
楼主: havingfun

Nana @ Purple Star (subpar service)

 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-7 14:39:04 | 显示全部楼层
Like I said first thing at the beginning, YMMV, and this only reflects my opinion, It is not my intent to defame Nana's or Purple Star reputation or anything.  But I can certainly share my own thoughts and experience.

After all, this is service-oriented industry, and I understand sometimes you don't get the expectation that you want after reading all the nice reviews because YMMV.  That said, I think I can make my own judgement whether an overall service is good or on-par, or sub-par.

Let's keep in mind, I have called in to book my time beforehand, I have arrived promptly, I agreed to pay whatever I need to pay as well.  Yet, the whole process is rush, rush and rush because I am an average joe and there is next customer.

Yes, it seems that I got $20off from Nana, did I ask that? No, I didn't. I rather have been treated nicely with all the smiles and no rush, and pay that $20.

If Fuckme and others want to pay $20 less, and be treated like with no smiles and rush, they can certainly tell them in advance that they want no massage and rush it all the way through.

And if someone tells me to come back for 10~15min massage later the day, and I actually went back, then why not ask me to wait and put me in as a priority?   

Overall, for me, I think I have done nothing wrong.  

I don't think I will reply this post anymore, because there is no point.

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发表于 2014-9-7 15:55:21 | 显示全部楼层
I don't see Havingfun has done anything wrong here. He shares his experience with us. IMHO it's quite informative.

What's wrong is he going back to get back the time the lady promised??? I really don't get it. Is something wrong with how we value things? At least, Havingfun has trust on others,  this quality is diminishing in our society. Please don't say he's stupid or ON9

Keep up the good work, Havingfun.

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发表于 2014-9-7 18:21:51 | 显示全部楼层
Havingfun, may I ask how old you are? You seem to me like a young man who thinks of things too naively.

I could understand frustration if things went almost entirely bad. But here you had positives and negatives which to me balances out. Service was rushed but you got a discount which at least shows that Nana at least tried to make amend for it. Nana didn't pretend she like but pretending to like you is not part of the service as long as she didn't give you a black face then she did nothing wrong. You got really good service from an extremely attractive girl and you are still complaining? Nana is one of the best looking MM in all the Chinese spas across Toronto. Try finding one better looking than her. She even licked your balls, a service that is rarely performed by other spa MMs. And you are still complaining?

Young man, 得些好意需回手. You win some and you lose some. If you go to a restaruant when it is packed and many people are waiting for tables, the service may not be as good and server may even give you the bill before you ask for it. That is normal. The world doesn't revolve around you and you need to learn to take other people's concerns into consideration too.

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发表于 2014-9-7 18:25:44 | 显示全部楼层
havingfun 发表于 2014-9-6 08:19
I paid $40+$60.  I'm okay with paying $60 to Nana for her extra service because that's the norm, b ...

No the norm is not $60 but $80 for extra service which would not even including a boob fuck and licking balls. In other words you would have paid more for less service anywhere else. And the girl would most likely not be anywhere close to being as pretty as Nana.

Even further, other girls would have rushed to get to the next customer too. That is normal practise across the industry. If other girls didnt rush that is because they don't have as many customers because they are not that highly in demand. Nana is highly demanded because she is hot and her service is amazing. She even offered you a discount as concilliation. As far as I can see, you got a great deal already

This is the real word for you, not your idealistic "this is what it should be in a perfect world that revolves around ME".


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发表于 2014-9-7 19:05:53 | 显示全部楼层
HK169 发表于 2014-9-7 18:21
Havingfun, may I ask how old you are? You seem to me like a young man who thinks of things too naive ...

This really has nothing to do with his age.
You can say he is probably inexperience, and some of the things are the "norm" as you call it, which I have to say is true.
Usually spa like these are cutting corners, you pay 30 minutes, you usually get like 25, sometimes 20ish...
While that is the norm, I don't think when someone is not happy with that, should end up getting attacked here.

When Nana gave him discount, should make sure he knows he is getting a discount for his shorted time.
And OP should say he came back to pay $20 for his shorted time, not to expect it to be free, if the above mentioned discount was clear to him.
OP should have asked why he is paying less for the service, don't just question the lack of service but say nothing when Nana charged less.
If you go buy something, the cashier charged you less, you should say something and pay for the actual amount instead of just giggle and left or thinking they charge you less is their choice and has nothing to do with you, usually the cashier will be paying for it at the end of the day.(sometimes would lose their job because of it)

This one is a miscommunication, if taking a step back and look at the entire thing, OP is shorted of time but compensated with the discount. Nana did provide rushed service but loses money because of that. So everything evens out and we should all just leave it at that.

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发表于 2014-9-8 00:23:59 | 显示全部楼层
fuckme 发表于 2014-9-7 10:01
馬笑兄,簡短寫出樓主所收到的服務是我特意二胡拉出笛子調,是看不過眼有人對於Nana的extra,竟然說他會 ...

我想 Nana 原意亦是如此,交足功課之餘樓主20分鐘出貨,見尚有時間覺得唔好意思或者樓主呱呱嘈所以小收$20算數,叫樓主番轉頭整多15分鐘按摩相信是客氣說話,始料不及是樓主真係調頭話唔該我要按摩,相信Nana一係激死一係笑死,假如你問我,見微知著,時下新一代(我相信樓主比較年青),哀莫大於心死,如斯 EQ, 點行走江湖?

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发表于 2014-9-8 06:32:17 | 显示全部楼层
HK169 发表于 2014-9-7 18:21
Havingfun, may I ask how old you are? You seem to me like a young man who thinks of things too naive ...

“Young man 得些好意須回手……………..The world doesn't revolve around you and you need to learn to take other people's concerns into consideration too.”
Well said.

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发表于 2014-9-8 07:14:57 | 显示全部楼层
Masiu 发表于 2014-9-8 00:23
回呢個帖,其實有感慨,時下一般新狼年青一代竹昇,文化差異大,出嚟玩處處求 ...

早一日已經一單引狼入室俾人偷錢偷手機, 床板夾春袋嘅瘀事竟然搬上論壇求助, 唔敢報警, 已經是笑話一則. 今次Nana推搪說話又唔識聽, 戇直無倫, 原來旁觀者有幾個都係人情世故眉頭眼額青嫩得可怕, 忠言逆耳, 你我今後亦無謂多口同人教仔嘞.

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发表于 2014-9-8 09:29:09 | 显示全部楼层
Masiu 发表于 2014-9-8 00:23
回呢個帖,其實有感慨,時下一般新狼年青一代竹昇,文化差異大,出嚟玩處處求 ...


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发表于 2014-9-8 09:46:39 | 显示全部楼层
Everyone can have his own way of valuing stuffs, it has nothing to do with age, race, naiveness or whatsoever.

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