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crime and punishment, final a reform in US

发表于 2015-9-15 07:57:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
CNN)If you do not yet believe that bipartisan criminal justice reform is possible inside the dysfunction of Washington, it is time to put away your doubts.

Over the last two weeks, we have witnessed a historic surge of momentum for the prospects of justice reform -- punctuated by this week's Bipartisan Summit on Fair Justice, co-hosted by our organizations, the Coalition for Public Safety and #cut50.
Christine Leonard
Christine Leonard
Van Jones-Profile-Image

The summit is drawing commitments from leading, bipartisan reform leaders and congressional voices to advance comprehensive reforms this year.

To understand the gravity of this news, you need only think back to the state of play at the beginning of the year. Almost nobody was talking about criminal justice as a potential point of breakthrough. Yet in mere months, we have gone from whispers of hope among activists to proclamations from those in power.

Last week, President Obama called for an overhaul of how we treat low-level offenders. It was a move that brought a chorus of applause from across the political spectrum. The President's commitment to change was both highly personal and clear: "Mass incarceration makes our country worse off, and we need to do something about it."

Inmates across the country were listening. One man, in a California State prison, told us: "You have no idea how much hope this brought us on the inside." Another inmate, in a federal penitentiary serving a sentence of life without parole for a nonviolent crack cocaine offense, said: "I am not gonna lie; I went up to my room and cried."

Hope has been building among those behind bars, their families, communities and justice reform advocates nationwide.

And yet, fears remain. After all, the country has had its hopes raised before -- on other "bipartisan" issues -- only to have D.C.'s perpetual rancor and division derail the positive momentum.

Those concerns vanished on Thursday -- when House Speaker John Boehner announced his commitment to getting people out of prison "who really don't need to be there" and signaled his commitment to bringing justice reform legislation before the full House chamber for a vote.

So we stand now at a surprising place of national consensus. In the U.S. Senate, leaders are working together across the aisle on a deal. President Obama and Speaker John Boehner are in rare agreement.

According to a recent poll of likely voters released by the ACLU, the vast majority of Republicans, Democrats and independents believe we need to rethink our approach to punishment.

As Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland, said at the Bipartisan Summit on Criminal Justice Reform in March of this year, "the stars have aligned."

Our major leaders acknowledge that our justice system is broken. The only question is how to fix it.

America is ready for strong, smart reforms that reduce the overly harsh punishment for nonviolent drug offenders. As outlined in the Coalition for Public Safety's "Fair Sentencing and Fair Chances" effort and as discussed at the Bipartisan Summit on Criminal Justice Reform earlier this year, there are many more areas with strong bipartisan consensus:

● Ensuring fair and appropriate treatment of juveniles and young adults

● Reforming federal and state sentencing laws and reducing mandatory minimum sentences

● Expanding alternatives to incarceration, reducing recidivism and safely reducing prison and jail populations

● Enabling prisons to offer programs that allow people to make a positive transition back into their communities

Decades of failed policies and wrongheaded politics brought us here. It will undoubtedly take years to transform the justice system. While solutions will not come overnight, we have -- at long last -- reached a tipping point in the quest for justice.

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发表于 2015-9-15 21:11:29 | 显示全部楼层
In one or two sentences can you summarize the point you are trying to make?

What makes this piece of news more important than others that you want us to know?

Also English is not a strong suit for many members here on 747, so it is always better to summarize in 2 or 3 simple sentences to get your point thru.

Long paragraphs or copy and pasting articles like this, it's most-likely that the majority on 747will just skip without reading.

You are a marketing major! Know your targeted demographic. Come on!! How the hell are you doing Masters?? This is a simple mistake you shouldn't be making.

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-15 23:14:59 | 显示全部楼层
That was just a first chapter to start the ball rolling, directly quoting from CNN.

Next we can go into Sex, Drugs and Guns.  Victim and victimless.  Why incarceration. Impact on society etc.


Is it a victimless crime... mostly yes.  UNLESS it is underaged, drug induced, forcible confinement against free will, human trafficking, money going to pimps.  In the case of MM from back home or here, making big bucks and keeping customers happy great.  They should really have health inspection so it is a Win-Win for every party involved.  So none of LE business.

Back to what CNN is reporting on.  US may revamp their justice system to put so many people in jail for mostly victimless crime and condemned for the rest of their lifes.  And most of the time minority members are at risk.
What is the issue of possessing a few ounces of grass and in trouble for the rest of life.  Though I can see soon Big tobacco companies will be into that business.  Tobacco poison (sorry I had stocks in PM), grass medicinal value.

Sorry I cannot summarize these subject in a few lines and I do not really need to market any idea to members.  Just to make sure anyone interested and read on.  Or skip, no problem here.


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