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Wechat scammers are starting to invade Azn747 ; 微信騙徒開始入侵本台!

发表于 2015-8-27 06:18:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Wechat scammers fall into 2 broad categories:
1) iTunes type: downright scam, where there is no girl at all, and the guy/scammer isn't even in Canada
2) C9 (old woman) masquerading as a young girl by using fake pics and complete false description of herself

Lately we have been seeing quite a few shill accounts for both types.

This is also a good time to remind everyone of one of our rules/policies.

If someone writes a review or post but doesn't give out the name and relevent info immediately, they are forbidden from giving it out later (whether in public or by PM).

The reason is that shills have been known to use this tactic for plausible deniability (as in "I wasn't shilling, I didn't want to give out the name, but they all requested it"), as well to bait/lure the reader by triggering their curiosity.

Just looking at a recent example, I couldn't believe my eyes at some of the replies posted. Anyone believe they can possibly find not just one, but 3-5 私做 who all happen to be working in the same house, that are all 19-20 year olds, all pretty faces & perfect bodies, and asking only $120 in Toronto? You have a higher chance of winning LottoMax and then abducted by aliens on the same day. Yet we still see some bros asking to be PM-ed the contacts.

Another post describe an innocent looking HK MM under 30 years old with face/body/service scores all between 8 to 9, for only $100. She is also described as a 一樓一私做, but with a "phone receptionist". Despite the absurdity and impossibility of this scenario, once again we have bros rushing in like mad to demand her contact info, which the OP only gave out after sufficiently building up curiosity & excitement to a crazed state.

Guys, please please, use your brain. Don't just turn into slobbering idiots at the mere prospect of young pussy. Don't respond to those posts. It is very annoying to see the sight of a line up of pathetic guys falling right into the trap everytime, all shouting "PM me, PM me".

Let me also predict. Although the Wechat scammers/shills are very crude and easy to spot for now, because for long time they are used to tricking people on other platforms where they have no fear of getting exposed because bros cannot warn each other, but soon they will catch up and become more sophisticated. Just like bacteria and germs that adapt and get strong each time. What we need is for all bros to start being smart. Don't give them encouragement. If no one falls for it then they will eventually stop because its a waste of their time, but if even one bro falls for it, then they will come back and try even harder.

Don't post any Wechat contact, or other contact info for these supposed "私做", and ask other bros if they have tried or if they are good. They are definitely no good, but if you don't want to give up your fantasy then feel free to go right ahead and try. Just don't ask about them here, we've already discussed this topic endless times already. In addition to wanting to avoid having the forum polluted with endless posts of this kind; another important reason that we don't want "is this one good" type posts is that wolves with a credible posting history  most likely knows better than to believe in these fake MMs; whereas, those who would ask are either shills or inexperienced newbies, and we don't want to falsely blame some newbie of being a shill.

Lastly, I would like to point out that Azn747 allow posting of reviews of MMs/agencies that are not advertisers here. For example, we have reviews of Mirage, JerseyGirls, FlirtSpa, etc, who are not our advertisers. However, we will only allow these reviews of non-advertisers if they are for a major reputable agency/MM, or if they are written by a credible long-time reviewer. In this case, sorry but I have to be undemocratic for the sake of effectiveness, and the judgement of who is considered credible/reputable will be Admin's sole discretion. So if you want to bring up a non-advertiser MM/agency for discussion/review, please ask Admin first.

** Some bros are always asking "where do I find the contact", even for those MMs with ads here. I'd like to ask a favour of all bros if they see such lazy questions. Please don't encourage their laziness by just sending them the info; instead please instruct them to search for it by themselves in the ads sections. We are very strict on title requirements specifically to making searching effective; all reviews will always have the MM-name@agency-name in the title, and with such info, finding the ad should not be difficult at all.


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发表于 2015-8-27 08:54:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-8-27 13:32:19 | 显示全部楼层
Also, there are accounts that will contact members thru private messages telling them they have information about MM who was previously working at this or that garage. That this MM is working private at this X or Y address etc. etc.

Show you information and stolen pictures to get you interested.

They are probably also part of a group of scammers.

They will spend a couple of weeks posting normal reviews just so they can pretend they are 'regular' wolves and create a back story about themselves. The "Hey I am regular wolf too, but now I have SECRET information I want to share just with you!!" method.

The confidence trick, gain trust and then play the victim. The basics of a conman trick.

So, brother wolves, be careful and be smart. Rule #1 in this hunting game = be discrete.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-8-27 17:45:30 | 显示全部楼层
asuran 发表于 2015-8-27 13:32
Also, there are accounts that will contact members thru private messages telling them they have info ...

Reverse psychology at its best.

These scammers know that if they go the legitimate route and post an ad, they will be scrutinized and quickly exposed for fraudulent marketing.

On the other hand, open some shill accounts for free and dangle the prize by saying you know some hot private girl but you want to keep it secret, and the idiots will line up to beg for it.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-8-27 17:48:06 | 显示全部楼层
asuran 发表于 2015-8-27 13:32
Also, there are accounts that will contact members thru private messages telling them they have info ...

Of course they would prefer to scam their victims by contacting thru private messages. Its for the exact same reason they love Wechat.

Both formats are private direct sales where they can say anything they like. Whereas if they tried to scam in public, eventually someone will point out that its bullshit.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-8-27 19:01:50 | 显示全部楼层
Reminds me of the saying, 唔話你知等你心思思.

Baiting and tempting works much better than directly selling somebody on something.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-8-27 20:13:20 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-27 20:33:43 | 显示全部楼层
紅卫兵 发表于 2015-8-27 20:13
**** 该帖被屏蔽 ****

你是不是騙徒/写手暫無法100%確定. 但起已經確定你無視版規. ... d=47&extra=page%3D1

(8) 如果對本論壇的決定有什麼不滿, 可以跟版主反映. 聯絡方式在本網頁左上角. 公開發帖指罵本網卻不是解決問題的途徑.


依你早前的 "報告", $100可以吃到30歲以下, 樣貌8身材8.5服務9分的點心MM. 這實在太難令人信服. 就算不完全是假的也肯定非常誇張和有意為MM拉生意. 相信有本地經驗的狼友都會認同.

如果你是真狼, 有什麼意見或不滿可以透過email跟我們反映. 我們是講道理的. 但你先寫一份那麼難令人信服的 "報告", 然後馬上公然挑戰版主攻擊本網, 所以我們暫時只好當你是搞時份子. 我們稍後會調查.

** 不要永遠只懂拿言论自由這個抽像concept出來發惡. 就算在加拿大也有很多時候/場合/題目是沒有言论自由的. 如果你說一些被警方認為危害社會安全的言論也一樣會被先監禁後審查. **

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-8-28 20:46:03 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-28 21:04:12 | 显示全部楼层
紅卫兵 发表于 2015-8-28 20:46
**** 该帖被屏蔽 ****


若不遵守版規就不要再來本論壇. 我們沒有收你錢, 也沒欠你什麼. 你有什麼不滿可以 email(網頁左上角) 反映. 公開挑戰指罵是不會被容忍的.

** $100能上得到廿幾歲, 樣貌/身材/服務都8-9分的美女, 我是絕不相信. 若你不是shill寫手, 就肯定是眼光奇差. 我不想浪費時間, 也沒必要也去親身查證. 難道我告訢你吃屎能長生不老你也會去試嗎? 反正太不合常理的我就不會去試. 同樣, 太難以相信的報告也會被刪掉.

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