 显示全部楼层
Date: March 31st, 2014         
Time: From 1pm to 6:30pm

Today sweetie needs to see her dentist for the second time, for a deep filling.. i had to take half day off to go with her, otherwize she would pee her pants.
She wanted to take TTC today, because traffic isn't pretty downtown, and also tougher to find parking, when we went on sat was totally ok, but no weekdays, so she got a TTC day pass, which is like 10 dollars but good deal, unlimited access to TTC for 24 hours..

sweetie was saying we should take advantage of TTC more since gas is expensive, parking is expensive too. she was really chipper today like a little girl going on a field trip for the first time

I was like why r u so happy, we are going to see the dentist remember

sweetie " u don't have to remind me every 10 mins."
me " i just said it once "
sweetie " weather is super gorgeous, try to enjoy, don't be like a baby"
me  " i don't know how to communicate with u "
sweetie " it's ok, i still love u"
and she gave me a big kiss on the cheek

which was really sweet, honestly, at this point, i began to feel like i am on the field trip myself

dentist appointment went smoothly. it was only 45 mins, the filling went well.. one down one more to go, which won't happen today, because sweetie has really low threshold of pain, and the maximum time she can do is 45 mins, she can't sit still for any longer, that's why we need to come back for a second treatment, so it wasn't bad, she said a bit discomfort, but no toothache or anything, and we had chinese food for lunch, which was bad, greasy and so much msg, but sweetie enjoyed it very much, and insisted on coming back again, it was cheap though, the bill after tax was only 16 dollars for both of us, and sweetie paid for it, and she paid 20 and didn't take any change.. silly girl just tipped 3 dollars in china town, that's totally not necessarily especially it's china town 10 to 15% is enough, anything beyond 20% is silly.. but i didn't say anything, since it's the first time she bought me lunch, and she seemed very happy and proud of herself..


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-31 19:34:19 | 显示全部楼层
once we got home, she said she was gonna take a quick nap,
so i went to watch Ironman 3, i was so looking forward to it, i bought the DVD more than 2 months ago, but i have been busy and just wasn't in the mood, so i figured now is a perfect time to watch it, i have seen it in theater with my ex when it was released, i was super impressed, love it, every second of it,
so i was watching it and eating mars chocolate and skittles, they are both my fav.

about 3 quarters of the movie, sweetie was like " baby can u come to bed?"

i was like " why? do u want some water?"
sweetie " no, just come . i need u now"
me " need me, like need me need me"
sweetie " yes, come fast"
me " i thought u were taking nap?"
sweetie " i slept well, now i want it"
me " give me 15 mins, not more than 20 mins, i will be right there"
sweetie " no, now, come now hurry"
me " 15 mins, i will be right there"

she didn't reply, silence for 15 seconds, i thought she either fell back to sleep or just waiting for me patiently

30 seconds later,she came up

i was like she is gonna join me for ironman 3, nope wrong...she undo my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and pull them down and my boxer, i was like what r u doing, but she didn't touch my shirt,
so she went down on me for like 3 seconds, as soon as my JJ got up, she stopped.. and put a condom on she sat on me, but no moving, of course it felt very good, so i tried to move, she pushed me down, said "don't move", no moving..

i was like what do u mean

she said " i told u to come to bed, u didn't, why??"
before i got to answer, she said is ironman more important than me, it's a DVD, u can pause it and come back later.

ok at this point, i can't reason with her at all, keep in mind my JJ is still in her, and i tried to move, she  said no, i said i am trying to adjust, my back hurts, she said no moving, no cheating...

so i guess she is punishing me this way, very immature, but very very her

she started lecturing me about things have absolutely nothing to do with anything, totally random,
she went on and on..
i couldn't focus, the movie is still playing, i wanted to move, i wanted to bang her so bad.. she blah blah blah blah.. i touched her breasts, she said no and put my hands away

my jj was so hard, i was like hold on hold on, why r u so tight now sweetie, u r incredibly tight
she said " I am tight when i am angry"

hahahaha , i actually laughed, that's the funniest thing i have ever heard in 13 years of my sex life... it was so good, so much pleasure yet so much pain, biggest tease, worst punishment in the world.. can u imagine ur gf or wife or a mm ask u no moving, once u enter her, u have to hold still

guess what i still cum around 5 mins maybe 6, so she sat on me, for 5 -6 mins, i still exploded in her.. but ending wasn't that good, I can not describe that feeling, weirdest feeling ever, it's good, but not that good

and she just got up and left, so my jj got soft, so i looked at the condom with cum in it, and my soft jj

my brain was totally blank.. trying to figure out what just happened, was that sex, what was that, and the movie was still playing, was that pleasurable for her, she couldn't enjoy it...

