Daveburl 发表于 2023-12-7 08:01:40

What's good at Pacific mall?

I currently live about 40 minutes away from Pacific mall so I haven't been in a while. I used to go there for the DVDs of new movies and of course that's all changed to streaming. What are the top products that are selling there today? Anything worth going for?

toadman 发表于 2023-12-7 18:03:17

Nail salons, cheap phone and airpods cases from China and herbs shops. Lol

model3 发表于 2023-12-10 22:28:43

I always get my glasses there because they are always willing to help me to use my girl friends insurance to buy glasses. Other than that, really not much fun there. However, the stores that I used to go are still there. So probably it is the age that is the problem.

superstars 发表于 2024-1-17 22:50:48

It is easy to find labour in the parking lot of the Mall every morning.
Some of them only need $200 per day.

shibal4u 发表于 2024-1-20 21:26:52

Sometimes they have events outdoors the mall with localized (to china) street food. Might happen sometime near lunar new year, but weather permitting. Pretty good!
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