
楼主: sloppyseconds

Cherrie @ AsianSexyBabe

发表于 2016-11-16 10:49:35 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-11-16 10:44
You are unfortunately too gullible and naive, I am like Swallow uncle, jokers.  But he is way more ...

Are you an old guy? Like very very old. Because I can see a lot of sense of humor from each of your responses which young guys don't usually have. But you said you were oversexed, maybe not that old. A little bit old.

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发表于 2016-11-16 10:54:15 | 显示全部楼层
hebe889900 发表于 2016-11-16 10:49
Are you an old guy? Like very very old. Because I can see a lot of sense of humor from each of you ...

You are as old as you think.

I am oversexing all the time.  Would rather die in bed having sex.

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发表于 2016-11-16 10:55:50 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-11-16 09:44
He is going to have a tutoring class at Market Village soon.
Please pre book for seatings.
Seminar ...


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发表于 2016-11-16 10:57:51 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-11-16 10:54
You are as old as you think.

I am oversexing all the time.  Would rather die in bed having sex.

So I think I am 17.
Me too, oversexing a lot. But not anymore after I met Lucy. She almost broke my waist and JJ. I think I need to rest for the rest of the month and save energy for Alice.

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发表于 2016-11-16 11:00:19 | 显示全部楼层
hebe889900 发表于 2016-11-16 10:57
So I think I am 17.
Me too, oversexing a lot. But not anymore after I met Lucy. She almost broke  ...

Do you know boss is monitoring your keystrokes?
Not only that you WILL NOT get your bonus, but also lose your job.

Go back to work.
I do not want to be responsible for your misery without money and no mm visits.
I care for mm,  also for guys too (Bisexual you may say).

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发表于 2016-11-16 11:04:13 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-11-16 11:00
Do you know boss is monitoring your keystrokes?
Not only that you WILL NOT get your bonus, but als ...

Haha, here it comes.
I always like it when you are seriously talking about something but which really make me want to laugh.
Thx for caring, the only boss here is you.

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发表于 2016-11-16 11:05:31 | 显示全部楼层
密码码 发表于 2016-11-16 10:35
女孩早晚也会嫁人,会赚也先花也没错,否则就是本末倒置,到最 ...

这些高档小妹最后嫁给什么人,我也很感兴趣。在实际生活中,她们除了长得漂亮些,也就是个普通人。至少我年轻的时候,从来没有想过去百货公司找个漂亮的售货员。我谈过一个四川妹售货员,漂亮得不得了,但就是没文化,没有共同语言谈不来。她打电话让我晚上去她的出租房聊天,我都没去。我知道川妹子惹不起,不敢占人家便宜。但这些台湾过来的确实不一样,她们正规学历不高,但谈吐就是有大陆大专/大学女孩子那个水平。原因我其它帖子分析过了,主要还是人家社会文明整体的发展水平高。当然,也有可能是我这边的因素,以前年轻的时候穷屌丝无人理睬,现在出门就是法拉利到哪里对方态度都很好,不是“先生”就是“Sir”。最近遇到两次,其中一次是买外卖的时候,一个70几岁的菲律宾老太太明显要和我搭腔。关于这事我还咨询了一个小妹,她哈哈笑着说:"男人是到了某个年纪,是越来越有魅力的。“ 我说,我这魅力怎么没吸引你,就去吸引她去了呢..... 也许小妹说的也对,但我还是怀念我20来岁那无牵无挂无所畏惧的岁月......

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发表于 2016-11-16 11:07:53 | 显示全部楼层
hebe889900 发表于 2016-11-16 11:04
Haha, here it comes.
I always like it when you are seriously talking about something but which rea ...

Stubborn fool,  would not listen.

Your downfall is NOT my fault.
You have been warned.

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发表于 2016-11-16 11:10:49 | 显示全部楼层
babyme 发表于 2016-11-16 11:07
Stubborn fool,  would not listen.

Your downfall is NOT my fault.

Lol, I am here just waiting for the lunch time.
So hungry already.

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发表于 2016-11-16 11:14:43 | 显示全部楼层
hebe889900 发表于 2016-11-16 11:10
Lol, I am here just waiting for the lunch time.
So hungry already.

Sorry, I have to go back to my Pedophile monitoring work to make some money.

Got to catch some bad guys who could do damage to our innocent kids.  Could I check your IP address to find out where you are ????
All for the common good.

Will go radio silence now.
I am on diet, no food.

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