
楼主: havingfun

Nana @ Purple Star (subpar service)

发表于 2014-9-9 10:47:41 | 显示全部楼层
tomsiu 发表于 2014-9-9 04:09
incall Full Service, everything is rushed through, .... If you are ok with that ...

Wong Sir, Of  ...

Its very nice for Havingfun bro letting us know what happened, so that everyone will be cautioned that this may happen to everybody.
This is as annoying as if the MP keep answering the phone making appointments when the other hand is trying to jerk you off and when you complain she just said she will give you discount of $10 to compensate for that!
This is why the goddesses are still around and people queing for their service and some other mms just come and go or disappeared.
And I agreed to what I just wrote 100%


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发表于 2014-11-3 13:13:53 | 显示全部楼层
慕名很久,這個論壇已有很多正面的review.所以上星期六特意探訪.先打個电話問一問Nana是否上班及忙著,答案不忙,那便立刻飛去.去到有另一位小姐開門及接待,樣子很面熟 (很像Cherry,做全套的mm,現在冇做),也不錯. 忘記問名字.她帶我去了一個少房間等,等了一會,Nana也未來.因為看了樓主佈告,心想可能有排等,正想離開,伊人便到.其實也只是等了約五分鐘,還可接受.樣子及服務各方面都跟其他兄弟說的差不多,不多說, 三個字: 非常好.

我已沒有去spa很久, 五,六年了,以前百二蚊冇咁多嘢玩, body slide, pussy slide, 波推. 小弟個人很緊張,又靚女當前,未到戲肉,已沉船. Nana嬌俏地說: 「咁快嘅,都未pussy slide 及波推」.冇辦法啦,只是太新鮮,太刺激了. 然後Nana便叫我澡換衫,她轉頭再回來. 弄好後便拿定錢等她回來送我走.怎知我比錢時,她主动收少二拾.我當然歡喜,promise 她我会再回去的.走前還給我飲品及朱古力,補充体力.

我只是想把我的經驗說出, 樓主的遭遇可能只是冰山一角, 我绝对相信Nana是一個遷就顧客的好骨女.

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发表于 2014-11-3 21:17:38 | 显示全部楼层
Man that's some terrible service. I feel for you OP. I never tried Nana, but I also had a similar experience at another spa. It seems like the spa industry is much less friendly than escort services.... They always seem rushed to finish you off.

I heard Nana is really beautiful, but I also read quite often that she rushes customers like this. I guess she is so busy that she doesn't really care about losing a few customers.

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发表于 2014-11-6 07:44:44 | 显示全部楼层
jays 发表于 2014-11-3 21:17
Man that's some terrible service. I feel for you OP. I never tried Nana, but I also had a similar ex ...

You should take a look of the new review of Nana. I had almost the same experience except BBBJ. You should try by yourself instead of listening to others and YMMV.

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