she is very cute, i actually phoned the keeper and cancelled the appointment on wed, i was going hunting on wed, but i cancelled it,
the line is stuck in my head


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-1 19:02:50 | 显示全部楼层
7samurai 发表于 2014-3-23 08:02
Women.  Their emotional pain tolerance is much higher than men. Their survival skills kick in with p ...

i hate to agree with u on this, but i do believe women's emotional pain tolerance is much higher than us. especially when their survival mode is switched on.

My bet is on us , what's wrong with a win-win situation..

i say if we can make it to one year anniversary, that's a milestone. i would consider this relationship a success well at a superficial level

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-1 19:06:52 | 显示全部楼层
chef123 发表于 2014-3-16 21:51
It's good that you know your bottom line.  But you are walking into dangerous zone and you are ful ...

thanks for the heads up. but i only live once, i have thought about it for full 3 days before i made this decision. whatever the consequences or collateral damage ..good or bad i will take it all, because i know if i didn't give it a try, 10 years from now on, i will regret 100%. stats show that we regret things we did not do, did not take a chance significantly more than mistakes we have made. take a chance

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-1 19:08:46 | 显示全部楼层

i wouldn't be surprised, she can be very mean sometimes,

well at least she looks nothing like you, well i hope not

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发表于 2014-4-2 05:28:28 | 显示全部楼层
happypooning 发表于 2014-4-1 19:02
i hate to agree with u on this, but i do believe women's emotional pain tolerance is much higher t ...

Every relationship is dysfunctional somewhat.  The question is to what degree.    You have decided to be "giver" worshipper.    And she is the  "princess master".    I see this I imbalance in my circle of friends.    Maybe it's ying and yang complementing each other? And it works.

One thing I learn is men tend to tuck away or bury the things that really bother them about their gf and focus on the positives.  Almost like a crutch to convince themselves they are in love or in the right relationship.  Fear of loneliness and not married yet syndrome.    Overtime this suppression of emotion will rear it's ugly head.

I wouldn't tolerate some of the stuff you described.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-2 21:44:37 | 显示全部楼层
7samurai 发表于 2014-4-2 05:28
Every relationship is dysfunctional somewhat.  The question is to what degree.    You have decided ...

keep in mind she is 5 years younger than me.

when i first opened her kitchen cabinet, i saw nothing but craft dinner, chunky soup, and instant noodles, that's what she almost always eat for lunch and dinner.. at that point, i told myself, i will treat this girl well, yes, i often let her walk all over me

but i allow her to do that, i tolerate a lot, far more than i normally would

she can do whatever she wants as long as it's within my limit, as long as it's within my power

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-11 16:46:25 | 显示全部楼层
Date: April 11st, 2014         
Time: From 2pm to 3:30pm

Superstar was writing his final exam. Boss is still at her semi-annual conference. Most colleagues have either disappeared for the weekend or are slacking off and fooling around. I was bored to the max, so i read five magazines, mens health, and womens health, cars magazines..etc and then chatted with our lovely phone girl/ receptionist for nearly an hour. and then i was browsing for new shoes on line and eating my shrimp burritos for lunch. All of a sudden, got a call from sweetie,this is abnormal for her to call since she usually texts unless it's urgent or super important. she told me she burned herself, immediately after i said hi my sweetest sweetie. So i left the office in a hurry and went to her condo. Apparently she was preparing a surprise dinner for me, spaghetti + meatballs. she burned her left hand, while boiling the water for spaghetti, and dropped her favourite plate and broke it into pieces. I did pick up Mentholatum  on the way from Shoppers. The burn itself wasn't severe, i am not a Medical doctor, but as far as i can tell it's pretty minor, but the area is big, like 80% of her left hand is red. angry red. so i applied metholatum on her hand for her while she sitting quietly beside me.

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