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发表于 2017-4-17 03:42:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
每次打開微信都是一堆廣告, 轉發, 互推, 各種移民留學假文憑賣車賣房, 數之不盡的合法犯法服務都有, 當然也包括了色情廣告.

可能現在太多人想不勞而獲, 個個都想賺快錢, 又不想負出, 加上那些似是而非的馬雲理論, 令到大家都想做中介. 以為免費掛過微信號, 平日在朋友圈和群裡面發些沒成本的廣告, 然後就財源滾滾來, 坐在中間讓買家和賣家每單成交都分一份錢給自己. 可惜大家都抱著同樣的心態. 結果把微信這個平台搞得烏煙瘴氣. 就像一個沒有spam filter的email一樣.

不過我還是想說說微信上的色情廣告. 可能真的太多傻狼助長, 令到這類廣告多不勝數. 而我更發現, 除了那些itunes之類的騙局 (目的騙受害者網上發錢, 其實根本沒有女孩, 騙徒一般是男扮女生, 而且也不在本地, 能說出的地方都是看google streetview), 其他的廣告雖然真的有女孩給你, 但照片和資料永遠都是假的.

有一個定律就是, 越吹得大, 越吹得誇張的, 到頭來越是不堪入目. 越是跟你保證年輕初下海的, 越是老得恐佈的大媽. 越是說自己高端的越是低端. 因為真正高端的不會做得那麼low, 搞到在微信上向陌生人拉客那麼cheap. 而且真正高端的也不會隨便接新客.

還有一些群組, 裡面很多中介的馬甲. 他們專門向新人下手. 假裝跟新手聊得投緣然後作出推薦, 當然就是推自己的MM.

當約到MM後才發現是雷, 向MM發脾氣也沒用. 因為騙你的不是MM, 是中介. 中介為了生意, 什麼都說得出口. 反正你約了他就有錢賺. 就算約了之後不收貨他也沒損失. 所以無所不用其極. 甚至有些是中介的下線中介. 你跟中介約一個女孩, 其實中間有幾層中介, 而每一層中介都吹得比上一層誇張.

我更發現, 現在中介比MM還多. 有些區可能只有幾個MM, 但有數十個中介發廣告. 每一個中介的廣告照片都是網上下載, 資料也是自由創作, 所以廣告雖然不同, 但最後都是約到同一個MM.


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发表于 2017-4-19 07:04:28 | 显示全部楼层
I don't trust any type of ad or solicitation that comes from wechat.

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发表于 2017-4-19 15:36:49 | 显示全部楼层
too much hassle on wechat to find girls... if they are hot ones... they will never accept your friend request. maybe they know that I'm using a fake wechat account lol

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发表于 2017-4-20 11:54:09 | 显示全部楼层
something is useful

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发表于 2017-4-21 03:37:19 | 显示全部楼层

免費, 沒監管, 無法查核, 人流多, 傻子更多.

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发表于 2017-5-3 04:21:41 | 显示全部楼层
turbin 发表于 2017-4-19 15:36
too much hassle on wechat to find girls... if they are hot ones... they will never accept your frien ...

if they are hot they get harassed by too many guys everyday to count. my coworker is pretty hot and she showed me how many friend requests she keeps on getting, too many that she doesn't even look at them, she just clears all requests regularly. unless you have a really handsome profile pic or something really unique to capture her attention.

so i know if a hot girl on social media is very interested to know me, there is something fishy going on

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发表于 2017-5-3 20:03:50 | 显示全部楼层
TheRock 发表于 2017-5-3 04:21
if they are hot they get harassed by too many guys everyday to count. my coworker is pretty hot an ...

Stupid facebook keeping sending me friends recommendation of young, hot girls. The problem is, when I send a friend request of a few, they never reply. Facebook must have stored information of my viewing pattern, that's why they keep sending me these young hot recommendation.  You never know what or how they are using these information for -- entrapment is one of them, or precognition (from Minority report) is another. That's freaky man.

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发表于 2017-5-11 01:53:46 | 显示全部楼层
真正高端不肯輕易接新客. 網上自稱高端那些都是三流次貨. 欺騙沒經驗的狼友.

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发表于 2017-5-11 13:55:47 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2017-5-13 06:57:24 | 显示全部楼层
馬化騰是微信,100% 中國化。


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