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新鮮點心 Kitty @ 立春園

发表于 2014-9-12 03:23:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
無須多講啦, 大家應該知道我taste吧? 喜歡瘦, 喜歡幼; Kitty兩者皆是.

第一眼看見Kitty有點擔心, 因為她長相實在太幼嫩. 問了她年紀, 她用肯定的語氣告訴我她已經20歲了, 我才敢入閘.

Kitty很清純, 除了頭髮有點highlight之外, 完全素顏. 年輕就是本錢, 我也覺得她無需化妝, 自然散發的青春少女氣息已經無比吸引.

樣貌方面, Kitty除了清純之外, 可以用萌或可愛來形容. 進門的第一眼我會給她7.5分, 離開的時侯給8.5分. 她雖然不是很出眾的那種焦點美女, 但一雙天真無邪的大眼睛+櫻桃小嘴, 配在一張小小的瓜子臉上, 十分惹人憐愛. 相信在校園裡追求者眾多.

我個人很喜歡她身材, 她很瘦, 皮膚很好, 除了腳踭有紋身, 其餘都是白白滑滑. 不過缺點是胸細, 估計只有A cup. 我是不介意胸細, 但愛波之人就可能不適合了.

服務我就不想說太多, 為免YMMV所引起的爭議. 她對我的服務和態度是近乎滿分的. 但為了給full disclosure, 我亦須交代的是, (一) MM知道我身份, (二) keeper有給我discount. 我雖然盡量unbiased地寫, 但當中確是有conflict of interest. 請讀者自行判斷.

Kitty不是很有經驗, 但給我十足女友感覺. 她甜甜而略帶嬌羞的微笑相信能把很多男人殺死. Shower是最差的環節, 她真不會幫別人洗, 既緊張, 動作又太慢. 為節省時間我把花灑頭拿過來, 快速地自己洗完再幫她洗. 之後她主動跟我LFK, 我很快就反客為主地跟她DFK, 來個瘋狂大車輪. 除了BBBJ之外, 全程節奏由我控制. 我也很喜歡這種調教女友的感覺. 她很配合, 呻吟聲很好聽. 而BBBJ環節給了我驚喜, 她蕭技很好, 吸力很足, 我幾次差點被她吹爆.

事後跟Kitty聊天. 她是留學生, 只會短期賺點快錢, 而且不是每天上班. 她還告訴我她沒男朋友, 我就問她為什麼, 因為我肯定她這類型的女孩很多男生追求. 然後她就抱怨沒有好的選擇. 她說, 追她的男生要麼就是很悶蛋的書呆子, 要麼就很壞或很花心, 給不了她安全感的男生. 她想找一個讀書很好, 又很能玩, 有點點壞但不能太壞, 有錢, 有趣, 懂得哄女孩, 但又專一的男孩. 我心想, 不知要等多久這個男孩才會從星星下來找你, 不過幸好地球沒有這樣的男孩, 否則我就沒福份跟Kitty妹妹做愛愛.

請注意: 我試了的這位Kitty腳踭有紋身, 身材瘦, 胸細. 聽聞立春園的助理不止一次把不同MM的名字搞錯掉亂了, 所以上馬前請看清楚. 萬一約錯了MM, 或者看了不喜歡就不要勉強去做了.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-12 03:26:14 | 显示全部楼层
By the way, I wanna call out Dr TomSiu to try her. I highly recommend. I think you will love her. If I am wrong, you can come back and diu9 me. But I am confident that based on my understanding of your tastes, you will love her.

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发表于 2014-9-12 05:13:21 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for review. This mm is so Ben gor cup of tea. lolol

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发表于 2014-9-12 05:15:19 | 显示全部楼层
the website says kitty is D sized boobs. And you said she is close to A sized boobs. Wow, false advertisement!?

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-12 05:28:48 | 显示全部楼层
loppy 发表于 2014-9-12 05:15
the website says kitty is D sized boobs. And you said she is close to A sized boobs. Wow, false adve ...

Not necessarily false. At least not intentionally. More like lazy and negligent.

There are a few keepers who employ an assistant to take care of everyday tasks. Those assistants often just do a half-ass job and don't really give a shit. Just like even in legit businesses, salaried employees often try to get by doing the least possible amount of work without getting fired, and if the boss isn't looking, the work doesn't get done at all.

That is why phone calls go unanswered, bookings get screwed up,  ad descriptions contradict itself. Especially regarding the ads, sometimes the assistant haven't even seen the MM and they just make up the details, and/or sometimes just take the ad for a previous girl and do a partial edit.

I've actually had to talk to some keepers before about how their assistants are flushing their businesses down the toilet.

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发表于 2014-9-12 06:30:32 | 显示全部楼层
Ben2009 发表于 2014-9-12 03:26
By the way, I wanna call out Dr TomSiu to try her. I highly recommend. I think you will love her. If ...

I wanna call out Dr TomSiu to try her ~~~~ Holly holly.

In 10 days I have 诗 3 times [you can check it out with Timmy]
Next day 10th (Wed) I have Victoria = The 4th in 11 days.
Holly holly. Make it five ....... in less than 2 weeks.

龍兄 .... Any 龍鞭肉湯 leftover for me ....

Ben 兄 ... If no long line I'll go again today or tomorrow. Make it 5 in 2 weeks. My most strikes in recent years. 死就死啦.


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发表于 2014-9-12 06:53:14 | 显示全部楼层
Uncle Tom , why have to mention C in every comment .
Enough uncle , 是不是老人家特别愛唠唠叨叨,碎碎念.
耳耳哦哦.. 受够啦..  No more C 1000 time or 10k time enough ...,
Haha , morning morning all the uncles .

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发表于 2014-9-12 07:03:11 | 显示全部楼层
theone 发表于 2014-9-12 06:53
Uncle Tom , why have to mention C in every comment .
Enough uncle , 是不是老人家特别愛唠唠叨叨,碎 ...

Uncle Tom , why have to mention C in every comment . ~~~~ No more la.
I sunk to V now. If this Kitty good. Then, I would have very busy to mention K V la [No more C la]
見怪, 見怪 ... morning morning all the 重炮s.

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发表于 2014-9-12 07:26:34 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-9-12 10:15:13 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for review

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