我为苍生 发表于 2023-12-25 18:04:55



加拿大高级打工人(高薪it行业 )和个体户小老板究竟哪个更滋润。


小老板看着难,但是如果把前期熬过去,后期生意稳定下来在加tax advantage,是不是比个体户赚的多?

superstars 发表于 2023-12-28 02:35:00

I would love to be a advanced Manager in a large company.
the big difference is starting at the retirement time.
the manager would enjoy the retire life without any problems.
that is the fantastic time.worry free.

star2020 发表于 2023-12-29 02:47:57


- 比如说需要买笔记本电脑之类的,完全可以算是公司的花费了,相当于省了个税
- 公司花费的信用卡积分会比较多,公司需要进货之类的
- 疫情期间,政府给小公司6万免息贷款2万不用还。这个也是普通打工人拿不到的福利
- 自己想什么时候上班就什么时候上班,可惜就是不能想放假就放假

gary88388 发表于 2023-12-29 19:23:18

Being an owner is good. Working time is flexible but I don't know what business I would love to start

rkim 发表于 2024-1-5 12:56:55

Majority of new small biz die within the first year. 70% of them gone.
The remaining ones that can survive beyond the first 5 years is 10%.

Most people are idiots without the right qualities to run their own biz.

To be successful in climbing corporation ladders takes a completely different set of skills - lying, cheating and stealing

Thus it is not a matter of which path is better - it is a matter of who you are and what talents do you have. :D

揽峰探穴 发表于 2024-1-23 15:05:55

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